View Full Version : Possible new locker choice

12/13/2004, 09:11 AM
Here is a LINK (http://www.4x4wire.com/forums/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=635582&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=14&fpart=1&vc=1) to a 4xWire post about the possibility of a Powertrax locker for both the 10 and 12 bolt Zu's! A LOT cheaper than the current choice (okay so at present there is no choice only ARB$$$$$$$$) we have. Front and rear Powertrax would be about the same as one ARB. Of course they are not selectable but would be a nice option for those of us that don't own a bank!

12/13/2004, 09:57 AM
also please remember that putting a non-selectable Locker in the front of an AWD vehicle with auto hubs is NOT going to work well on pavement.
(if at all)

12/13/2004, 09:25 PM
Lockers plus manual hubs would still be WAY cheaper than the ARBs. It would just be nice to have a less expensive option.

12/14/2004, 03:33 AM
is it possible to get a front locker with manual hubs and select free and the locker will not make both front wheels turn like locked??????

12/14/2004, 04:38 AM
Well, its early and I'm lazy... didn't read but the first page. The thread is over 10 pages long. There are still only two people on the list who are committing... what kind of price are we talking? What exactly is a non-selectable locker? I thought the idea of a "locker" was you could turn it on OR off... if its always on, isn't that a spool/mini-spool? Definitely not wanting something that can't be unlocked. I see stuff about 10 bolt this, and 12 bolt that... and the years seem to be anywhere from 90-98... what axle do we have anyway? Front? Rear? What is the cost of an ARB? Have we had ANY confirmation that we can get an ARB for the rear? Is it a matter of the rear third member or is it the axle housing? I know, lots of questions... I am hoping to get a set of lockers (front and rear) if possible before Moab.


Coach... I mean Randy (I often forget who I really am) ;)
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12/14/2004, 08:12 AM
Spazz, I was assuming that would work. Not having lockers though I don't know a lot about them. If I am wrong please correct and enlighten me.
Coach, non selectable lockers are different than a spool. A spool is engaged at ALL times, a non selectable locker only engages when slippage is sensed. However it does not engage when turning...or so I believe. Again if anyone knows how these things work and I'm wrong (I have been once or twice;Dy; ) please edgimicate me!:naughty:

Todd Adams
12/14/2004, 09:47 AM
Take this from someone with a bit of experience with all types of lockers and a VX owner that has had a front ARB in for years. You do not want to install a non-selectable locker in the front. In fact if you want to keep the street manners of your VX don’t put one in the rear either. Your vehicle already has a very good limited slip in the rear differential that you can lock up pretty well with a little hand brake.
I do my own work and have over the years installed a number of ARB’s as well as Lockrights in vehicles that I own or for friends. In dry weather non-selectable lockers are just annoying with the ratcheting they do in a turn. In slick conditions you have to learn how to control the vehicle all over again.
I would recommend to all of you that before you install any locker, go on a trail ride with some folks that have both types of lockers (If you are interested in going off road a lot join a club) and either ride or ask if you can drive their vehicle. Ask them about the handling on road especially in snow.
I know cost is a big issue for some. Keep in mind, because of the labor, installing the front locker in the VX is going to be expensive no matter which locker you put in. You have to figure if it is really worth installing lockers for the very few times needed. Take it from me that a winch is a better investment and the first thing you should install if you are going to be doing a lot of challenging wheeling. And yes you can hide one behind the front cladding as a number of us have done.

12/14/2004, 04:07 PM
An ARB you can "turn off"

The kind of locker they are talking about getting is a non selectable locker, which basically automatically engages if one wheel spins faster than another. While this a good thing offroad, it blows chunks while trying to pull into a parking space.

12/14/2004, 06:50 PM
A non-selectable locker doesn't sound like a good option to me if your gonna be doing daily driving and whatnot. I definitely think the ARB is the way to go... who does anyone recommend for a place to purchase the ARB? How much? Part number? Thanks in advance.

Green Dragon
12/14/2004, 07:42 PM
As one who used the ARB front locker extensively. I agree with TODD it is too expensive to buy & install & almost results in either front axle or CV joint breakage ( all on the passenger side)as the VX front end cannot take the strain. I have broken one axle & at least 3 CV joints since I installed the ARB locker. Yet I had previously made the Rubicon without it. I thought it would enhance the VXs off road ability but alas it caused me to spend more time under my VX on the trail then in it.

Been there done that.

12/14/2004, 09:33 PM
Thanks for all the info guys. I also think the ARB is the best bet. I will just have to save up and get the good stuff. Of course by then I'll probably just save a little more and do a 4 link SAS with a waggy D44!;Dy;