View Full Version : Cell phone service? Who do YOU use?

01/08/2005, 01:33 PM
Just curious who everyone uses for cellular phone service. I have been with Nextel for the last two years now... I like their service plans and features... only problem that I ever have is the lower current coverage area compared to some cell companies. I however have been really happy with the phones they offer... call me a geek if you want, but I like to modify my cell phones by hacking the software, creating my own ringtones and wallpapers, and finding new games to try out. Anyone else here use Nextel? What phone do you have? I have the Motorola i860 camera phone... pretty kewl phone IMO. I did some repairs on my old Motorola i730 and gave it to my son. Anyway... TTYL!

Coach... I mean Randy (I often forget who I really am) ;)
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01/08/2005, 02:16 PM
AT&T (now cingular) for about 20 years. Best coverage and products. Currently have a Nokia 6200 which is awesome and has one of the best OEM accessory suites I've ever seen and is super-hackable, plus it syncs with Outlook and talks to PDA's or laptops via IR. Getting ready to move to the 6230 though and my fiancee is taking the 6200. $60 plan gets me nationwide no-roaming, 1000 anytime minutes, unlimited nights and weekends starting 7PM, unlimited mobile-to-mobile, roll-over and a whole host of other nifty perks. Gotta love a competitive market! :thumbup:

01/08/2005, 06:14 PM
Yeah, having the bigger coverage area would be nice but I have tons of friends on Nextel and we use DC (direct connect) quite a bit. I also have my son on a Nextel plan so it is our way to stay in touch... we don't have a home phone so its not like I can call him at home... it was actually cheaper and smarter for me to get the Nextel phone for my son so I can stay in touch when he is home OR when he is at a friends house playing. I could only DREAM of living with a plan with 1000 minutes a month... I use 2500-3500 minutes a month... I pay $150 a month for unlimited EVERYTHING (day or night, weekends, holidays, direct connect, text messaging, without any long distance charges) on my phone and another $40 for my sons phone... he gets 800 peak outgoing, unlimited incoming (peak or off-peak), and no long distance charges. Most of the family lives outside of the Kansas City area (Florida, Las Vegas, San Antonio, Utah, and probably some others I'm forgetting). When I was in Florida for four years with Alltel, I would average a $300 monthly bill with all of my overages and that was on top of the home phone too. Even though $200 a month isn't cheap, its cheap for me and my position and experience... at least good enough that I don't complain.


01/08/2005, 07:27 PM
I'm with T-Mobile using a Nokia 6600
1000 Anytime minutes with nationwide long distance and free roaming - $39.95 per month - I added free mobile to mobile for $3.95 per month. After looking at my bills, I do about 1000 minutes per month to other T-Mobile customers, so the additional $4 is worth it. I bought the phone when Amazon had them on sale for $309 ($50 off) plus it had a $100 rebate from T-Mobile and a $200 rebate from Amazon - I basically got it for $9 (free shipping) but had to give up my old (company assigned) number - so I'm now expensing the bill but have more control over the service.

I recently moved from a Nokia 3650 to the 6600 - it's really a phone plus PDA and digital camera. It also has built in bluetooth so I use a Jabra wireless headset, and a bluetooth USB module to communicate with the PC client (great for managing files and installing games and the like). These phones us the Symbian operating system based on the old amigados kernal - super programmable and there are tons of programs for it (this OS is also used on the N-Gauge). I put a 512 GB MMC in the phone (it ships with a 32 MB) and I've installed some great apps, plus a handful of games. I was running Doom on the phone if you can believe it, with the first 9 levels of maps - it was cool because the maps came right back to me and the sound was awesome. It's also nice to be able to access the web via an Opera browser.

Anyway, you may want to consider coverage, the phones available (including the geek factor), and pricing before making a decision.

-- Best, John

01/08/2005, 08:26 PM
T mobile, and before that voicestream so about 9 years now, no problems and good coverage.

01/10/2005, 09:55 AM
Anyone try Verizon? Are there any plans that cover and work outside the U.S.A. Europe?

01/10/2005, 10:14 AM
I use Verizon (just rated best in cust. sat. although they all suck to some degree) They do not offer any GSM phones to my knowledge so overseas travel could be an issue, although some countries are listed on their site and in their plans. I had great service in Cabo and Moab and very few no service areas in the 4 yrs I've had their service. Free calls to other Verizon phones but then most companies now offer that. Good luck!

01/10/2005, 10:20 AM
The Nokia 6600 that I have is tri-band and will work anywhere in the world that offers GSM service...

-- John