View Full Version : D(rive) and L(ow) Indicator Lights Both On

08/28/2005, 09:17 PM
Hi guys. I am new to VX world and I really love this forum! Today on my way to work, the Drive and Low dash indicator lights both came on when the VX was in Drive. I turned the ignition off, restarted and in Park, only P was lit up. But when I put it in Drive, the Low light also came on. Driving to work I experienced no problems with the tranny shifting or any other problem. Can anyone tell me what may be going on? Any and all help is much appreciated!


08/28/2005, 09:29 PM
Years ago I had the similar problem with my indicators. Like you, I didnt have any shifting problems or tranny issues. I remember my mechanic telling me that nothing was wrong with the tranny, but i needed some adjustment to the indicator. I will have to look back at my service receipts and see exactly was was done to fix it. I remember it was an easy fix.

08/28/2005, 09:31 PM
Thanks Anita! Any and all help is much appreciated!


08/29/2005, 05:48 AM
Anita is right on, it's an adjustment to the shift-position indicator. Basically, it's like a multi-position switch that does nothing more than illuminate the lamps in the instrument cluster according to the position of the gear selector. It may be loose or perhaps just needs cleaning. If you don't have the service manual just say the word and we'll post up the diagram.

08/29/2005, 06:47 AM
Hi Joe-Black...thanks..and yes I will definately need the diagrams. Thank you very much!


08/29/2005, 02:06 PM
Also on the workshop CD available for download on my site or send me your address and I'll mail ya a copy.

08/29/2005, 06:31 PM
Mikey, definitely download the manual from Tone's site. It's a great reference to have handy!

Here's what you need to check for starters, the A/T Mode Switch on the side of the transmission:

Here's the troubleshooting text from the manual:

Hope that helps! If not, just shout out and we'll come up with something else! ;)