View Full Version : Alarm causing car not to turn over! Help

12/06/2004, 07:01 PM
Hello Vehicrossers (is that correct?)? I just purchased an Ironman yesterday and got it home after a long drive but now the car won't start. I am 100% sure it is the alarm system (there is a red light that says "Clifford" that is flashing and I tried resetting it according to the book but it still will not turn over. Does anyone know how to fix this or how to disable the thing? She is sitting at a shopping center and it is killing me that I can not get her home. Great start huh.......

12/06/2004, 07:20 PM

Off to kind of a rough start eh. It'll get better. As for the flashing red light named Clifford, thats my brother's dad's dead cousin...
Atleast he chose a decent vehicle to haunt.:D
Sorry I don't have a solution, hope someone else does.

Clifford???;wtf; Ldub

12/06/2004, 09:06 PM
not factory alarm....???:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
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12/06/2004, 09:16 PM
Sounds like you have an aftermarket alarm with a starter kill option. Try pulling the fuse, if you can trace it from the battery connection or disconnect the battery terminal completely for a couple of minutes. Sometimes, the alarm will reset itself once power is restored and you can be able to start your VX right up. However, if there is a back-up battery hidden, then you'd have to find the location of the battery and disconnect that too. If all else fails, call the Clifford support team the following morning. Good luck.

12/07/2004, 04:02 AM
I will try killing the power or making some calls this morning. I love this site. Thank you all for the help and humor, I needed both!

12/07/2004, 08:17 AM
Clifford alarms are usually pretty hard to over ride and pulling the fuse typically disables them more. Check for a valet switch or button under the dash that you can push/flip while the key is in the ignition. Unless it is the one with the coded valet switch that has momentary and lock on positions and a pattern programmed in. If the LED is solid, that usually means valet and it should start. Does the starter turn over the engine or just nothing?