View Full Version : I can't Believe it!!!

02/25/2005, 01:11 AM
Ok Yesterday was a normal day for me up until we went to the corner gas station by my girlfriends house. We decided to stop by and get some Flaming Cheetos with nacho cheese(YUCK!) as i paid i only had 9 dollars left on me. So me, thinking what the heck lets buy lottery tickets, I buy one for seven dollars(my favorite game which last time i won $77) and two of $1. So we get home and were done eating and i decide to scratch my lottery ticket. Usually i scratch the numbers first not revealing the prize until the end. On this ticket you have 13 chances to win. well to make a long story short....I WON!! i got 11/13 winning chances. So as i start scratching the prize amount i'm thinking its gonna be like last time, i won the same way, only 11/13 though and each $7. so anyways as i scratch the prize i realize that it's not $7 it turns out its $7K. I was just in shock. and my g/f said i just turned pale white and my cheeks turned pink. As i scratch the rest it turned out that they were also $7K. So if you figured it out 11/13 and each $7K that comes out to $77K!!!! I can't believe it! So this morning i got it cashed at a claim center and in total (taking away taxes :mad: grrr) It came out to $57K. I dont mind free money is better than nothing. I know i keep talking to much but the craziest thing was that there WERE ONLY 2 of the $77K tickets left in all of texas and i got one. I'd never thought i would be lucky enough to win something like this, and i thank God for making this happen. Well i can't wait to fix up my VX now and be expevting a nice donation from me to the VX site. I guess it does pay off to keep on trying. I did. :)

02/25/2005, 02:59 AM
Big congrats my long lost brother, ;) I used to live in Brownsville so I'm sure we must have the same father. :p That's great news, if your VX isn't paid off yet you can have a pink slip party and if it's already paid off, all the more reason to have a party. :) I know how your feelin, about 13 years ago I won 68K at the racetrack on one $8.00 bet, I was afraid to go to bed for the fear of waking up the next day to discover it was only a dream. Don't forget to save every losing lottery ticket and ANY other form of gambling loss reciepts because you can write them off your taxes next year. :) Enjoy and continued good luck. P.S...Ever take your VX on the beach at South Padre Island (heading north) ?

02/25/2005, 05:06 AM
That's really awesome. I'd love to see what crazy things you can do to your VX for $57k. I never buy lottery tickets myself - I've always believed it was just gambling for people who are bad at math - but I guess someone's got to win these things. ;Db; Congratulations!

02/25/2005, 05:10 AM
Way to go and do what Stormtrooper said, "Have yourself a nice little party"

By the way, isn't your mother and my mother both mothers?:) That's got to count for something.



nyc #1 ironman
02/25/2005, 05:29 AM
Wow, such great news to hear of. Glad it was a fellow VXers !

02/25/2005, 05:41 AM
Congratulations! :) So how many extra VX's are you going to get? LOL! :p

02/25/2005, 05:51 AM
Amazing you lucky bastard... :cool:

Francesco Rizzo
02/25/2005, 07:09 AM
thanx, now I have to go buy that $20 lotto ticket.. it's the only on with 1 in 3 odds to win

02/25/2005, 07:16 AM
LOL thanks guys i'm still trying to get by that i won but i'm managing. :) Hey Storm I've gone acouple of times but not lately, maybe now i can have some fre time to go more. TOM!! I knew i had a long lost brother somewhere lol.

02/25/2005, 07:38 AM
I was thinking of buying some HIDs from tone and i guess raffle them off to some of are VXers on the site, but i don't know how about to do it. I'll figure some way.

02/25/2005, 07:41 AM

I still remember years ago when I was in high school, one night my parents pulled me into the living room and told me to sit down. I thought it was one of those "parental" talks, but they had big smiles on their faces. So, I say down and my mom told me to try to remain calm while they told me what they were about to say. Long story short, they hit the lottery. And they hit it fairly big. Turns out, the lottery was $13 MILLION. Thats right, million. 10 other people hit it as well though, so it was split and taxes sever a HUGE chunk of it. I believe, in the end, it came to like $400k for each winner. The best part about it, nothing changed. My father had a pool put in the backyard, but that was about it. I think most of it is still invested.

Pretty cool though. Thats the kind of news everyone always likes to hear. :clap:

02/25/2005, 07:57 AM
I was thinking of buying some HIDs from tone and i guess raffle them off to some of are VXers on the site, but i don't know how about to do it. I'll figure some way.

Congratulations!! Wished I had that kind of luck.

We could put our heads together and come up with some kind of contest and post it to the site if you'd like..

02/25/2005, 08:22 AM

Hey, I need that kind of luck today as in a few hours I and a bunch of other VXers will be in Vegas!!


02/25/2005, 08:23 AM
Congrats!!! Truly inspirational... so much so I went out and bought my first ticket in years. I WON $2!!!

02/25/2005, 10:47 AM
AWESOME! Love to hear these story's, especially from a fellow VXer!! Congrats! I wish we had a lottery up here.

02/25/2005, 11:28 AM
Isn't it about time to start taking bets on the Tripod (Nenana)?
That's kind've a lottery...

02/25/2005, 12:12 PM
Isn't it about time to start taking bets on the Tripod (Nenana)?
That's kind've a lottery...
Man, I completely forgot about that! I need to find where they sell those tickets. THANKS!

02/26/2005, 01:57 PM
That's really great!
I wish I had the same luck...but..like they say, you can't win if you don't play! :p

02/26/2005, 04:17 PM
In addition to Fernamdo's good luck, he is also a very generous person indeed. Just hours after he broke the news to us here, I find that he had made a sizable donation to this site.

Fernando, I want to personally thank you for such a nice gift, it really helps with the operation and upkeep of this community.

Of course, thanks goes to everyone who has piched in, one way or another. With such great involvment, I hope to make this one of the strongest web communities out there.

Again, thank you very much Fernando.


02/26/2005, 07:12 PM
Congrats on being the statistical anomaly.

Now don't be dumb and blow your free money. Sink it into a worthwhile investment. (aka not buying crap for people you don't know) :P

PS. Please realize that this is coming from a guy that would run out and buy a new boat the second he had cash in hand :P

02/27/2005, 09:02 AM
Congratulations! That's awesome, and I'm glad it happened to someone here. I'm also glad you helped out the site, but now use what's left to better your life and think long-term. Then again, you can do whatever you want - it's yours! :-)
We had a local bartender at a Red Lobster restaurant hit it big (millions, all to himself) a few years back, and word is the guy didn't show up for work anymore. LOL! Personally, I'd probably be back training in helicopters. That would blow all of $57,000, but if I didn't crash and burn I'd be doing what I really want to do. Can't put a price on that. Make the most of it!