View Full Version : carputer power supply??

05/01/2005, 10:13 AM
i was just on mp3car.com lookin for a power supply tat would work for my car(duh). i just realize i have no idea wat a mini-itx is, is it similar to a mico-atx? i was hoping tobe able to run a amd 2400xp-m on a micro-atx mobo.
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Francesco Rizzo
05/01/2005, 05:05 PM
I think something like a shuttle computer would be comsidered min-itx. I know this guy used to sell a 200 watt power supply on e-bay that works with the via epia m/b's but said they could be retro fitted to power amd m/b's. I have a 2100 xp+ and it runs hot in my vx without the ac on. I runs everything smooth and quick, but if I keep it clocked to the fullest potential, it starts to cook the interia of the truck, they run around 130 degrees. If you haven't bought the cpu yet, look for the barton core fr amd sicne they run a lot less power like 35 watts and therefore are cooler running. I'm considering an upgrade to that cpu since I live in fl and it's hot to begin with already. let me know if you need any help.. by the way, it vehicrosspc in mp3car. Oh, if you wondering, I run a 400 watt inverter to power the computer along with the usb devices... but that too creates some heat so I think I'm going to redesign everything to run cooler.

05/01/2005, 05:50 PM
I thought computers run on 12, 5, 3.3 and 1.5 volts.

Couldn't a simpler power supply be used rather than using an inverter to 120v, then power supply back down?

John C.

05/01/2005, 06:19 PM
yea there are car to pc power supplys on mp3car but they are all for itx.... well the shuttle is basically a micro-atx form factor so i should be ok.....now i just need to decide on how much power is need....so wat do u guys think i need to run a 3.5" 7200 hd, fx5200 128mb ram, dvdrom, via266 mobo, amd xp-m 2400 and 512mb ddr320 ram....
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05/22/2005, 09:46 AM
well...this is an update...after MUCH research on the mp3car.com forum. i have come up with...

amd xp-m 2400 or 2200(35w)
asus a7n8x deluxe (~25w)
2.5" 60gig hd (5w)
geforce3 ti or ati 9200 (30)
512 ddr(10w)
cpu fan(3w)
2 usb devices(10w)

thats 146W exactly at peak enough for a 150w opus