View Full Version : broken turn signal lever

- s a i n t -
12/30/2004, 10:26 AM
Hi Everyone-

I did a search but it came up empty.

Has anyone's turn signal lever ever just sorta broke and now hangs in place? Everything still works (blinkers, lights, dimmer) but the lever itself is now hanging down.

I called my local dealer and he said it would cost $242 for the part (lever and assembly inside the steering column) and $128 labor to fix it. I called St. Charles Isuzu Parts to see what their price would be but, unbelievably, their whole system had just gone down 5 minutes before I called so I couldn't get a price. I'll call 'em back later. In the meantime, I was just wondering if this strange thing has happened to anyone else. I was simply using the blinker for a lane change (not even engaging it all the way) when it simply just "dropped" down. It's still connected and, like I said, everything still works. However, you can't reach it with your hand on the steering wheel any longer and to put on the right blinker, you have to hold it and push up. Not necessarily the safest situation. My wife drives the VX a lot and I know she won't like to leave it "as is."

Thanks in advance for any information.
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- s a i n t -
01/15/2005, 10:43 PM
;eeko; Wow, 40 views and not one reply. I guess I'm on my own on this one! St. Charles Isuzu got back to me - their price is $206. Apparently, you have to buy the whole assembly which includes both steering wheel stalks (blinker stalk AND the windshield wiper stalk).

I guess I'll live with it until it just falls off. My wife said she's used to it already...

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Jolly Roger VX'er
01/16/2005, 01:30 AM
just an idea here...don't know how it would work on a VX...but, I had a '82 Pontiac Trans Am during the late '80s and early '90s and snapped the same-style turn signal lever (also had wiper controls too along with cruise and high beam) and I was able to repair it by using super-glue GEL (not watery like regular super-glue) and then wrapping black electrical tape around the "weld".

You didn't even notice the repair as the tape blended in well with the turn signal stem. It never broke for the rest of the time I owned it.

I see there is more choices as far as plastic repair goes now days...like plastic weld that has two tubes that squeeze out mixing agents simultaniously to add hardening agent to resin agent. Hope this helps!

P.S.---some VX'ers use black electrical tape on the shifter lever after changing to an aftermarket shifter because the square chrome sleeve gets removed. They comment on how well the tape looks. I think the same will apply to the turn signal lever too as it did for my previous ride!

- s a i n t -
01/16/2005, 11:39 AM
Thanks for the help - much appreciated.

I probably didn't explain things well. The stalk is not broken, something inside the column that keeps it upright broke and now it has sorta "rotated" out of position and will not stay where it's supposed to. When I say it's hanging there, I mean that the stalk has swung into a downward position. Just imagine if you could rotate your blinker so that instead of it being angled toward the steering wheel, it's angled toward the floor. I know - it's weird. I just can't believe this broke.

I'll most likely use it like it is until it breaks completely and then I'll have to spend the $400 to repair it.

Thanks again for the reply.
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Raque Thomas
01/16/2005, 04:12 PM
I don't know how "handy" you are, but seems like it would be wothwhile to take the plastic off around the steering column and see if something has maybe come loose or whatever. I've never had the column cover off, but it is normally just a few torx screws holding it in place. From your description, it doesnt; sound like it snapped, so maybe there is some sort of retainer....just a thought, as I said, I have not been in there!

01/16/2005, 06:28 PM
My suggestion would also be to take the housing apart. You may find the loose piece floating around in there and re-install it easily. The other option would be to check the salvage route and find a workable housing assembly to replace the defective one. Just a thouht or two since I have done way too much "Shade Tree Mechanics" to spend $400.00 for a tiny part which may be easily repaired with "sweat equity"

- s a i n t -
01/17/2005, 04:39 PM
Thanks for the "pep talk." I think I'll dive in and take a look. :)

- s a i n t -

01/17/2005, 06:24 PM
Saint- For used parts I've always had good luck with:


I've had my steering wheel housing apart for another reason, and it's not too hard. I don't remember what the signal looked like, but I bet it's not too bad to work on. Do you have a copy of the VX service manual on cd? If not, I'll burn ya one.

- s a i n t -
01/18/2005, 05:21 PM
Do you have a copy of the VX service manual on cd? If not, I'll burn ya one.

Well, that's awful nice of you. I don't have a copy anymore. I downloaded the manual a couple of years ago when someone posted it but, unfortunately, I couldn't open it on my Macintosh.

However, OS X is much more dynamic now than it was a couple of years ago and I'm always willing to give anything a shot so I'll PM you my address. Do you have a PayPal account so I can send you some money to cover the CD and shipping?

- s a i n t -

01/19/2005, 06:02 AM
Workshop CD only runs under Windoze or if you have a PC OS emulation program on the Mac. CD can also be downloaded from my site but must be burned to CD named the same as the folder that downloads. All orders from me also include that CD with 500+MB of VX info, pics and movies.

01/19/2005, 07:45 AM
Tone is right on the CD. Just for grins I tried to run it on my Mac, OS X, and of course it didn't work. But surely you know someone in Phoenix with a PC!

Raque Thomas
01/19/2005, 07:58 AM
Workshop CD only runs under Windoze or if you have a PC OS emulation program on the Mac. CD can also be downloaded from my site but must be burned to CD named the same as the folder that downloads. All orders from me also include that CD with 500+MB of VX info, pics and movies.

Hey Tone - I didn't get that when I ordered my hitch - is ths something new?

- s a i n t -
01/19/2005, 11:54 AM
Tone is right on the CD. Just for grins I tried to run it on my Mac, OS X, and of course it didn't work. But surely you know someone in Phoenix with a PC!

Well, I know a few people with PC's but I don't usually like to associate myself with people like that! Just kiddin'! :p

I'll download the manual again from Tone's site and give it a try on a PC at work.

Thanks for the help!

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01/19/2005, 02:46 PM
That was the only thing wrong in my Ironman when I bought her; the blinker was just hanging there by the steering console. It was a super easy 4 minute fix. Remover the cover surrounding the steering shaft. There is a pin which slipped out that holds the turnsignal switch in place and it came out. I replaced mine with a nail and some JB weld. It is an easy fix!

- s a i n t -
01/19/2005, 08:26 PM
That was the only thing wrong in my Ironman when I bought her; the blinker was just hanging there by the steering console. It was a super easy 4 minute fix. Remover the cover surrounding the steering shaft. There is a pin which slipped out that holds the turnsignal switch in place and it came out. I replaced mine with a nail and some JB weld. It is an easy fix!

And the winner is.....Cascabel3!

That's *exactly* what it was! I did as you said and stuck a small nail in the hole. I went in from the top (rather tricky) but that way, gravity and the nail head are keeping the make-shift "cotter-pin" (nail) held in place. I have a tiny amount of play due to the size of the nail I used. I'm tempted to take it out (when there's daylight - why am I always working on my VX in the dark?) and replace with a wider nail.

However, for now, my blinker is no longer sagging and I'm much happier. Thanks again for taking the time to write up those instructions - you're a lifesaver (not to mention a big money-saver).

Another success story from the VX.info forums. :p

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