View Full Version : Clicking noise in dash

12/30/2004, 01:41 PM
Just started noticing a clicking noise while the engine is running. It is coming from in or under the dash on the drivers side near the door. It almost sounds like the blinker flashing noise, but it is faster. Nothing changes the noise, turning off the radio, the headlights or the wipers. Any idea what I can start looking for? I can't visually see anything.... Are the flasher solenoids under there? The flashers and hazards work by the way...

12/30/2004, 02:29 PM
yeah, your blinker unit is underneathe there somewhere, but so is your alarm unit and various other items, do you encounter any electrical irregularities?

12/30/2004, 02:57 PM
Nope, everything seems to be working normally. I'm going to check under the dash better tonight when I get home.. just thought I'd see if anyone else has had this problem before or not...

12/31/2004, 06:44 AM
dude If I had a nickel for everytime I found a new dash rattle.....

...I'd have a crapload of nickels. I keep telling myself I'm going to rip open the dash one day and find out where it is,but I don't :P

I've got a particularly nasty one that buzzes when I stomp on it. From about 3000rpms+ in 1st and 2nd it does it but goes away after that.


Good luck in locating the problem.

12/31/2004, 08:10 AM
It's not a rattle, it is an electronic clicking... the frequency doesn't change with acceleration.. also, it does it in park, so I know its not a vibration thing.

Raque Thomas
12/31/2004, 12:33 PM
Just a thought - but I had the same thing when my cell charger was plugged into the cig lighter. It was a brand new charger, so I didn't even consider it being the problem - just thought I had a problem with the draw or something - got a new phone and charger - problem gone. Somehow, it would make my signal relay click when it was hooked up.

12/31/2004, 01:28 PM
seeing that you are in Minneapolis anychance you have your Fan running for your heater ? ... if so maybe something fell down into the " blades " and i caught making a " clicking " noise. I had a stem of a leaf work its way down there and drove me a weee bit crazy till i dropped the Fan Motor( passenger side underdash ) and cleaned it out

01/03/2005, 12:55 AM
i am sure that is what it is. i have the same problem as you are describing. the only thing that changes it is the speed of the fan. it drives me crazy!!! i am going to have to do something about it soon. good luck!

01/03/2005, 08:02 AM
No... I had this noise last week when it was really cold here in Michigan. It's the blinker unit.. It sounds like your blinker is on really fast, but they aren't.. I've had the 'paper in the fan blade' noise last year and it was a different noise. Both of them only lasted 2 days and seemed to correct themselves. I would bet it's the blinker assembly unit. Try hitting it real hard.. ;o)

01/03/2005, 08:09 AM
Yea, buddy I live in MI too and about 3 weeks ago when it was freezing and my nose hairs were freezing up on me, my blower was making a funny "paper in fan type noise" too. :yes: Luckly it only lasted the drive to work, I thought I might have to replace the blower motor because I've heard that noise before on my BMW and it was a bad blower motor.

V-Twin hiCROSS
01/03/2005, 08:40 AM
Do you have enemies? Be very careful, I am guessing that it is a time-bomb ticking down. :argue:

10/27/2005, 12:11 PM
I would bet it's the blinker assembly unit. Try hitting it real hard.. ;o)

Ok is it too obvious to state, or am I just missing it or what, where is the blinker assembly unit? Or the flasher unit. I have looked all over the VX manual CD from Tone and searched forever, but I cannot get a location for the "flasher unit" or blinker assembly unit. I am planning on changing this out when I go to LED's in a coulpe of days and want to replace the flasher unit instead of worrying with load equalizers that get hot. Also does anyone know if the flasher unit is a two pronged or three pronged unit? Thanks in advance.
In Christ,

10/27/2005, 10:37 PM
Just in case anyone else searches for the blinker unit or the turn signal flasher unit, and also to answer my own question, the flasher is under the steering column hidden up in the farthest spot away from the passenger side of the car. It is on the side of the hood release far back in that corner. There are a bunch of wires below it so it is almost impossible to see. Just turn the VX to the "on" position turn the blinker on and you should hear it start to "click". Then just start feeling up under there and you will eventually be able to feel it. IT IS A 3 PRONGED FLASHER! So if you are putting LED's in the turn signal like I am you will want to replace the old flasher with an electronic one. I have already ordered an electonic one from:
The point of replacing the flasher instead of putting in load resistors is to avoid the heat that the load resistors produce. Also the elctronic flasher is silent no more annoying clicking! Hope this helps someone in the future.
In Christ,
Ryan H
USA Decathlon Team

10/28/2005, 08:52 AM
Are you sure the electronic flasher will work with your LED's? I tried several and they didn't work very well. Some were very irratic and some blinked faster than the statndard one. That's why I went with the load resistors.. If you find one that works.. post it please..

10/28/2005, 09:03 AM
SuperbrightLEDs is a good company -I'm sure that the flash unit is alright.

I've used variable LED flashers before, and I'm convinced that is the way to go. Occasionally they pop up on eBay, but can be found elsewhere on the net.

10/28/2005, 09:43 PM
Led's from Autoillumination came today, the Led's and flasher from SuperBrightLed's should come in mid next week, I will let you know asap.
I case you were wondering.......
I have already custom made Led's to fit inside of the hazard light and the cruise control (clear), but they were just test runs to make sure it would all work (and they work great). All bulbs including all A/C, power drive, winter drive, both defrosters, side view mirrors, TOD, (even the cigarette lighter found a clear surround at Radioshack) basically everything will be blue Led's shortly. A lot of stuff I am just custom making because all of the screw in base type Led's are WAY OVER PRICED. I can order 50 of the brightest 3mm Led's available for $10 with shipping and just pop out the old bulbs and heat up some custom connections and save a ton. Cheapest base type twist in Led's I could find, that may or may not fit correctly, were $4.50 each! I will posts pics and hopefully a do it yourself, (or if you are even in Houston, I actually enjoy the wiring stuff), or if you send me or find some of the stock twist base housings (with or without bulbs) I am taking notes so I will know what to do if I ever do it again, heck I might just start making these things myself for anybody that wants them, they are so much better than that weak green! No offense to anybody that likes the green glow it's just not me.
In Christ,
Ryan H
USA Decathlon Team

11/07/2005, 09:47 PM
I'm now also subject to a clicking, in my case coming from underneath the passenger side dash. It sounds like a relay clicking on and off slowly (about every 20 seconds). It's most noticeable at idle, but does it all the time while driving (and no it's not the fan). Any ideas on this one? I'm going to get behind the glovebox this weekend to see if I can find anything.

-- John