View Full Version : Knock while turning

04/01/2005, 06:04 AM
I know this was was covered once or twice, but no finite answers...
When I make slow turns (pulling into an intersection or out of a parking spot) a vibration that I can hear and feel on the steering wheel emits from what seems to be the tranny area. Someone mentioned the obvious CVs, but the guy who posted this before me had them looked at and they were fine. I'm only at 50k, so I darn well hope it's not my CVs either.
Anyone else have a clue? (Tone, c'mon guy, dont let me down here...)

04/01/2005, 07:52 AM
Possibly could be a crooked belt in one of the front tires.

04/01/2005, 08:09 AM
There could be a problem with transfer case, the front differential but, the tell tale sign of a worn CV joint is kind of what you describe.
Is it a clunk, knock or vibration? If it's a knock or clunk, go to an open parking lot make drive in a slow, tight circle, first to the right, then to the left. If it's one CV, you should only hear the knock in one direction or the other (Unless it's both).
Remember, even if the boot looks good doesn't mean the join is good also.

Not to say it's not, but, generally you'd only notice a bad belt at higher speeds and if it were bad enough to feel at slow speeds, you should be able to see it too.

Green Dragon
04/01/2005, 09:58 AM
Jack up the front end ( Both Wheels off the ground) place in neutral- Start engine- Move wheels to stops by hand-Locate source of sound.

Francesco Rizzo
04/01/2005, 04:08 PM
I get the same thing only when I cut the wheel to the limit while making the turn, the truck seems like it's going to topple over.. pretty bad like the wheels are pulling underneat the vehicle, but this is only when I pull the wheel all the way.. if I make casual turns there's no probly.. I think it's the alignment.. I can already tell it's off

04/01/2005, 04:49 PM
You will get some bind in the driveline because of the 4x4...

04/02/2005, 07:59 AM
When I first bought my 2000 new, it had alot of trouble turning at the limit and wouldn't easily shift into 4Lo, that problem was fixed with a new transfer case.

I was the person that originally posted that I was having a knocking sound while turning, and it's like you describe, Crowml; it's really hard to locate, but seems to originate in the tranny area, possibly more towards the rear, but I wouldn't describe it as a vibration. For me, it's about ten consecutive knocks while turning (either way). I drive on an uneven brick-stone drive near work, and I believe I can even here it then, somewhat, while driving in a straight line.

I did take it to the dealership back then, and although they didn't fix it, they said it was not the CV joints (don't know how much faith to have that dealership's assessment, though). I can say that it’s been happening for a year and a half, and there’s been no ill effects on the way my VX drives (although I’m only driving her about 3K/yr).

Someone recently posted that a noise like that could be caused by the muffler and exhaust pipe being loose and banging around. When I move the pipe, I can hear a knock sound at my PowerVault muffler, but it’s way too faint to be the problem sound. My passenger says she can feel the knock on the floorboard, which would be where the transmission is. Sometime soon, I’ll take Green Dragon’s advice and try to move the wheels while the car is jacked up.

Offroad vx
04/02/2005, 02:09 PM
I had the same problem with my Jeep and it was the rear end. I noticed a little grease leaking and we filled it up and the knocking- vibration went away. Although as soon as it leaked again it knocked again. Never fixed it just traded it on my VX!

04/04/2005, 08:39 AM
thanks for all the feedback guys. Obviously this is one of those "limbo" issues that affects few of us but still no solution. I'll stay on top of it until I figure something out. My car does need alignment really bad and someone stated this may be part of the problem. I'll keep you guys posted.
In the meantime, if any of you have any other comments, keep 'em coming.