View Full Version : Rear skidplate consensus...

04/07/2005, 01:20 PM
hey folks...

I'm about to get the wooden version of the rear plate machined out this weekend. However, I wanted to know how much interest there was about choosing one version over another. Pic A shows the plate without any accommodation for Tone's hitch whatsoever giving it more of a clean look closer to the O2 concept.

Pic A:

Pic B shows what it would look like to have the hitch plus adequate room for the locking pin to be snaked into the hitch. The longer slot in the center would be removed, of course, to accommodate Tone's hitch.

Pic B:

Originally, I was just going to produce Pic B and have one mold for everyone, hitch or not. However, it got me thinking about those who don't have a hitch and don't plan to install one, may just prefer the cleaner look like Pic A.

My delimma would be whether one mold (Pic B) should be made only to accommodate both users or 2 different molds (pic A and pic B). So, I need those who are interested or planning to purchase the rear plate to voice out your opinion on what you'd prefer and if you didn't have a hitch or plan to install one soon, if you'd still purchase Pic B despite the alteration.

Your opinions would be greatly appreciated.

04/07/2005, 01:24 PM
I do not have a hitch and do not plan on installing one so my vote is for Pic A.
But beggars can't be choosers so I will take whatever you produce! As always look forward to it! keep up the good work Rudy!

04/07/2005, 01:38 PM
Could always do "B" and incorporate some type of logo in the "cut out" space that could be removed to install the hitch. Just thinking

04/07/2005, 01:51 PM
My hopes are you go with "A".

I've been lurking/waiting for this rear skid to come out - and would probably rethink a purchase if it didn't have the uninterrupted lines as it does in pic A.

Although, Moncha's suggestion sounds like a possible solution!

Keep it comin'!

04/07/2005, 01:59 PM
Ron I just sent you an email, im still waiting for the front skid plate

04/07/2005, 02:28 PM
I like em both, I guess A is cleaner but ... Seems to me better to have one that you can put a hitch on, even if not planning to, just in cases.

Any idea when the front skid pate will be available again? How are most folks handling the color - is it usually matching the vehicle, or some sort of silver? How long is the usual wait?

04/07/2005, 05:33 PM
I'd pick up choice "A" ;)

bruce collins
04/07/2005, 06:38 PM
ron..would like option a...how are you comming along with front plate order?BRUCE COLLINS

04/07/2005, 11:14 PM
hey Bruce and James1_10018...

You're both amongst the 4 plates I'm finishing up on this week. James, I sent you an e-mail earlier regarding details and will wait for your reply.

Just picked up some PPG paint hardener this afternoon during lunch so I can continue with the fabrication. If there are no further interuptions, I'm planning to start shipping the front plates and other misc. next week.

Also, I'm having my machinist start machining out the wood version mold of Pic A to get things off the ground this weekend. And to follow up with a prototype foam version of Pic B so I can test fit the hitch clearance and any potential pin lock interferences. I will shortly follow with the wood version of pic B mold if there are no further adjustments on the CAD model needed. So, eventually I'll have both versions of the rear plates available for your application (hitch or non-hitch).

My machinist quoted me by next week the wood mold of Pic A should be finished and delivered to the vacuum formers by next week for them to start making parts. Hopefully, this will coincide with the final shipping of the last pre-paid parts and I can open the products links afterwards.

Let me know if there are any q's, otherwise, onward.



Child's Play
04/08/2005, 12:52 PM
I vote for "B", since I have a hitch. I also think that if you could offer some type of package deal for the front/rear skidplates that would be sweet.

Also, how are the clear sidemarkers coming along. Still waiting for those babies to be offered!!!!


04/08/2005, 01:09 PM
hey Adam...

Yes, there will be a package deal for both plates (front and back) including three different finish options: painted (your choice of color) w/ clearcoat, primer only, or raw. Prices will be assigned based on level of finish/unfinish.

Regarding Pic A and B, both options will be offered but Pic A will come first. Pic B will follow shortly once hitch fitment is finalized from the prototype.

And yes, the front fender clear lenses will be offered as well in both clear and tint versions along with other stuff.

04/08/2005, 03:08 PM
"B" for me!

-- John

04/08/2005, 03:20 PM
hey Adam...

Yes, there will be a package deal for both plates (front and back) including three different finish options: painted (your choice of color) w/ clearcoat, primer only, or raw. Prices will be assigned based on level of finish/unfinish.

Regarding Pic A and B, both options will be offered but Pic A will come first. Pic B will follow shortly once hitch fitment is finalized from the prototype.

And yes, the front fender clear lenses will be offered as well in both clear and tint versions along with other stuff.

so many things to buy....so little money to buy it with....
Head Shop (http://headshop.net/)

04/08/2005, 06:07 PM
I too am interested in some clear lenses when they become available again...

04/09/2005, 02:27 AM
B seems more practical in case you ever decide to add a hitch , especially with the provision for clearance around the pin.

04/09/2005, 11:06 AM
Hey Ron,
What about maybe coming up with a way to have it so it's B but with a cover that could be put on and taken off? I am sure that would be more cost effective instead of making 2 different rear skid plates.

04/12/2005, 07:58 AM
Aww ya, hook it up Ron! I need the rear to match that sweet front plate you did!! I am all for "A", but if you decide "B", you will get no complaints from me. It's the rear afterall. People tend to be more interested with the front end. They only see the rear when I pass them. ;)

BTW, any updates on the clear front sidemarkers? The weather here is *in my best gay man's tone* "FABULUTH" and I need to get cracking on my new toys. Gonna start working with the full C/F hood, single piece dual gauge a-pillars, and FINALLY getting this ram air induction installed (been sitting in my garage since last summer!). :)

04/18/2005, 11:13 PM
I will be getting the B version. Love my front plate by the way. You really came through for Tara last christmas, you are golden in my book.