View Full Version : Back-up Bashers

11/13/2004, 12:33 AM
Alright, how many of you have backed into something with your VX?

I did after only 4 days of ownership. I had never caused an accident before that in 10 yrs.:mad:

11/13/2004, 12:55 AM
I've not backed into anything, and find the side mirrors very usefull. However, I know others have, so this post should be interesting...

11/13/2004, 04:28 AM
About a month after I owned it and had just become "comfortable" using ONLY the mirrors I backed very lightly into a 3 foot tall post I had NO way of seeing. It was very soon after that I added on the VanEyes, now I can see anything like that and back pretty much right up to it with no problems.


11/13/2004, 05:19 AM
I know someone who backed into a tree during a wheeling trip...but I won't mention his name!;eeky; ;Dy;

(and no it wasn't me)

11/13/2004, 06:20 AM
OK... pole for me... three to four footer... bad thing is that I deliberately pulled into a space at work during training... it wasn't a space but I made it one... we had over a hundred extra cars so spaces were few and far between. Anyway, instead of backing into the space, I pulled forward into it AROUND the pole... well, I forgot that there were three poles there when I left... saw two of the poles and went for broke... just as I knew I was clear of the TWO poles... I took my foot off the brake and reached for the gas... SLAM! I saw stars! It didn't help matters that my head rests were out of the car for monitor install... OUCH! Can you say self inflicted WHIPLASH?!?!?!

Anyway, that is my wonderful story... at least I know I'm not the only one!


Coach... I mean Randy (I often forget who I really am) ;)
http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/406banner.jpg (http://www.geocities.com/ironmanvx2000)
Undergoing LS1 Conversion as we speak!
Click Image to Visit My Website!
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Bill Brown
11/13/2004, 09:19 AM
I rubbed the passenger rear side of my VX against the side of the garage door frame when backing into the garage one afternoon. A neighbor caught my attention and I should have stopped, but hindsight is 20-20 vision. Fortunately, no damage, just paint from the door frame across the red rear passenger sidelight that took some elbow grease to remove.

11/13/2004, 09:25 AM
I was backing out of a parking spot and someone pulled in behind and stopped to let someone out of their car and I bumped them. Does that count?

11/13/2004, 12:44 PM
Walked into the garage wearing sunglasses, got in, and proceded to drive through the garage screen.... no damage... except to the $600 screen..... does that count??

11/13/2004, 01:07 PM
ruxpin thats a great one, I'm still laughing (not at you but the story) I've been lucky so far, Installed VanEyes right off the bat after searching this forum. Thanks all ! ! !

11/13/2004, 05:58 PM
I had some Mexicans in a beater run into the back of me while I was in San Diego(Northern Mexico) at a Grocery store parking lot and I was not even moving.

They saw the VX and thought I had lots of $ and thought they could run into me, claim they were all hurt and get their P.O.S fixed a little in the process.

I didn't have even a scratch on the VX and their car was full of rust and dents. But, the insurance people said that it was my fault because I was backing up, even though I was not even moving. They took away my Good driver discount of $200 for every 6 months and raised my premiums for 2 years. They said that I was one person, no witnesses, but they were 12 people(packed in like refried beans)...so they took their word instead of mine even though the people didn't have a citizenship or insurance.

What is USA turning into??...but, with people re-electing Bush into office even though the stupid ashinine things he openly does and the stuff he tries to secretly do...I can understand this country is full of mentally disturbed Barney lovers who sleep with middle eastern butt buddies who hate Americans just because of what country they are from and want to kill them and do not care who you are. That is what happened on 911...a money deal gone sour for Bush and they took it out on the country...Bush got scared and let Bin Laden's family leave the country out of fear and he thought that nothing else would add to the damage.

11/13/2004, 09:41 PM
Pulled into a parking space with cement filled poles 2 feet high,when I was leaving I forgot and pulled forward slowly cracking my left turn signal lens and housing=$68 :waag:

11/14/2004, 06:37 AM
I know someone who backed into a tree during a wheeling trip...but I won't mention his name!
Thanks for not mentioning any names, T. I already fessed up on another thread.

Another one: On our 1st Box Canyon trip I bonked a big rock backing up. My dad was riding shotgun that day and we had to turn around in this narrow slot canyon when we discovered the road had washed out. Dad was back there spotting me while I backed up. He was shouting "Good... good... keep coming..." Then, CRUNCH! "Okay... That's far enough!" :laughg:

I gave my first battle scar to VXcaver while riding with my dad, and that's a good memory. It's all about having some fun with it.

11/14/2004, 03:04 PM
I backed into a BMW Z3 a couple months after I got it.

No damage to the VX, but a new $1800 hood replacement for the BMW.


11/14/2004, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by SPAZZ
What is USA turning into??...but, with people re-electing Bush into office even though the stupid ashinine things he openly does and the stuff he tries to secretly do...I can understand this country is full of mentally disturbed Barney lovers who sleep with middle eastern butt buddies who hate Americans just because of what country they are from and want to kill them and do not care who you are. Watch it, man. I'm of Middle Eastern descent. Read your post again... it sounds to me like you "hate [them] just because of what country they are from." Careful not to be ignorant and hypocritical.

Bill Brown
11/14/2004, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by transio
Watch it, man. I'm of Middle Eastern descent. Read your post again... it sounds to me like you "hate [them] just because of what country they are from." Careful not to be ignorant and hypocritical.
I think Spazz was spazzing out.-Bill Brown

11/14/2004, 03:57 PM
I said Bush's middle eastern butt $ buddies....so, if you are one of those then I was talking about you...but, if you were not one of Bush's middle eastern butt $ buddies, then I was not talking about you.

11/14/2004, 04:11 PM
You said "this country is full of mentally disturbed Barney lovers who sleep with middle eastern butt buddies," which sounds like a general slur against middle-easterns.

Whether it was directed at the Bin Laden specifically family or the entire Middle East, it's incorrect. The Bin Ladens (excluding Osama's clan) don't hate America. They love us. They make too much money off us to hate us. And the average Middle Eastern person only hates us for taking their land away from them post-ww2 without reason, annexing palestine, including jerusalem - islamic holy land, arming Israel with enough weapons to overpower the rest of the middle east, manipulating leadership to usurp oil production, attacking sovereign nations without justification, and generally disrespecting their way of life and calling them evil.

Then again, most of the world has a general attitude of contempt for Americans for being closed-minded self-centered xenophobic twits. We really should do our best not to further that stereotype.

Raque Thomas
11/14/2004, 05:16 PM
Originally posted by SPAZZ
That is what happened on 911...a money deal gone sour for Bush and they took it out on the country...Bush got scared and let Bin Laden's family leave the country out of fear and he thought that nothing else would add to the damage.

Could you explain this statement please? I'd like to know the facts behind this.

nyc #1 ironman
11/14/2004, 06:00 PM
fire hydrant..

11/15/2004, 07:19 AM
Originally posted by nyc #1 ironman
fire hydrant.. Ouch! Did you break it?

nyc #1 ironman
11/15/2004, 07:23 AM
YEP !!!!,,,LOL,,,

11/15/2004, 08:14 AM
Backed into a parking space one night. There was a stack of bricks about 3ft high on the sidewalk behind teh space. I nubbed that and is left some scuff marks on my rear door cladding. Couldnt see the stack in my side mirrors since it was directly center to the VX. Being dark with no parking lot lighting didnt help either. No real damage, but it left it's mark on the cladding for sure. :(

Had to count this as "building" since "stack of bricks" is not there. ;)

Jolly Roger VX'er
11/15/2004, 03:58 PM
okay...I'm going to fess up here and admit something I've almost totally forgot about....

about 1 month after owning my VX and before using VanEyes, I decided to take her to work to show my co-workers and I was on steady night-turn...must have been sleep-deprived....just managed to back into a middle-sized tree that is adjacent to the end of my driveway...was in low range and "bumped" into the tree resulting in a cracked driver-side brake light and a "dinged" plastic rear bumper on driverside.

After removing the rear bumper cladding...I saw no damage behind plastic bumper....so "I" replaced brake light and rear bumper cladding....been good as new since! The bumper was reasonable but "ouch" the brake light assembly was 'spensive!

11/15/2004, 04:44 PM
do you recall what you paid for the rear bumper cladding?

Francesco Rizzo
11/15/2004, 04:46 PM
In my two years, I've backed up into two cars. First, a parked cavalier late one night whic I walked back into the bar to let them know what happened, and then the other just this month when my neighbor was backing out of a spot accross I was backing out of.. we met in the middle of the street! I've since installed a cam and already avoided a few crazed drivers speeding through parking lots, and a cart or two. No damage THANKS TO CLADDING!!! but did total 4 Thou to other cars at idle speed!

Jolly Roger VX'er
11/15/2004, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by ScottinMA
do you recall what you paid for the rear bumper cladding?

It's been 4 years...I think I paid around $400 for the bumper and
around $300 for the brake light assembly....I remember about $700 total in parts....but, I thought the bumper alone was going to be that much!

Also "whacked" a ring-necked pheasant resulting in a broken amber turn-signal lens on front end....surprised that a new lens from dealer was only $10.

11/16/2004, 03:19 AM
the rear door cladding cost more than any other piece of cladding on the VX!!!!!!!!!!!!!;eekp; I have a spare rear door cladding, rear bumper cladding, L & R door cladding, PR cladding, PF cladding and front bumper cladding. The rest I either sold or got destroyed in the roll over. I love having spares.;Dp;

11/16/2004, 04:02 PM
Backed into a small sapling in Uwharrie during the early going. No damage at all. Nothing since. Really don't see any problem with the rearward visibility of the VX any more - quite accustomed to it and no problems.