View Full Version : LEGALIZE IT! Anyone else?

11/02/2004, 03:18 PM
Is Alaska the only state trying to legalize pot this election? Every 2-4 years we vote on this, just curious if anyone else tries. This time around they are trying to "Tolerate and Tax" (for adults over 21) which I believe is an excellent way to go about it since this "War on Drugs" is obviously not working.

However most people will just vote NO just because the gov't/media says it's illegal (and there must be a reason behind that). I hate ignorant people which seems to be a majority. Most people have no idea what this would do for our state (which is hurting for $) and have "pot is bad" drilled into their head soo deep they don't even bother looking into it and just vote NO. I swear if people who didn't know what they were voting on, didn't vote, this would pass.

I'm thinking this year will be a 40/60 split... but "I HAVE A DREAM"

I guess I just had to let you know and am curious if anyone else tries this.

11/02/2004, 03:32 PM
if it will benefit Bush's pocket I am sure he would be for it....

I bet he would legalize it...then take away funding for it.

11/02/2004, 03:46 PM
The government should definitely legalize all narcotics, then regulate and tax it. All the illegal growers and traffickers would be completely undercut and put out of business, the government would make a bundle and all users could be tracked and monitored.

11/02/2004, 04:38 PM
I am definitely anti-drugs, but I have heard in depth the same sort of proposal that Joe is talking about, and I tend to agree that it would be the most efficient approach. It would zap the obscene profits out of it and put a lot of dealers out of business. Tell that to a lot of the anti-drug crowd though and they will look at you like they just saw your head spin around all the way.

AlaskaVX, I know what you mean about blind ignorance. There are, for example, a few amendments up for a vote here in the Florida that will almost certainly pass solely because they sound good, and taken at face value, no one would vote against them. Most people probably won't dig a little deeper.

11/02/2004, 06:52 PM
here's your man. he's on the ballot in 49 states.


11/02/2004, 08:22 PM
Ralph Nader and David Cobb are also both for legalization of medical marijuana, hemp, or similar initiatives.

I agree with what several people have mentioned - I've always believed that we spend way too much money trying to fight the "war on drugs". We could save a lot of money, plus make some if we were to legalize and tax the sale of certain drugs like marijuana. All that extra money could be used for better things, such as education or homeland defense.

11/02/2004, 11:51 PM
yes! so i heard tonight that MJ was legalized in alaska. not soo many ignorant people after all! woo hoo!


11/02/2004, 11:54 PM
okay, well i just looked at my last post and realized it made me look like a pot head, even though i never even tried the stuff. i just realize the benifits from legalizing it, rather than fighting it. :cool:

11/03/2004, 12:03 AM
Yeah, I agree with ya. I voted yes on measure 33, here in Oregon.

11/03/2004, 04:13 AM
I just never understood how someone could go have a beer, light up a cigar or pipe, but be arrested for lighting a joint. If you look at the industrial purposes for hemp, it would boggle everyones minds. Also, anthropologically, we have already been using forms of cannabis since well before any language, civilization, or laws- cave man ala abooga booga times. If I had the choice, I probably wouldnt drink at all. 3 weeks ago I found a joint in one of our test areas here on Marshall Space Flight Center. Laying 15 feet from a cryogenic experiment! I told my buddies, "somebody must be a rocket man". kick in the Elton John track. Or heres another good one. somebodys on their own "return to flight initiative" LOL:p

11/03/2004, 04:25 AM
I don't agree with the recreational use of narcotics, but fully understand that people are going to find ways to indulge in whatever they want to. As a Taoist my general view is "do what you will but do no harm". Narcotic/alchohol abuse is one of the most destructive forces we know since it preys on the vulnerabilities of the human psyche. Perhaps legalization would not only destroy the criminal element but provide the resources to deal with those who have descended into substance abuse. Essentially, this is the "prohibition" of our generation. And much like technology, science, information and other things modern it is much more pervasive than alcohol ever was.

If the government basically began growing and producing narcotics, on state owned and operated farms and facilities, the economic and social impacts would be extensive and positive. The thought of what it would do to the criminal elements of the industry is particularly satisfying! It'd be hard for them to compete against a product manufactured with strict quality control that's available over the counter at your local pharmacy.

11/03/2004, 05:57 AM
Free the herb. Period. I know if some shady government group decided to make C8H10N4O2 (caffeine) illegal I would not be able to cope! ;Db;
We all have our drug of choice so lets not act like we can choose for everyone else what is right. I am sick of laws that save me from myself.
/rant off

11/03/2004, 07:55 AM
I think for certain people legalising pot would take some of the fun out of it, I used to think of it as a somewhat rebellious hippy kind of thing but do not see it any more harmfull than other currently legal drugs.

It makes sense to me to legalise, tax and regulate its use for all the reasons stated in this thread but then again would that open the door for more serious recreational drugs? i dont know.

I do have a friend who suffers from MS, she doesnt like to smoke but cooks with it because of its medicinal effect....it works better than synthetic drugs, is without side effects and is much more natural, Oh and i've never had a bad meal there :)

I'm waiting for our Dutch member to chip in here but its been legal in Holland for as long as i can remember, and dutch people are pretty relaxed about it and pretty much everything else for that matter!! Visiting a coffee shop for a coffee and a joint is often more preferable than going to a bar and drinking alcohol.

For people who drive under the influence, i beleive they have a test now that is a swab wiped across the forehead that will show of someone is under the influence and to what extent. Havent heard of it being used though.


11/03/2004, 08:17 AM
MJ has been legalized in a number of states for "medical" use in the past. Alaska is not the first. However Federal laws over weigh the state laws and can still be enforced by federal agencies (DEA) so you will be hard to find any doctor willing to chance losing his liscense to prescribe it.

11/03/2004, 08:25 AM
Originally posted by LITTLELAURIE
Yeah, I agree with ya. I voted yes on measure 33, here in Oregon.

I voted against Measure 33. I would rather have it leagalized and regulated legally than just make it more abundant for medical useage only.

11/03/2004, 10:01 AM
Im surprised someone in Alaska hasn't replied with, "I'll smoke to that!" LOL:p

11/03/2004, 10:39 AM
That's because it was defeated. Pot still must be smoked in basements and forests across the state. Oh, and the Forest Fair, and the bluegrass festivals, and at alyeska on the quad with the bubble down...;)

11/03/2004, 12:09 PM
OH yeah, can't beat the bubble!
right now the count is at
56.67% No
43.33% Yes to tolerate and tax

Not bad numbers, hope this opens the eyes of some of the "ignorant" people.

11/03/2004, 04:36 PM

11/03/2004, 04:48 PM
Huh? ruxpin that statement goes both ways, what are you saying?

11/03/2004, 05:27 PM
I'm sayin' people need to leave each other alone a bit. Some wiggle room ya' know. It is an off the rack world, people are what they are, who is anyone to tell another, who or what should come and go from their own bodies. Give it away... infinitely cheaper,ultimatly less social impact... as always, given time, water will find its own level. Just the old Yippie in me.

11/05/2004, 12:14 PM
You mean pot is illegal ?!!!!!


11/05/2004, 12:16 PM
I actually have no opinion on this ... is that even possible?

11/05/2004, 01:24 PM
First off let me start by saying I've never tried marijuana in my life.

As a doctor, I get this question alot: "Cigarettes or marijuana, which is worse?". Well, to be totally frank about it, the adverse effects of tobacco both on general health and in pregnancy have been documented time and time again in the medical literature. Marijuana, on the other hand, does in fact contain certain toxic chemicals, but nowhere near approaches the numbers of cigarettes. It does in fact cause (what psyche docs call) "chronic ambivalence" in the medical literature, as well as muscle relaxation (why people with MS use it) and increased appetite (why some cancer/AIDS patients use it).

As far as drugs go, cannabis is by far not the most harmful one-UNLESS IT IS MIXED WITH OTHER HARMFUL AGENTS-here in CT I see alot of kids mixing with PCP and even Embalming fluid to potentiate the high. This is when marijuana becomes lethal. I believe if marijuana were legalized and regulated, at least some governing body could control what goes into the drug. There are very few cases of overdosing on cannabis alone, but this number gets much bigger with mixing of marijuana and other drugs. My view: legalize it, regulate it, tax it heavily, use the extra money to fund anti-drug education initiatives. Just my $0.02.

11/05/2004, 02:37 PM
I don't personally use it but, lets not forget the Religious value of what is commonly known as, Herb, Ganga, Sensai Mania, Cannabis, Weed, Pot, Marijuana, Hydro, etc. Rasta Farians use it as part of one of their rituals of meditation to reach a higher level of conciousness when communicating with God.
How could that be a Bad thing?

11/05/2004, 07:13 PM
Originally posted by Medman
There are very few cases of overdosing on cannabis alone

Correction. There are exactly 0 cases of anyone overdosing on cannabis alone. There is no lethal dose. The worst that would happen if you smoked or ingested too much is you'd fall asleep for a long time. And probably wake up with the munchies.

I don't use marijuana myself, but growing up I had a number of good friends that did. There is certainly a psychological effect to chronic use. Those who went overboard didn't tend to do much with their lives. But I wonder if, even in the absense of marijuana, if these folks would ever have aspired to be very successful. On the other hand, I know several people who still use it fairly regularly who have done fairly well for themselves, so that tendency can certainly be overcome.

I'm of the opinion that if someone wants to smoke marijuana or drink alcohol or shove hot peppers up their nose, as long as they aren't hurting others it's their own business.