View Full Version : I am getting sick of this, anyone else have this problem??

12/01/2004, 04:37 AM
Well my Axiom is off to the dealer again for more warrenty work. This time it has to be towed almost 70miles since my local dealer closed this last summer. Today they are sending a flat bed to take it away to be repaired. This is the second time the transfer case selonoid has seized up locking the transfer case in 4 low. This really sucks because no matter what drive mode i choose i can only go 40mph in forth gear revving 4500rpms. I am seriously rethinking doing much more to my axiom in the way of power mods since i know it will void the warrenty. This Axiom has a hair over 11K miles on it and so far the dealer has replaced both drivshafts due to bad driveline vibrations, two tires that were flawed so bad they needed almost a half pound of weights to balance, and this will be my second transfer case selonoid in less than one year. So far the dealer has had my Axiom for almost two months worth of time to do repairs in about 1 1/2 years. Has anyone else experianced these problems on their VXs? Since the engines and drive line are pretty much identical i thought i would ask. Thanks in advance for any feedback you can give.:confused:

12/01/2004, 05:39 AM
Sorry to hear about that Mike! :( I've never had nothing but stellar track records from all my Isuzus over the past 20 years, but there's bound to be a few "problem children" with anything mass produced. Then again, with the increase of GM-sourced components in many of the last models it shouldn't be so surprising I guess.

Keep us updated, hopefully it turns out to be something simple and hopefully corrected more permanently. You may want to peruse Isuzu TSB's in the meantime, just in case there's an illiterate service manager involved. :confused:

12/01/2004, 07:49 AM
Hey Mike,

Sounds like a good excuse to find a good used VX!

-- John

12/01/2004, 08:08 AM
VX's and Axiom's are NOT same..NOT EVEN CLOSE... the VX is built on Trooper chasis...Axioms I have checked out and they are WAY WEEKER in build...more like on RODEO CHASIS... an Axiom could not take even close the beating a VX can.

But, yes I have had my VX in the shop for probably 6 months total time since April 2001 when I pulled it off showroom floor. Usually they say they can not warranty anything because I have MODIFIED the VX by installing an after market air cleaner, which voids everything... or that nothing is covered under warranty.

12/01/2004, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by SPAZZ
VX's and Axiom's are NOT same..NOT EVEN CLOSE...

Chassis isn't but the powertrain is. ;Dy;

12/01/2004, 03:45 PM
Never been to the dealer yet/ 18k miles:luck:

12/01/2004, 05:04 PM
So the Bull***** continues, Today i had it loaded on a flat bed and taken 60miles to my nearest dealer. The master tech inspected it and came to the conclusion that it was the same problem as last time but.....this is the fun part. Since this was repaired at Spradley in Fort collins last time ( which is no longer a service center or dealer) they told me they could not do the repairs and that the repairs had to be made by the orignal service center. Since Spradley is no longer an Isuzu dealer the tech had to call some big wig and ask for approval to work on my car.....the call was made at 10:00am this morning, no responce today. Without that approval he can not take a single bolt out. I am seriously getting sick of all this crap to get the work done covered by the warrenty.
As for the Axiom and the VX being similar i was only refering to the drivetrain with is almost identical i know the platforms are different thanks anyways. Another fun sidenote is the master tech which is the only one at that service center that can do the tranny/T-case work wont be back untill Monday so i get to pay for a couple extra days of rental car which is of course not covered by my piece of ***** warrenty.
I have always owned Fords and even thought i have had some problems they have always paid for a rental car when needed and been much eaiser to work with. I am truly repulsed by the service i continuly get from Isuzu and i can honestly say this is the last Isuzu i will ever buy.:confused:

Raque Thomas
12/01/2004, 06:43 PM
Sorry to hear you're having those problems with your Isuzu, and with your dealer. My dealer has been great to work with - the only possible knock I can give them is that they are so busy it takes a while to get on the schedule (they work on Hyundai's as well ;puke: ).

Back to your issue though - that sounds like total BS! You have a warranty & your problem is a warranty issue. The fact that it was repaired before and has the same problem is a non-issue (unless they are saying you caused the problem). The person that last repaired your vehicle was an authorized Isuzu warranty repair facility - it is not your problem that it needs the same repair again! They need to get you going and THEN worry about the back office crap!
I would call the owner of that dealership and tell him he needs to take of your issue immediately. The pass-the-buck deal is not your problem. Obviously that dealership that has gone out of business is not going to repair your car or stand behind its repairs. If they made a mistake - that is something that Isuzu needs to handle - it is NOT your problem.

12/01/2004, 08:17 PM
That is pretty much what i was thinking. But the service manager said if they do the repairs without the approval and then they end up not getting the approval then Isuzu will not pay the dealership for said repairs. AS i have stated before i am at the end of my rope on this one. Tomarrow i am going to tear someone at Isuzu costomer service an nice new ***** hole for this run around. If i can get up high enouth on the ladder something will get done and fast.:mad: :argue: :thumbdn:

Raque Thomas
12/01/2004, 08:49 PM
work with the dealer - not Isuzu. Isuzu has nothing to lose - the dealer has his reputation at stake. A dealer will normally protect his name and reputation if given the opportunity. You are NOT making an unreasonable request - you are only asking that your vehicle be repaired under the terms of the factory warranty. You are the customer - you bought a vehicle with the understanding that if it had certain issues within the warranty period, the manufacturer's dealer network would stand behind it. You took it to one of their authorized repair facilities - if they did not repair it to specs, IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT - it is the fault of Isuzu. Call the dealer Principal - tell him about your trials and tribulations. Tell him that you don't want to go to the media to get your problem resolved, but you will do what you have to do - you spent all of your money on a vehicle that you assumed would be backed by the dealer/manufacturer.
At this point, it doesn't matter that the dealer in question is not the one who sold you the vehicle - he is the dealer of record and the "responsible party" as far as everyone else is concerned. BE BOLD - DEMAND WHAT IS DUE TO YOU!!!!! You are the consumer(customer)

12/02/2004, 12:34 PM
its time like these that make having a lawyer in your pocket helps.

12/02/2004, 03:48 PM
I don't know where FT.COLLINS IS, so there is a good chance this will do you no good. Daytona Isuzu has been wonderful about each of my problems. In 14000 miles they have replaced 3 (!) 3 passenger side windows, one window surround molding, one driver side door molding, one hood insert, and I'm working on new wheels to replace the pitted, peeling ones I have. They,ve been so pleasant, cooperative, and accomodating that I am ready to just buy 0177 some really nice new wheels and forget about it. For all you central Fla. guys, if you are having problems, give them a call. Feel free to drop my name(wayne) AND ask for ROSIE (Roosevelt) he's a service manager. That,s the combination kids. I worked there for some time, and consider these folks friends.

don't try for anything outrageous, it won't work... but these are honest, fair people... from Chris the owner to the lot guy.


12/02/2004, 03:54 PM
I live in Fort Collins Colorado so thanks for the info but i doubt Isuzu will tow mw that far...:D still no word today on the approval no suprise there.

12/03/2004, 07:52 AM
Ya Morgan, hope you are enjoying your ISUZU. Welcome to the club of "Stepped On And Ignored By ISUZU" . I need to get mine in the shop still cause of a very slight whine in the tranny area. It either sounds like that, or it could simply be a loose washer tinging around. I must find out soon though. I just DREAD dealing with ISUZU.

Don't give in though. One day, witch hunts may be brought back and modernised. ;)

12/04/2004, 03:32 PM
Ironically, an acquaintance of mine just recently jumped on my case for saying something about burning witches. This is because there was a case where some teenage girls covered a dog with lighter fluid and lit it on fire. I called them little witches and said they should be likewise burned. That doesn't go over so well with someone who has went and decided she's going to be a witch herself. Don't ask - I have no idea - she says she's kinda sorta Wiccan but not really. Not my cup of tea.

12/06/2004, 07:27 AM
morgan-tec, which dealer are you at? Denver Isuzu? Gebhardt? I've had mixed experiences with both; I'd love to know who is giving you the trouble.


12/06/2004, 03:39 PM
I am dealing with Gebhart since they are closer to me and they are the only place Isuzu would tow my car. Here is a little update. I called Isuzu owner relations and chewed on someones ear enough to get a personal phone call from the reginal manager. He was very apologetic about my problems and promised to get me my cr by the end of the week at the latest and i will be getting a new T case and maybe tranny. So that was good news. He had no idea what i was talking about with the pending approval for corprate Isuzu so he got on the phone and got someone working on my car this nmorning. So it is time to wait again. I will keep you posted.

12/06/2004, 03:50 PM
More proof that you must never stop bitching to get Isuzu to do something. :rolleyes: It took me over a month of dealer visits and phone calls to get my wheels replaced.

12/09/2004, 05:22 PM
A little update, they got the shift motor and replaced it, but.....since the motor had a problem and was sending low voltage to the unit controller it fried the controller brain for the tranny and t-case. The dealer is paying to overnight the controller unit and i should have my wheels back tomarrow. A little side note, i was told that the orignal repairs made by my local dealer which is no longer serving Isuzu were the problem. When this happened last year they told me they replaced the shift motor and the fixed it, is truth they dropped the t-case and then reinstalled it, they never even took it apart. Then they billed Isuzu for parts and labor that never happened. If they were still an active dealer they would be in a law suit with Isuzu over warrenty fraud and negligent workmanship. Oh well at least i will hae my Ax back by the weekend.

12/11/2004, 09:46 AM
Well i got my wheels back and it is a better. This has been a pain in the ***** but i have to say i am very impressed with the service that i recieved from the tech that worked on my car and the serice advisor that i delt with at Gebhart. The controller problem was only discovered due to the techs attention to detail and him being almost as anal as i am. I have no doubt if i need any more work done i will take it to Steve at Gebhart Isuzu in Boulder, Co.