View Full Version : just wonderin....

09/15/2005, 03:16 PM
Has anyone ever considered lambo doors on their vx? I am thinkin about it and I have a guy that says he can do it for about $1200 for the manuals and $1500 for the self lifting hydraulic ones. I was just wondering what other peoples opinions were on this subject.

09/15/2005, 04:59 PM
Well first off "IT WOULD BE SWEEEEEEEEET!!!!!!!"

I have wanted to do this but I am more of an offroader so it doesn't really suit me. But I would imagine that it would look REAL good! And I would definately toss the extra $300 for the self lifting.

DO IT!!!!!

09/15/2005, 05:38 PM
On any other application, I'd have to say this is one of the top 10 ricey mods that could be done...
HOWEVER, on a vehicle as rare and unusual as the VX, it would be super cool.

As long as he could do it while maintaining the look and integrity of the vehicle's lines (no protruding hinges, etc.) it would be well worth the time and money.

Plus it might help in eliminating the annoying door handle snap that the VX is capable of when your hands are wet.

09/15/2005, 06:08 PM
I think it would be really dorky looking. The doors are too "square" to look good slung up and forward - that takes long thin doors (no frame around the window) to pull off right.

I think what could look good would be gull-wing doors, like on the delorean. But, that would require a lot of work and modifications to the roof too. And then no parking garages, unless you want to climb out the rear.

DeLorean in Flight (http://www.delorean.ch/files/Pictures/DeLorean.jpg)

09/15/2005, 07:25 PM
Yes, I've recently thought about it and would probably do it if someone locally here can do a nice quality job. Please keep me posted if you're going to do it :luck:

09/15/2005, 08:18 PM
I say go for it!! It would probably look cooler than most cars i've seen with that Mod. Besides, there arent too many mods that would make the VX look bad.

09/15/2005, 11:43 PM
I agree with WyrreJ with everything except the gullwing parking garage thing. This is a common misconception. The door hinges towards the middle of the roof allowing the door to swing up without hitting anything. In fact, the horizontal distance it comes away from the car is less than the distance required to open a standard car door far enough to exit the vehicle. You just have to watch your head.

How do I know this?
I performed the gullwing mod on my Mistubishi Starion. It required welding in a sub frame because of the unibody. Instead of the Delorean torsion bar hinge method (expensive and unattainable), I made my own hinges that were welded directly into the section of frame where the door connected. After that I just had to lighten and balance the components inside door, lengthen and rerun my wiring, and repeat for the driver side. Linear actuators went in last, and are not recommended because they are too slow, IMO. I didn't even have to move my door latch.

Anyways, WyrreJ is right. The lambo doors look stupid and ARE too square. It only looks good on on short doors. I saw it done on an Escalade and it made getting in and out of the vehicle a chore. The doors couldn't open far enough.

09/16/2005, 12:38 AM
I should have been more clear about the parking garage - I didn't mean side clearance, I meant headroom. A lot of garages have pretty low ceilings and the VX is a lot taller than a delorean.

09/16/2005, 01:08 AM
Ooops. I am just so used to people cracking jokes about side clearance on my car, I jumped to conclusions.

While I was laying in bed trying to fall asleep I thought of other cool door options.

Mini-van electric slider (my fav) Having it slide forward to avoid ridicule would make it awesome, but would require lots of bodywork, build up of fender...

Split where cladding meets metal (Hinge from top and bottom)...

Door as step ladder, (hinges from the bottom). Would require redesign of interior tho, and probably look like you were in an accident...

Use a 2 stage hinging system so the door lifts up, and slides onto the roof. But you would hit your head on the stuff that makes it do that...

Thats about all I can think of now. If you really like it, then do the Lambo doors. If it looks good I will jump on board too. I just don't see how it will work.... UNLESS!

Do the Lambo door, but make a cut along the cladding seem and weld bottom half of door to the frame. Close up the new bottom to your door and move your door lock, window track and motor.Don't forget to cut the window so it can't travel as far on the track you will also have to cut. Look at delorean style windows, thats what you will have. Then you will have a short doors that can open Lambo style AND look PHIZAAAAAAAAAATT!

Hold crap, do that and you are my hero. I will copy your every move. Just bare in mind it took me a year to finish my gullwing mod by myself, so you better have a shop do it.

09/16/2005, 06:34 AM
I can't remember who posted this orig., but, here it is for your viewing pleasure...
http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/thumbs/gullwings.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/gullwings.jpg)

09/16/2005, 07:58 AM
Frameless doors look better for this mod IMO. Like on the probe GT pictured below:


But look silly on vehicles that have frames as pictured below:


I think this mod is cool, but not on the VX!

I vote NO on doing this mod but it's your VX, do as you will ;)

09/16/2005, 08:02 AM
Go for it... I would not want it on mine, but you would be the only one with a VX and this mod. I vote Yes for you and NO for me...

Post pics when you do it.


09/16/2005, 08:43 AM
HEY, thats the escalade I mentioned earlier. I saw it in CT.

09/16/2005, 09:22 AM
I was thinking doors that lifted like this:
Not really gullwing or Lambo, they pivot along the A-pillar here on the Hamann V8 M3.


09/16/2005, 10:57 AM
I think those A-pillar pivot doors are usually called "butterfly doors."

I would go for the mini-van style even more than gull-wing. Sliding forwards instead of backwards is an interesting twist too.