View Full Version : talk about bad lucj

Francesco Rizzo
10/28/2004, 11:58 AM
I bought the AeroTurbine exhaust for my truck on eBay and saved about a hundred bucks on the muffler, but that was about the last good thing to happen. I then rushed my truck to the local Midas in Daytona and I should have known by how poor the place looked that the service would not be so up to par. Anyway, 3 visits and 1 3/4 inch exhaust piping made of Swiss' finest cheese smothered with muffler glue later I decided to call the GM of Midas to ask if he could have problem(s) taken care of at another location. He of coarse agreed and directed me to Ormond Beach Midas which did an excellent job.. if you overlook the fact that the exhaust was welded in backwards.. They replaced the 1 3/4 inch pipe.. or whatever pipe the previous place used to install the exhaust and replaced it with a stock 3 inch exhaust, having added a resonator and a new resonated, stainless steel tip. The thing now is that the exhaust has been installed and redone so many times that there's no more metal lip left to weld the exhaust

I called the GM again, but wasn't in so I still have to speak with him.... so do I:

a: have them refund my 80 bucks for having accomplished nothing

b: hope that a fifth visit is the all I need to fix the problem

c: live with the 80 bucks gone and let the loss make the up for saving 100 bucks then go to a new place

Francesco Rizzo
10/28/2004, 10:39 PM
WAY TO GO MIDAS.. The GM for the state of Fl. wil be installing the muffler himself, maybe it wil be done right on the 5th try...

That would come to $82 spent for about 7 hours of labor... So much for time off from work

10/29/2004, 06:20 AM
I went to Midas first to have muffler installed. and they said it was impossible.

Francesco Rizzo
10/29/2004, 11:27 AM
well, the one in Ormand Beach, Fl has a bit of experience, the dude did a really good job and I now have the resonator in there. I thinks it's packed with fiberglass or something, but anyway, it's going to take about 800 miles to break in so hopefully it'll quiet down a lil more in the accel. There is absolutely no noise, witht he exception of the TOD, at speed above 55 unless I give it gas, in which the truck lights up. I installed the resonator right after the muffler.. no where else to place it.
