View Full Version : CarbonFiberOne hood?

05/11/2005, 12:55 PM
I just spoke with John about the hood that they prototyped. After we spoke about the problems with the one I tried out, they still wish to continue with the project. Problem is, they have to send it from CA to MD every time they want a test fit. Is anyone closer to them that is willing to aid in the project? They are quite close to having it fleshed out, but the delay in the shipping is just not economical. The address is lised on the site linked below.

Carbon Fiber One (http://carbonfiberone.com/index.html)

05/11/2005, 03:03 PM
What method did they use that requires repeated test fits?

I've seen their work, and it strikes me as odd that they can't get it right the first time.

BTW, thanks for taking the lead on this, a CF hood is definately something for the Christmas list.

05/11/2005, 06:34 PM
I'll be moving to the San Diego area at the end of the year. :) Of course, if they want to start shipping it out to Washington instead for the remainder of the year, I'm game.

05/11/2005, 07:48 PM
Well, I guess, since working on a mod for a Civic or a WRX is simple enough because there is one on every street corner, having a VX is just not the turn of the litter as rare as we are. Simply put, we have nicer curves and more style than these cars, and getting the EXACT fitment requires a few tries before the mold and measurements are perfect. The hood they sent me was damned close, but off just a bit in more than a few areas. If they had a VX available, this tweaking could probably be resolved faster than dealing with a "virtual" car and not having to communicate from 3,000 miles away from the guy who is test fitting. Easier to see what needs tweaking when you see it woth your own eyes as well. The one I tried wasnt too bad, but the modifications I had to make to my truck to get it to at least close, like shimming, werent exactly acceptable. They are very close and trust me, it looked damned good on the VX with the C/F scoop. I would hate to see this one of a kind opportunity go unfinished.

05/11/2005, 08:13 PM
i would be willing to go...but i live in norcal so i can get a trip in maybe in a few weeks......

05/12/2005, 03:19 PM
I live in Victorville, but work in Brea California. Not too far from Disneyland. So if they are in So-cal it is a real short trip considering where I am at everyday. How long would they need it?

If they need a VX to test fit the hood for you guys, I am not against having mine be the guinea pig if it will save you some time. I just have not been checking the boards that much lately (trying to get caught up with everything else in life, and hoping the stuff I do makes the company I work for more profitable. Direct E-mails to me work best if you need help.

Black 2001 VX

05/13/2005, 08:47 AM
Not 100% sure of their location since I dont know Cali well, but if you think you are capable of being the guinea pig, contact john@carbonfiberone.com and get the details. They are pretty grateful of folks who help out so who knows, there may be a free product involved in it for you. :)

05/13/2005, 08:55 AM
oooo free lol...

05/13/2005, 09:39 PM
Already talked to them. (Decided to give them call). If I can get a free one out of this, that would be AWESOME! As my original hood is kinda jacked from Dealer work. (They screwed up my hood and refuse to fix it). Everything else is perfect though.

Anyway, I am taking her down Monday to get her test fitted. I am sure they already talked to you or let you know. if not, they will be I in contact I am sure.

They are apparently only 15 minutes from where I work so pretty convenient and I don't mind helpin' you all out to make sure it is right.

05/15/2005, 10:32 AM
Good looking out Wulf. I hope they compensate you in one way or another. God knows I got many treats from them for helping out. Much thanks to ya.

05/17/2005, 06:31 PM
Well, I went and got the hood test fitted yesterday.

They took a few pictures, which I am sure they are sending to you Wormgod. I asked them to CC them to me, but have not received them yet. On a side note, I will take pictures in a day or so of what one looks like on my VX. I spent about 3-4 hours trying to adjust it last night with my Bro, if you put a CF hood on your I reccomend hood pins.

The fit seems pretty good, a few issues I notice might be specific to my vehicle. My vehicle has NEVER been in an accident or anything, however the dealer has at one time (maybe twice) removed my hood, and repainted it under warranty, as well as the headlight modules. Ever since then I have believed my original hood to be bent. However, after having them test fit the CF hood and seeing it sit the same exact way on my vehicle I now believe my hood is not bent, and the damn Isuzu stealer I had work on my car failed to properly realign the hood. So, after much jockeying with the CF hood it fits reasonably well. Gap on one side is a little more than the other, but overall it fit's okay. I will give these observations to the Carbon Fibre One guys this coming monday when I head back down to them. I will also try to post pictures on Monday or Tuesday of next week. (I will not be able to sooner, as my wifes parents will be in town and will just not have the time to take her out (the VX) and get some good closeup pictures of the hood on it. It does not have an insert currently. I also may add hood pins to it just to be safe in the next couple days. I talked to the CFone guys and they said "go ahead". although it seems to latch firmly, I feel it is better to be safe than sorry. If I decide to make a CF hood a permanent addition to my vehicle I am considering removing the hinges completely, and going on the "removable hood" route with 4 hood pins on the car. Most likely something similar to the Sparco captive hood pins or something similar. Any suggestions?

If I can get some pics up soon I will. if there are any questions specific about it you have and how it is on my VX feel free to ask, I will do my best to answer but no gurantees.... BTW. it weighs in at like nothing, which is close to like 12 lbs :cool: while the original one weighs in at like 40 or so Lbs.

I have to find a insert, to see how it would look all finished...don't want to remove my original.


05/23/2005, 11:12 AM
Sweet. John sent me an email while I was out of town and said it went pretty well. I had the uneven spacing on the sides as well. Hopefully get these little flaws ironed out. I think it is a very nice addition to the VX and hope to have one someday.

Absolutely, hood pins are a must. Even with the hinges and latch, pins should be used. I simply do mot trust F/G resin under high speeds. With the angle of the hood and the contours, it is very difficult to get the pins to align properly so a fully removable hood with 4 pins might be about the only way to go. Tough to say without being able to try a few ways.

07/07/2005, 02:04 PM
I just wanted to let you all know I haven't forgotten about you. I have had a few problems (back injury), and other work related stuff that sent me out of town for a couple weeks at a time here and there. So I just have not done anything litterally, until the night before last when I played with the alignment some more before taking it to the dealer yesterday morning . I should get her back tomorrow and will take some pics of the hood as it is adjusted currently (no insert still, have not found a cheap one yet).

Additionally, CFone has not called or E-mailed me at all since I went down there for the test fitting. They stated they wanted me to bring the car back when they had another one made to test and would call me when they were ready, but, I never heard back from them. I will try calling them on Monday and see what they are up to.


07/08/2005, 04:48 AM
I know that the carbon fiber hoods that are available for my car (Mitsubishi 3000GT VR4) are pretty disappointing. I've seen several at car shows and they need so much work to get a "completed look". For what they charge they should be in a much finished condition. I'd be interested in seeing how this company makes their's and function for the VX.


09/15/2005, 03:53 AM
Hey Guys!

All correspondence seems to have ended 07/08 and I am hoping someone could give me the latest on these beautiful modifications. Are they fitting etc. etc. Are you all recommending them at this point?

09/15/2005, 01:13 PM
Hiya, I have had no luck contacting Carbon Fiber One at all, I have sent Numerous E-mails, and never got a reply. Now, when I e-mail they just get bounced back. Additionally I have left phone messages with them regarding a second test fit they asked me to bring my VX in for and never got a response. So, I just completely stopped trying.

I do have pics I need to post of how it fits on my VX, and I have been slackin' about that severly due to personal reasons. I know that is no excuse and I promised to post them before. I hopefully will get the chance to post them on Saturday. I sincerely appologize for not posting them earlier just one thing after another in problems for me both medical, family, and other work problems.

09/15/2005, 01:39 PM
I have 3 extras sitting in my room, willing to part with 2 of them for $140+shipping each (shipping from AK is pretty expensive expect $100+). They are slightly flawed, but you would be the only one to notice, and I am not sure on the fit. The one I did install that looked real good, I had to drill the mounting holes larger to make it fit, and I should really get back into it and drill a couple more mounting holes larger. Mine I made functional, cut a hole in the hood and it keeps the SCer intake nice and cool, after a couple hundred mile trip I can walk out of my car and press and hold my hand on it now.

09/15/2005, 01:57 PM
Are you guys talking about CF HOODS or HOOD INSERTS? Sorry I need to be brought up to speed. The CF hood inserts are shown on the CFOne site. Are the inserts or the full hood what people are having difficulties with?

09/15/2005, 01:59 PM
I am talking inserts however CF1 was going to do an entire hood but I don't know what became of that.

EDIT: ^I see now they were talking about the whole hood

09/19/2005, 10:28 PM
Thanks AlaskaVX. When you say you have a few spares, do you mean the inserts - stock, or with Carbon Fiber?

P.S. I heard on the entire hood that they could never get the fit right.

09/22/2005, 07:50 AM
It could very well be that CF1 is DONE with us. We tend to complain a lot, not that it isnt warranted, and that probably got on their last nerve. I cant blame them, and I cant blame us. A match that just wasnt meant to be.

I did FINALLY get my a-pillars from them about a month ago. Only been a year and 1/2. They couldnt get the C/F ones to work right so I just had them send me some in F/G. They have the dual pods built in and appear to fit quite well. Problem is, there is no backbone so they have to be mounted another way. Probably screwed in. :( Once I get them refinished and installed, I hope to get pics.

09/22/2005, 09:40 AM
Save one of those CF inserts for me!
I can pick it up (w cash) when I get down your way.

09/22/2005, 09:59 AM
for sure mbeach and if CStyles (sp) see's this I still haven't been able to take pics of them.

09/22/2005, 12:48 PM
What city are they located in?

09/24/2005, 11:09 AM
Hi Alaska...

I'll take one of the C/F hood inserts....what are the 'slight flaws' ??

I'll be in Juno in a week or so...maybe ship it to there?

Let me know if that works for you...and I'd love to see a pic.


09/24/2005, 12:31 PM
Hey Alaska,

I'm still interested, just wondering what the shipping will be.

warr`s auto
03/18/2006, 08:06 PM
does anyone know how to reach cf1 site does not work and the e-mail came back . my insert was cracked by a tree 2 months ago and need to replace it ( wrx scoop ), i was on there site about a month ago and it worked now i need a new one and cant reach them , does someone have a email address that may work ?
thanks robert

03/20/2006, 07:16 AM
I dont know that they are working with us anymore anyways. They just sorta came and went. I think working on the VX proved to be a bigger challenge than they had expected. *shrug*

warr`s auto
03/20/2006, 07:50 AM
they had parts for our vx`s on there site a month ago but i cant reach them now . state farm is going to replace my insert if i can get another one . do you fave a working e-mail address for them wormgod ?
thanks .

03/20/2006, 10:02 PM
There done with us... I tried to get product from them. No dice.

03/21/2006, 07:37 AM
Can't blame them. They earned a pretty bad rep. here pretty quickly.