View Full Version : Ultimate Bose.. Suspension Upgrade?

Francesco Rizzo
11/10/2004, 09:10 PM
This is the ultimate answer for our short wheel base and off-road rally roots: and new Bose system.. Not a speaker unit that will eat up any winding from our innovative TOD systems, but rather a full look/feel/anticipate the road suspension. This thing is bad! I don't know anything about it except the few video's I've seen and what my v-tech, ricer buddy from a honda/accura site mentioned... check it out atBose (www.bose.com/learning/ project_sound/bose_suspension.jsp) and scroll down to the bottom right where the videos are. I doubt I can afford it, but I'm already saving up! You think we can do the same thing with bose that we did to the CarToon t-shirt dude?

I think the link is broken.. thry this:
www.bose.com/learning/ project_sound/bose_suspension.jsp

Francesco Rizzo
11/10/2004, 09:12 PM
try this last link (www.bose.com/learning/project_sound/bose_suspension.jsp) sorry, there was a problem in the paste

11/12/2004, 12:43 PM
I bet you can hook that up to your Bose Amp and get your car to jump to the beat.

"Champagne makers should not make beer, Just as Beer makers should not make Champagne"

Think Bose should stick to speakers.

11/12/2004, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by Mr. I-MAN

Think Bose should stick to speakers.

Actually... I saw a quazi-review on this system in a magazine a few months ago. They said it was as close to a proactive suspension system (rather than reactive) as anyone has ever come.