View Full Version : 15K service...how much you paid for??

08/24/2004, 10:45 AM
I just called a local Isuzu dealer (Fitz @ white Flint/N. Bethesda) and they told me it will be $454 and they do not offer loaner for a day. the discounted rate for a loaner is $30....:madg2: :mado:
I searched this forum and I saw someone paid $230..
so what's right price for 15K service???
If I'm somewhat mechanically inclined person, I will do it by myself but....

08/24/2004, 10:52 AM
Gebhart Isuzu in Boulder, CO. charged me $370 for mine. I just had it done 3 weeks ago....

08/24/2004, 02:22 PM
$454 seems a bit high, IMHO. I cant remember what I paid but it was in the $200-300 range.

Depending on whether you consider your dealership's service dept. a good shop or not, you may want to let them do at least some of the work. A good relationship can go a long way when it comes to borderline past- warranty work when they could do some freebie work here and there. Like I said, depends if you got a good shop or not.

Make sure the work done is according to the VX manual and not just the generic Isuzu 15K list. And if you do it yourself, keep ALL your receipts.

Raque Thomas
08/24/2004, 02:28 PM
Way high! Write down or copy the list out of your manual - tell them you want a quote to do exactly what's on the list, minus the oil change (take it somewhere less expensive for that). They are typically charging you for a lot of things that you don't need done, or you can do yourself (checking wiper blades, lubing the door hinges, etc). The 15K, 30K, etc services are a Profit (capital P on purpose) center for the dealers! Should come in $200 or under.

08/24/2004, 02:35 PM
That's way too high. I paid $530 for a Major (30K, 60K, etc.) service which includes much more. Minor (15K,45K, etc.) service should be between $200 - $300 tops.

08/24/2004, 02:41 PM
thanks guys...
I called another dealer where I usually go for warranty services, they told me it's $265. Then I asked a service adviser that I know VX manual has different items compare to typical 15K, he told me that's not possible....sigh.....
I might take her to local shop (friend of mine works there) and do all oil changes and keep receipts.

08/24/2004, 03:00 PM
Get a copy of the VX manual page that has the 15K work listed.