View Full Version : Can't win for losing..

02/08/2005, 02:04 AM
Went to Vegas last weekend and after losing all day I had to take restroom break, I was gettin down to buisness when I heard a guy in the next stall say.."How ya doin?".......I said.."Terrible, I lost over two thousand so far"......He said.."Whatcha up to?"......I said.."Just a weekend of gamblin and partying"........He said.."Mind if I come over?"........I said.."Yes I mind, I'm kinda busy at the moment"........He said..."I'll call ya back later, there's some idiot loser in the next stall that keeps answering me."

02/08/2005, 02:14 AM
he he, :p I heard that one on Paul Harvey, he said Cindy Adams reported that conversation happened to her in an airport bathroom.I re-wrote it using the gambling loser angle. I'm sure someone made that situation up,cause if it really happened you'd really have to be an IDIOT to admit it. ;)