View Full Version : Finally

08/01/2005, 09:28 AM
After a year of searcing for just the right one, I've finally gotten MY VX. She's beautiful, and more than I had hoped for. I picked her up in Chicago (thanks yal^ for all of the help, it was great to finally meet you) and drove her 'cross country last week. I've got pictures from the trip that I will post later, but we visited a ton of cool stuff (petrified forest, The Badlands, Wall Drug, Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse Monument, Sturgis). We also stopped in at the COZU for a little BBQ and fun time with all of the 'Zu owners there.
Looking forward to years of enjoyment, and meeting everyone on the site.

08/01/2005, 02:16 PM
Congrats and sorry I couldn't make your invitation for meet and greet. I would love to see the pics of your VX and your trip home. Did the dealer make it a smooth transaction? I often wondered if dealers would pull a fast one if they know you have traveled across country to get it.

08/02/2005, 12:40 PM
Mark, you are very welcome!
I'm glad to meet you too and happy you got home safe.
Keep in touch.