View Full Version : Smart SUV

11/05/2004, 10:33 AM
For al you Smart fans in the US.: this SUV is in the making>


11/05/2004, 11:10 AM

11/05/2004, 04:32 PM
i went to italy about 5 years ago now, wow time is flying, anyhow my pops and i saw the origanal smart car, loved it, and tried to import it. there were numerous promblems, we were told we had to do crash tests and that it wouldnt be legal based on regulation in the us...blah blah blah. anywho, we gave up on importing and so we just grew a fasination for the vx because its similar qualities.(2 door, small, unique, fun) and i gt my VX about 6 months ago, and just recently my pops bought one as well.
well, now the smart car is going to be available in the us. its a pretty neat car. i remember it costed 6K new in italy, but with tariffs, it will probably cost around 10K here. if this suv they are making is available in the US, it might be tempting to get. its a good looking car.

11/05/2004, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by marximus
with tariffs, it will probably cost around 10K here 12k :(

11/07/2004, 03:03 PM

ya, :rolleyes: thats the way it goes. doesnt seem worth it. its no bigger than my ATV, less powerful, and 6 times as much... :rotate: :rotate: :rotate:

11/07/2004, 08:25 PM
I love this concept art... I would definitely buy it for 12K if it got really good gas mileage... Style has always been my favorite thing about a vehicle and I don't need a bunch of useless horsepower for my commuter vehicle...


11/08/2004, 08:34 PM
i wasnt talking about this smart suv, i was referring to smart's original car, tiny thing, which will be for sale soon in the U.S. Who knows how much this suv is gonna cost.:rolleyes:

11/08/2004, 09:01 PM
The little SmartCar is called the ForTwo. It's about 8 feet long. Tiny. Definitely not 12k of car.

12/02/2004, 02:20 PM
i agree 100%. its a neet car, but its almost like they are selling a golf cart for 12k. heck, i got my VX for 13k, much beeter buy.;Db;

12/02/2004, 03:11 PM
Yeah, we need another SUV in this country... we don't have much of a selection here. Now that little roadster...

12/03/2004, 07:46 AM
Can it compete on the 250CC circuit? bwahahahahahaha.....


12/03/2004, 02:06 PM
Essen Motorshow was last week Brabus had a new one:







It's called the Ultimate 101 (cause it's got 101HP)

THey're only gonna make 101 of them.

Get this: THEY COST $ 69.000,00 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12/04/2004, 07:02 AM
love it, but 69,000!? I just swallowed my gum! YEEOWW

12/04/2004, 01:07 PM
For all you people considering buying one of those red things,

I hope you like the way it looks, because its what you'll be buried in if you get in a serious accident.

12/04/2004, 03:23 PM
I hope you like the way it looks, because its what you'll be buried in if you get in a serious accident.

He has a point there. Heck, they look like they've already been squished.

12/06/2004, 02:16 PM
Get the 2005 mini cooper convertible instead!