View Full Version : My new Flowmaster!

02/21/2005, 10:49 AM

I just got my new exhaust setup! Flowmaster Super40!
Absolutely love it! Wanted to do duals, but way too expensive for me. Had the Super40 done for about $210, including 3in chrome tip, and a $20 tip for the tech

I used to work at a Porsche repair shop, and I swear my VX sounds identical to the 930 now! Not too loud, not too quiet... but Juuuust right. On the highway, the sound is masked by my MT/Rs.

It was kinda funny... After Church yesterday, I was pulling out of my parking spot and all the youth-group guys' heads turned as I drove off! LOL.. that was fun... a lot of them have tricked out Hondas, etc... :cool!:

I'll try to get some pics and a sound clip soon.

02/22/2005, 01:06 PM
Did you run new tube? Or just swap the muffer?
If there is new tubing What size did you run? Also can you feel the difference?

I want to go from the cats back with larger tube,(like 2.5 or so) then to a corrispondingly larger muffler because Im figureing it would sound deaper and more throughty.

02/22/2005, 01:37 PM
I stayed with the same diameter pipes. I was told that power would suffer if I went larger. Didn't want compromise power just to increase the sound level. It was just a basic muffler swap-out, and chrome tip install.

and.. yes! there is a difference in feel! I can't really give you any % of change, but it IS noticeable. (I can give you a SWAG of maybe 5% more power) Throttle response is wonderful! I have to be careful now of how much I squeeze the gas, because I tend to listen to the tone of the exhaust more than I watch the speedo! LOL.

If you want, I'll post a sound clip tonight.

02/22/2005, 03:46 PM

I look forward to hearing it in person this weekend! Having the proto of the PV1 with all its mellowing through the years, I am really curious about other set-ups. :)

I should say that the cylinder inside my muffler has broken loose and I have to make a decision to weld it back in place or opt for a new muffler.

02/22/2005, 05:47 PM
Hi, I hope I don't end up regretting buying the Flowmaster after hearing other people's VX exhaust setups. Being that I never really hear other VXs, due to sheer lack of numbers, I don't know what to compare it to. I like the sound at least. Can't ALWAYS compete with the Jones's... LOL.

Raque Thomas
02/23/2005, 06:02 AM

If you want, I'll post a sound clip tonight.

PLEASE do - I'm trying to decide what to do with my exhaust right now - love to hear another set-up!

02/23/2005, 06:16 AM
Please post SOUND CLIP!!!
I'm still considering an exhaust change myself.

You said you wanted duals...how much did they quote you to do them?


02/23/2005, 08:41 AM
They quoted me $580 out the door. (and the guy was hinting for a big tip)... This setup was using 2 Flowmaster Super40's. Granted, it would sound absolutely awesome... I just wasn't willing to spend that much.

BTW... sorry, I got sidetracked last night and haven't had a chance to record the exhaust. I'll post as soon as I can.

Also, CAN i post a sound file? Does it work the same as posting pics in the gallery? I don't have my own site (yet).

Reg Hinnant
02/23/2005, 09:54 AM
Hi SilverBullet,
Would you mind posting the muffler SKU? The part number.

02/23/2005, 09:27 PM
I want to hear it. Ive heard the other ratty sounding systems and they were juvenile and way to loud :mad:
Cop magnets. :eek:
On the other hand a nice growl is ike music for my old ears. :cool:
Notice I said music, and old. Im 42 so Im getting pretty conservative about the things I choose to listen to, including engines.
I try to do it right, or not at all, because life is to short ( and getting shorter) to waste being irritated by less then what you want to hear. I'm planning on a bit of Pink Floyd, Jethro Tull, Pachobel's Cannon in D, and Ravels "Bolero" along with my motors music.
I dont carry a gun in my car anymore because I'm afraid I would be too temped to use it for reasons other than self defence. Often people seem to think I want to listen to what is playing in theyre car :rolleyes:
See? I told you I was getting more mature.
Besides Guns are for punks. I'm saving up for a ROCKET LAUNCHER!


02/23/2005, 09:34 PM
CAN i post a sound file? Does it work the same as posting pics in the gallery? I don't have my own site (yet).

If your recording is in a supported multimedia type MPG, AVI, ASF, WMF, MOV. you should have no problems.

02/23/2005, 10:48 PM
You say MPG.. but does that include MP3?

02/24/2005, 08:15 AM
Nope, sorry. Sound files are not considered multi-media.... Make a sound file, email it to me, and I'll attach it to the thread if you need it.

06/08/2005, 11:17 PM
I FINALLY got the sound clip done.
I sent it to Moncha to upload for me.
Thanks A LOT Scott for your help!
