View Full Version : Possesed VehiCROSS

Raque Thomas
02/27/2005, 07:47 PM
The girlfriend lives 20 minutes away from me, same altitude, same proximity to the river (in case there is a humidity issue). WHY IN THE HELL does my check engine light come on EVERY time I go there????? I finally decided to go to Auto Zone to check out what the code was - "system lean - bank 1" Fine & dandy - but why does that only happen in her end of town??? I'm thinking of moving in with her - do you think this is an omen?? Like tonite - I went to her house Friday and my check engine light came on just before I pulled in her driveway, it was on all weekend - when I came home tonite, if went off about halfway home. This is not an isolated event - it happens EVERY time I go to her house - I think my VX may be telling me something - has anyone else had their VX directr their life??

02/27/2005, 08:03 PM
Well, I guess it's better than being repossesed!!

No really, does it happen at about the same range when going anywhere else? 20mins is about the time allowed for warm up.

And yes, my VX DOES direct my life.. that's how this whole .info project came about. It's the evolution of moncha.com :D

02/27/2005, 08:05 PM
Might need to clean the injector or the fuel rail. #1 cylinder seems to clog more frequently than the others for some reason.

02/27/2005, 09:46 PM
Sounds like a bad omen to me but if you send me her picture and address I'll take a drive over and see if my VX acts up on the way to see her. ;)

Just Kidding

02/27/2005, 09:52 PM
And that coming from a guy called Uneven Thoughts!! HAHAHAHAH

02/28/2005, 03:41 AM
Hmmm...maybe your connection with your VX is stronger than your connection with your girlfriend??(JK)
Sound like a little jealousy brewing here :p ...LOL

Raque Thomas
02/28/2005, 04:57 AM
Hmmm...maybe your connection with your VX is stronger than your connection with your girlfriend??(JK)
Sound like a little jealousy brewing here :p ...LOL

Hmmm....I hadn't considered the jealousy angle - I'll bet that is it. The VX used to be the only girl in my life, now it sometimes sits and we take her car. Maybe if I show my VX a little more attention this will all go away - what do you think??

02/28/2005, 08:58 AM
Sounds like a bad omen to me but if you send me her picture and address I'll take a drive over and see if my VX acts up on the way to see her. ;)

Just Kidding


Raque Thomas
02/28/2005, 10:38 AM
Sounds like a bad omen to me but if you send me her picture and address I'll take a drive over and see if my VX acts up on the way to see her. ;)

Just Kidding

You're such a pal for offerring - but I can't ask you to drive all that way! :p

03/01/2005, 05:48 AM
Lots of love and attention goes a long way! :p (counts for the VX as well as the girlfriend)....LOL

Raque Thomas
03/01/2005, 08:09 AM
No really, does it happen at about the same range when going anywhere else? 20mins is about the time allowed for warm up.


It has only happenned one time other than in her end of town, but it now happens EVERY time I go to her house, at some time during my visit :confused: As far as distance, I drive about the same distance to work every day, and other trips that are the same distance or longer. I guess I'm going to have to break down and take it to the dealer - I just know from experience that check engine light repairs are more trial & error than diagnosis & repair!

03/01/2005, 09:20 AM
Interestingly you failed to mention anywhere in this post that you have removed the screen in the MAF and are running a different filter ( I assume panel but can't tell). ANY other little things that you have changed that you failed to mention? Makes a BIG difference when trying to troubleshoot a problem for you effectively.

Raque Thomas
03/01/2005, 09:49 AM
I assume you saw that in Dr David's post, yes you are correct - I changed to the oiled K&N filter and removed the screen. This is what I attributed the check engine light to initially, but as I said - it only happens in her end of town - that's the part that has me puzzled. This has been going on for a little over a month and has only happened one time elsewhere, but everytime I go there. There is no significant difference in elevation, she doesn't live on a dirt road or something that might be clogging things up. Maybe it is the mods, but I can't understand why only in one part of town. As I said in the other post, I guess I'll take it to the dealer and let them play R&R (remove and replace) until they find the problem. Another thing I failed to mention is that it seems the old girl (the VX, not my girlfriend) has been a little more thristy lately. On my fill-up yesterday, I did the math and calculated that I got 13.5 miles per gallon. I'm not a granny driver, but I don't drive it like a race car either. Based on comments I've seen here, that seems a little excessive. I've never gotten over 16mpg - at least not the times I've calculated it - but it's not been this low before to my knowledge. I did recently change to larger tires which are slightly larger in diameter (about 1/2" I believe), so this has a little to do with the mpg, I'm sure. Anyway, I'll be taking her in next week to see if they can figure it out.

03/01/2005, 08:52 PM
Having just gone through the P0171 code with my old Geo tracker, this code is usually due to a vacuum leak somewhere. Check the hoses and especially the EGR valve diaphragm and the charcoal canister. Even a small leak will set this code. Another cause is a bad O2 sensor.

03/02/2005, 05:14 AM
Have you been using an injector cleaner lately? Since your code came up as "lean" you may have the same trouble as a few others where #1 bank has foulded or clogged. I always run injector cleaner through about every three months and make sure my gas cap is screwed on tight(this also will give you a code reading). Also check for vacuum leaks near the top of the engine.
Good luck...John