View Full Version : Any intrested in Midwest meet?

03/15/2005, 10:08 AM
Just a seeing how many would be intrested in a midwest meet, if you have any ideas on one or would like to attend one let me know, or pm Ldub. Both of us would like to see a closer meet.
99vcross :p

03/15/2005, 10:42 AM
I am! Im in Columbus Ohio,,where were you thinking??
what about fiend?? and MWIOr?

03/15/2005, 11:04 AM
99 & I would like feedback from all interested as to location & date, then narrow it down to provide time & location for the best turnout.
I'm thinking someone must know of some good places to do some offroad'n &
camping.Around this area it's X-tremely flat.
So let's hear from y'all what your ideas are for a N. central/Northern plains meet,also, I'm just specifying meet "general location" here. ANYONE interested in attending is, of course, more than welcome!

Ldub (an instigator)

Raque Thomas
03/15/2005, 11:14 AM
I may be in, depending on date and location - I'm in Louisville, KY - 6 hour drive each way would be about my limit.

03/15/2005, 03:38 PM
Man, I haven't seen Raque in a long time & it'd be great to meet the rest of you too. I'll check my work schedule tomorrow. If it's not mentioned on the MWIOR forum yet, I'll post there as well.

03/15/2005, 05:12 PM
I'll be up for it.
Gil, I think you need to update your sig... LOL

03/15/2005, 05:58 PM
Count me IN -- although I wouldn't be up for much past Chicago. I've done Indianapolis before, and it is just too far for a weekend trip.

03/15/2005, 06:40 PM
I hear that!, I'm hoping someone knows of some offroad/camping areas in the S.MN,IA,WI,SD vicinity. No offence meant to anyone, but I think Illinois & Missouri etc. are a little far off for a N. central plains meet.
So lets hear some more suggestions gang.


03/15/2005, 08:24 PM
My daughter and I are do for a "Road Trip" We live in central Illinois and would be willing to make a trip within a reasonable distance. I'll keep an eye on the post and see where you all decide. Steve

03/15/2005, 08:59 PM
Should I even reply? ;)

Offroad vx
03/16/2005, 06:13 PM
I would definetly be in also, depending on the time. Iowa may not be too bad of a halfway point for most but I don't know of any off-road places without doing some research I do know that Ne. would suck for any 4-wheeling.

03/16/2005, 06:46 PM
I'm currently trying to get in touch with someone who is familiar w/ wheelin in the MSP/S.W. Wi. area, stay tuned...anyway spring is still a fir peice off up here. :)


P.S. If someone knows any areas in N. Ia. let's hear about it.Thx, Ldub

03/17/2005, 05:50 AM
I'm down.
Columbus isn't too far from most of the midwest, but Iowa is a stretch.

03/17/2005, 08:02 AM
I'm in Chicago and would be up for it sometime this summer

03/17/2005, 08:05 AM
i'd be in for a MN meet

03/27/2005, 06:59 PM
and the topic died...
are we still getting togheter?

03/27/2005, 10:39 PM
I'm up for it. I live in a town of 20k, 30 miles west of Springfield and there's 2 of us here (A friend just bought a Proton) and theres one more gentleman around Springfield. So how about we get a count and location of interested party's and go from there.

03/28/2005, 05:44 AM
OK, I'll throw in my 2 cents on locations. Get out your road atlas & see what you think. These are in no certain order. LaCrosse, WI., Rochester, MN, Mason City, IA. Rochester has a nicely restored downtown w/ the usual antique & fudge/espresso shops. I haven't been to the other two. These locations were selected as midpoints for the most members (hopefully).
If anyone knows of local attractions/ offroading areas, let's hear about it.


03/28/2005, 08:16 AM
I'd be up for any of those three! I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone has done to their truck, mine is mod-free but am in need of new tires and shocks and trying to decide what I like!

V-Twin hiCROSS
03/28/2005, 10:42 AM
Depending on when/where, I might be interested. There are several off-road state parks in Missouri if you all are willing to travel.
Another idea might be to meet for a float/rafting trip on one of our great Mid-West rivers/streams. The best are in Tennessee, but it sounds like the MN folks don't want to travel that far.

03/28/2005, 11:21 AM

Are any of those offroad St. parx in N. Mo.? K-C,St.Joe area ? I wouldn't mind driving that far for some wheelin.


V-Twin hiCROSS
03/28/2005, 01:36 PM
The two that I am familiar with are in Columbia (Finger Lake State Park) and Park Hills (St. Joe State Park). There is another one in the state, I will research and find out where it is.

Offroad vx
03/28/2005, 02:49 PM
Depending on the time I'm in for K.C. / St. Joe or Mason City. Rochester would be last choice but do-able.