View Full Version : Transmission mode switch, right?

08/29/2005, 08:49 PM
Okay, I've been reading all the threads from the past 3 years about transmissions clunking between 2nd and 3rd gear. I understand that the problem is most likely my mode switch/ selector. I have 32,000 miles on my VX, and I did just have the tranny serviced/ flushed, etc. People's Isuzu here in Las Vegas quoted me $178.82 for the new mode switch; St.Charles Isuzu quoted me $121.88 (Thanks for the number Tone!). St. Charles called the part a position switch. Is this the same part as the mode switch? I've also heard it called a mode selector, and then I have heard of a mode switch connector. I believe the mode switch connector is an additonal piece. If you buy a new mode switch, does a new connector come with it? Could one part be bad, but not the other? I would hate to order one part, replace it, then still have my tranny clunk. It doesn't happen all the time, but you know, I'm sure that the hard shifting is bad for my transmission. Any additional info would be greatly appreciated even though great people like Tone, Anita, and Joe Black have commented on this problem before. Thanks. JL

08/29/2005, 09:36 PM
Are you the first owner? If not, a previous owner may have installed a trans. interceptor. This would account for the more aggresive (read clunk+kick in the pants) shifts. If that's the case, it can probably be adjusted.


08/29/2005, 09:43 PM
Ldub, thanks for the info. I am the 2nd owner (the 1st gave him up for adoption) and as far as I know, there is not an interceptor on the transmission. I have had the VX for 2 1/2 years now, and this just started a month or two ago.

08/29/2005, 09:49 PM
Kinda shoots my theory in the foot :homer: ...oh well, hope someone around here will be of more help.


08/29/2005, 10:20 PM
I looked up my service invoice for the mode switch replacement. I had the really violent jerking going on when the truck shifted between gears.

Cause: Internal Failure
051414D R&R Inhibitor switch
76 WI
8-96017-511-0 Switch, Position

Part#: 8-96017-511-0

49610 Mode switch internal failure, etc...

"Performed scan tool diag. found DTC P0705. Performed Diag. trouble tree found mode switch to have internal failure. Replaced mode switch cleared code and road tested vehicle. Trans shifting correctly at this time"
I do not know what the cost is. At the time it was covered by warranty. My mechanic said that he saw the mode switch fail on VX's with as little as 20K to mid 40's.

08/29/2005, 11:06 PM
Hey there, I'm in Henderson... I had the same problem about a year ago and replaced the mode selector with total success! If you want, pm me and maybe we can hook up and I'll check out your VX's symptoms to see if they are the same as mine were. (or is yours as sporatic as mine was?)... anyhow, it'd be cool to meet you!

08/30/2005, 05:52 AM
Another indicator that it is the Mode Position Switch is that the light illuminating the shifter position on the dash will go dark.

05/09/2006, 11:14 AM
Are you the first owner? If not, a previous owner may have installed a trans. interceptor. This would account for the more aggresive (read clunk+kick in the pants) shifts. If that's the case, it can probably be adjusted.


Hey, I just posted a new thread about a similar "kick in the pants" shift. I thought it was from 1st gear into 2nd, but maybe it is 2nd to 3rd. It happens right around 20 mph. I am a brand new owner, I've had it for 3.5 days only, and I took a short drive (about 3 miles) where the trans was clunking like this. Then I stopped the truck, took a lunch break and drove back to work with no clunking. Hopefully this isnt a huge problem. Gaaaad I hope not!


05/09/2006, 11:17 AM
Hey there, I'm in Henderson... I had the same problem about a year ago and replaced the mode selector with total success! If you want, pm me and maybe we can hook up and I'll check out your VX's symptoms to see if they are the same as mine were. (or is yours as sporatic as mine was?)... anyhow, it'd be cool to meet you!

Hey, I just had this sporatic shift problem today with my new (used) VX. I'm gonna have to look into this mode switch issue. Anything else I should know from your experience?

Thanks - Bart

05/09/2006, 12:59 PM
The thing that sucks most about the issue is that it is very inconsistent... But... If you are taking it to a shop to show them what is wrong, DON'T shut off the motor... Let it run, because if you shut it off, chances are the VX won't show the symptoms when you start it up again. I had that happen twice before I left the thing running, ran in and got the tech and had him ride with me to feel the slam-shifting. But, again, chances are the tech won't know what it is anyway. My rule-of-thumb is, replace the cheap stuff first before going for the guts of the tranny. Check your symptoms against all those that have been reported on this site. Watch for dash gear indicator light anomalies. The replacement Mode Switch is only about $150ish... and is a do-it-yourself replacement. I hope this all helps.

05/09/2006, 01:51 PM
The thing that sucks most about the issue is that it is very inconsistent... But... If you are taking it to a shop to show them what is wrong, DON'T shut off the motor... Let it run, because if you shut it off, chances are the VX won't show the symptoms when you start it up again. I had that happen twice before I left the thing running, ran in and got the tech and had him ride with me to feel the slam-shifting. But, again, chances are the tech won't know what it is anyway. My rule-of-thumb is, replace the cheap stuff first before going for the guts of the tranny. Check your symptoms against all those that have been reported on this site. Watch for dash gear indicator light anomalies. The replacement Mode Switch is only about $150ish... and is a do-it-yourself replacement. I hope this all helps.

Great, thanks for the help. After reading like 3 or 4 threads on here, it seems like a 90% chance this is the issue (at least I hope so, since $150 and a DIY job sounds good compared to a tranny rebuild on a truck I just bought!). I suppose I can get this part from Merlin. I will call him on Friday and order it up. My only worry is that I don't want to do any damage by driving like this, but I guess I can just park, and try again until it stops doing it. Like I said, I have have the truck for only 3 days, and it only did it once, so hopefully this problem does not happen frequently.

Thanks -Bart

05/09/2006, 02:33 PM
Another indicator that it is the Mode Position Switch is that the light illuminating the shifter position on the dash will go dark.

I've had that happpen, the fuse would blow for the tail lights and the dash selector goes dark. Shifts like crap, really hard until the fuse is replace. Took it in once, the mechanic was kinda dumbfounded. Later the problem went away. So the mode position switch is the culprit?

05/09/2006, 03:59 PM
I've had that happpen, the fuse would blow for the tail lights and the dash selector goes dark. Shifts like crap, really hard until the fuse is replace. Took it in once, the mechanic was kinda dumbfounded. Later the problem went away. So the mode position switch is the culprit?

Interesting thing is with your tail lights going out as well, it sounds like a wire grounding out. I havent heard of the mode switch affecting tail lights. Several of us had the tail lights and dash lights go out only to find that there was a wire grounding out behind and below the drivers side headlight where a wiring harness runs which blew the corresponding fuse.

I believe the mode switch going out can affect the shifter position lights... not the whole dash.

05/09/2006, 05:56 PM
My dash lights were fine actually. The only thing that was affected was the shifting (rough), the selector lights on the dash were blank, and the 15A fuse for the tail lights blows out. This happend on and off for a little while and then suddenly stopped and went away. This is on a Rodeo Sport btw. I figured it was a loose wire somewhere but looking for it might take forever.

08/28/2006, 08:14 AM

The part number (above) is of much help. thx.

Everywhere on this site people refer to this part as the "mode selector switch", etc... However, when I put the part number you provided into isuzuparts.com it comes up as a "NEUTRAL SAFETY SWITCH, Vehicross".

Is the "Neutral Safety Switch" the same thing as a "Mode Selector Switch"?



08/28/2006, 02:16 PM
Biju, Im not sure about that. But it wouldnt be the first time that VX parts have several different names. Give Merlin a call.. they could tell you.

09/01/2006, 09:40 AM
I have had mine for over 2.5 years now and about 1yr into owning it i felt this hard shifting between 2nd and 3rd and my lights were dimming (it happened late at night) when u turn the engine off its ok...but it came back every week then every month then disappeared. just last week...it came back...so i pulled over shut off the engine turned it back on and went on with my day...the problem hasn't returned...should i replace the mode position switch? it seems to be a very common issue...

10/11/2006, 07:40 AM
I was driving into work and the transmission would jerk HEAVILY when upshifting and downshifting. Shook the whole car.

I also noticed that my gear indicator light in the dash was malfunctioning, and would show "D" when in drive, but would show "R" if I put it into 3rd gear, and would behave randomly if I manually shifted to 2nd or 1st, sometimes blinking the "R" light before showing some other incorrect gear selection.

I stopped at a gas station to think, turned off the truck and put some oil in (since my VX also seems to consume the stuff). Started the truck and everything shifted smoothly after that, and the dash indicator functioned perfectly.

I guess I'll keep an eye on it, check my fuses and get that trans. mode position switch looked at as soon as I can.

You guys rock!

p.s. I've also had the CD player fail, the wiper paint flake off, the power windows stick, the headlight gaskets separate and the idle sensor fail (races or stalls the engine)...but I also have 120k miles on my '99 VX.

04/02/2010, 01:56 AM
is there a nother name for the mode selector switch as i cant find one on the net to buy cheers micknorm

04/02/2010, 02:22 AM
is there a nother name for the mode selector switch as i cant find one on the net to buy cheers micknorm

http://search.mywebsearch.com/mywebsearch/redirect.jhtml?qid=66ca33873f54fe28128dbf8c4a58c51 6&searchfor=4l30e+mode+selector+switch&action=pick&pn=1&si=&n=77C09F4F&ptb=p.RsmLRH3cG8POGBlipvNQ&ptnrS=grman000&ss=&st=hp&cb=GR&pg=GGmain&ord=0&tpr=&redirect=mPWsrdz9heamc8iHEhldER3KP%2FxsUHgzsRC54%2 BwnMkvVVV3%2BRYpdRTf3bLuszCAiS%2BV%2B1ZZ0cvKrMY4op ZM%2FAA%3D%3D&ct=AR

04/02/2010, 02:05 PM
Hey I found this it may be worth a try. http://isuzufaq.ibctech.ca/range.pdf I had to buy a new one and Isuzu does call it neutral switch. Part NO# for 2000 Isuzu rodeo / Honda Passport … 896 017 5110

Hpoe this helps:smilegray

08/15/2010, 09:06 AM
I was having the rough shifting as well - replaced the neutral switch as St. Charles called it. That and a transmission flush fixed my issues. Shifts very smooth and is responsive. Also want to mention there is a wiring bundle that comes very close to the exhaust. Make sure it's tied out of the way. Had some melted wires as well which got repaired - could have been causing a short or incorrect data to the computer. Pictures attached. If your going to keep your VX i would have this replaced. I always call St. Charles for parts - they always seem to be nice and helpful.

http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/thumbs/IMG00059-20100516-1101.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=18594)http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/thumbs/IMG00057-20100516-1101.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=18593)