View Full Version : Door check arm pin

moon buggy
07/15/2005, 04:04 AM
Finally got our VX home today, other than the usual annoying things..headlight seals flapping around in the air showing everyone the wind direction over the car..on the move..I had to pull over and tuck it in under the bonnet till I got home..or risk loosing totally...lovely first trip..anyway..

The pasenger door when it opens, has 3 'levels' of opening and as it goes thru each level it makes a loud creak sound [even after a healthy dose of silicon spray]..observing this movement and the noise I noted that a jirking movement around the pin..looking at the CD manual sect 8 it describes this pin [as above]..is it one piece..as it looks like mine in the door is broken [snapped in half]..the diagram in the manual shows its removal in the diagram ..looks like one should knock it thru with a hammer..it doesn't describe the 'how' tho..am I right in my diagnosis of the 'creaking' problem..if its the pin..are they a common part...as in Australia we have NO manufacturer support at all..would one from say a Rodeo do the job..I could pursue a good wrecker for the bit if thats the case..any suggestions would be appreciated


07/15/2005, 04:33 AM
Maybe a grade 8 or better bolt w/ lots of grease might do the trick for a temp. fix while you're looking for a new one. I had an 86 Trooper that was doing the same thing...until the top hinge plate broke off from the stress.
I was lucky enough to know a good welder who fixed it for a 12 pack. ;)

moon buggy
07/16/2005, 07:10 AM
OK, after finally figuring out how to remove the split pin..I found it wasn't broken ..but after comparing both doors one creaked one didn't i found that the good door had 'cup washer' made of a clear very strong plastic [nylon ?] which acts like a sleeve for the split pin to sit in ..but doesn't allow it to squirm around as in the creaky door...to test I changed this cup washer into the creaky door it then became quiet and good door sans the bit became noisy...so as it turns out the local auto joint doesn't have this item as a stock line altho looking at it it would seem to be a common part, so i may have to source from dealer parts shop, ....so for now I purchased some plastic fasteners [hollow plugs] cut the bottom off them so the pin could go thru and put these into both doors for now..they are not silent but are much quieter and smoother open /shut..if anyone's interested I can take a pic of the 'part' and my replacement..

07/16/2005, 07:49 AM
Sounds like the previous owner had the door off for some reason and lost that washer... Was there body work done that you know of?

I don't know if you've looked into purchasing the part from a dealer over here, but I imagine one of them would ship internationally if you're willing to pay the shipping. St. Charles Isuzu would be a good place to start.

moon buggy
07/16/2005, 03:21 PM
Yep I'd say the local importer had been into the doors as they have to weld in side intrusion bars to make the VX comply in Oz, as low vol import..

...the parts so small its probably dropped out when doing the work, and they just put it together probably thinking geez thats doors noisy..but not my problem..my temporary fix seems to be good so far..I'll see how it holds up over the coming weeks whilst I chase down the correct part..

moon buggy
07/21/2005, 10:29 PM
still running with my modified plastic lug and fix is temporary but I'd like to chase down the part ...so some ??
1/ I recently owned 2 fairly rare Subarus but could access on line 'Subaru-parts..".com and could be get exploded views of the different areas of the car and get right down to small specific mechanical, electrical, body and trim parts..and then get pricing for ordering ...IS there a similar site for Isuzu and specifiaclly VX..have googled but nothing like what I'm looking for

2/ I tried our GM /Holden dealer parts place here ..who had exploded views as above but of Rodeo, Jackeroo and Frontera but this door part i'm looking for doesn't appear to be used in any of these models...

3/ here's the pic of where part comes from and then with pic of it with my moded bits..
http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/515/thumbs/110_1061a.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=6332)
http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/515/thumbs/110_1063a.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=6333)http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/515/thumbs/110_1064a.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=6334)http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/515/thumbs/110_1065a.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=6335)http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/515/thumbs/110_1066.JPG (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=6336)

the original is the clearer piece, slightly covered in grease [and warn], you can see where it sits [arrowed], and yes after sorting this it'll be back to paint shop for a retouch up..even with best efforts with foam and a steady hand

Hope to hear from anyone soon

moon buggy
08/06/2005, 03:02 PM
Hey does anyone know whether this part is the part i should be looking for..I have tried to locate here in Australia but on Rodeos etc here they changed the way they did the doors..
I found reference to the part here...mentioned here http://www.planetisuzoo.com/articles.htm/39

I sent the author of this thread an email, but his address no longer exists [failed returned]..here's the text from my email for more info, pics are earlier in this thread..
I have attached the pic of the 'nylon bushing' Isuzu used on the VX, and you can see how its worn, my passenger door is missing its bushing hence the problem/noise.

..I used your part number here in Australia, at the local Holden/Isuzu dealership...but the part is not listed...they looked at the door 'fittings' ..while similar.. the door check pin design on Rodeos here in australia has changed ...[ I even did the round of Rodeo/Jackeroo/ frontera wreckers] ...so... I am trying to track this part down [ ie your part number] ..of course assuming that's the part I need for the VX

You'll see as an interim fix, i have used basic [unfortunately too soft ] plastic plugs to address the problem ..but I am hoping then the brass bush you speak of will do the job...the door popping without the bush is very loud..and the door to open is quite stiff as it goes thru the 'staggered ' opening and the pin kind of jumps around in the bracket attached to the car body itself..

You'll see in pics I have attached where it goes, and the others show how much of a 'sleeve' it needs

Any input on this would be appreciated