View Full Version : Hit by a Krispy Kreame Truck! "getting new rhino sprayed cladding"

09/19/2005, 06:58 AM
Well, Got rearended by a doughnut Truck! ..lol..luckly i saw him coming and almost got out of his way!, cause a little right quarter damange, body and cladding, i talk his insurance office in to spraying all new and old cladding with rhino or linx coating, in order to match up all parts! they like that idea since it meant not buying more cladding!.. any advise on coating and cladding work,i know i read most agree that cladding should be took off first...makes sence ! any other guys been there an done that would be gratful for any insight!...thanks

09/19/2005, 08:40 AM
Did you get free dounuts for life in the deal? ;Dy; I would go with lineX. I think it looks better when applied, comes in many colors and the make it in different coursness's. Can't give any advice since I've never had it done but I'm sure those that have will chime in. Also do a search as this has been covered a few times.

09/19/2005, 09:25 AM
Grandpa Bob (Green Dragon) has line-x on his VX and probably would have the most to say about it, but I havent seen him on the site for a very long time. Has anyone been in contact with him?

09/19/2005, 09:32 AM
spraying all new and old cladding with rhino or linx coating, in order to match up all parts! they like that idea since it meant not buying more cladding!

I just had a few pieces of cladding replaced with new parts and there was no problems at all with the old parts matching the new ones. You would never even know they where recently replaced. Some insurance companies will find new or "like new" parts for you so this "may" cause a problem with matching up the cladding. I was concerned about the same thing, but in the end, it worked out just fine :)

Sounds like you got a deal on this anyway so don't mind my post. I just wanted to chime in an say that it's not really a problem. ;)

09/19/2005, 09:52 AM
The Line-x'd cladding I have seen looked good and seemed to hold up much better than the stock cladding. The Line-x is harder than the plastic and does not scratch! If properly applied will last as long as your VX plus no more "detailing" the cladding...just hose it off!

Also if the current cladding has any dents in it they can easily be fixed prior to line-xing by cafefully using a blow dryer to heat it up and popping the dent out from the inside.

09/19/2005, 12:49 PM
Actually My VX is a 99 Ironman so my cladding is faded pretty bad,i was lookin at pictures when i got it and it looked"cladding" almost black!..now its a light gray...i was thinking about doing the linx or rhino thing any way, /thanks for the info... i have 1 or 2 spots that will need heating, the linx guy well actually he was "ultralinnings" claims his is a better mix of polyulthane and will last longer and not fad as bad..over all, im not interested in color as i like the basis black that it comes out natrually, this will make the white stand out better!

09/19/2005, 01:54 PM

Mine is a 99' with greyish cladding (when not shined with the latest product of the month!) as well, and the parts still matched when replaced.

After a wash and shine up, parts where identical in color and after a few weeks and some rain, all parts still matched :)

09/19/2005, 02:02 PM
Vehix...sounds like you live in a very well shaded area! ,My has faded at least 3 or 4 shades lighter,...The cladding is made of polypropylene which is one of the worst polymers to fad under UV light... you musta had a good batch with yours!..
ooo... and the doughnut guy did offer me a free box!!!

09/19/2005, 05:18 PM
I have my entire Jeep Wrangler Sprayed in Line-X and it has held up very well. It is a bit tedious to clean as dust and dirt get in the pits. but other then that. They had to take a high grit sander to the body so it would stick to the body, so they may do the same to the cladding. I would love to see pictures sometime.

09/20/2005, 06:26 AM
I will be sure and leave feedback on any issues i may have when this is done, also will post some pictures..will be couple of weeks until body shop has parts and i have the current cladding took off.

09/20/2005, 06:37 AM
The Insurance Co paid out $585.00 for rhino spraying..The guy spraying mine,"ultralinning" said he would do it for $300.00. if i would have the cladding took off by the body shop...which is taking off 4 parts any way to replace, have not done the math on labor for removing the rest of the cladding but i would say it would come out close to the amount the Insurance Co allowed.

09/20/2005, 07:59 AM
Where does one get Line-x applied? :)

09/20/2005, 09:50 AM
A lot of paint shops around my town have started to do it. When I was in the market for it, I called my favorite body shop and asked them, and they directed me to the one they out source too.

09/20/2005, 10:11 AM
I really hope you weren't out doing doughnuts in the dirt before you got hit. :)