View Full Version : trip to the dealer...

11/24/2004, 06:19 PM
I had to take the truck into the dealer last Friday - a slight diff whine turned into loud clatter, clunking, and slippage within about an hour while doing some running around. I stopped by the service dept., but they were slammed and said they couldn't get to it until maybe monday, so I left, but because of the noise, etc., I decided I'd turn around and just leave it with them, and just walk the few miles home.

Well, now it's Wednesday, and I think a tech finally looked at it this morning. I called my service advisor this afternoon, and he said that they were only able to hear a slight grininding noise for a few seconds, and when they put air in a rear tire that was low, everything went away. I find it a stretch that when I came back in to the service department to drop it off it sounded like I had a bag of loose bolts in the front diff, and that a few pounds of air took care of everything. Also, the advisor told me that if I didn't shift the 4HI/4LO lever regularly, that it could cause problems as well. That sounded like crap to me, but I don't have experience with 4WD vehicles, so maybe its not.

I'm going to take a ride with the tech on Friday morning, so they can "try to duplicate the noise". I guess after reading a few of the "crappy service" posts, I'm starting to get a little worried about my dealership. I've only had it in one other time, for the tranny mod switch thing, and a 30K service, and I had a really good experience, but this service advisor is a real tool - and I think they are blowing smoke. Should I just pick it up Friday and find another dealer?

11/24/2004, 06:33 PM
4WD SHOULD be shifted into at least every few months to keep the linkage free and move things inside the transfer case. I met a buddy on one of my trips who in several years had NEVER shifted it into 4Low and it was very difficult to do so. Follow the instructions on the visor so you don’t grind the gears.

11/25/2004, 03:14 PM
Ditto... in 3 years I'd never put it in lo---never needed it...it was tough going in and getting it back out. WE don't have rocks or snow!

11/26/2004, 09:15 AM
Were your troubles at McKinzey Bond on Katy Frwy? Just curious-they just got a new service manager and I have wondered if things might go downhill, from past experiences, because of it.
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11/27/2004, 10:01 AM
Yeah, @ McKinzey Bond. There attitude and service were completely different than my first visit there. Have you heard anything bad about Texan/Champion on 290? I brought my Cougar to them a few times, and got decent service, but that was the Mercury side.

11/27/2004, 11:58 AM
Nope..have seen them but never been in
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