View Full Version : Lance retires

04/18/2005, 12:53 PM
For all you cycling fans...
Lance Armstrong just announced in a press conferance that this years Tour De France will be his last race as a profesional cyclist.

04/18/2005, 01:11 PM
I know he can't go on for ever but, indeed a sad day.

04/18/2005, 01:12 PM
Whew, thought he had done it BEFORE he had a chance to win 7 in a row! I bet if he wins 7, he'll stay until he looses as it is his only chance to extend his number, making it more difficult for anyone to beat him.

04/18/2005, 03:45 PM
I'll take that bet...I say he's outta here. Would like to see him take a shot at the' hour' record. The hour is the most prestigious record in cycling (IMHO and others too). It consists of 1 man 1 bike and 1 hour...how much distance can you cover? Usually done at high altitude on a velodrome under secrecy (not open to public). There have been many great cyclists would have failed to validate their greatness. The current record has stood for 9 years and Lance said 2 years ago he wanted to attempt it.


the link below is one address (looks like 2 stuck together)


04/18/2005, 05:27 PM
Nice link about the one hour challenge. If Lance does win seven and retire it will be a long time before anyone even wins six in a row let alone seven.

04/18/2005, 11:12 PM
Lance stated win or lose he is done after the Tour. He wants to spend more time watching his kids grow up which is hard to do when you are on the road in Europe 9 months out of the year. He still has commitments with Discovery (off the bike) and will still be involved with the team helping to develop a new American Tour champion. No matter who it is (I think Floyd Landis is a good choice) they will never have the same prestige as Lance. Conquiring cancer made his quest have more appeal to the masses. There will never be another cycling champion like him!
Here is an ARTICLE (http://www.velonews.com/news/fea/7886.0.html) from Velo News.

04/19/2005, 08:14 AM
Yes, but you do have to quit while you're ahead....

04/19/2005, 09:12 AM
He said he wanted to go out on top!

04/19/2005, 12:56 PM
I predict he will marry Cheryl Crow and move into Johnny Cash's old house in Hendersonville,TN. But that's just a prediction