View Full Version : Replica cars - 89 Batmobile or Lambo Countach

10/04/2005, 07:03 PM
Which way would you go if you had a choice of one of these in your driveway next to the VX?

A 89' Batmobile replica or a Lambo Countach? Keep in mind that the Batmobile will have to be lifted a little to drive it on the street. Air shocks on all four corners will allow this.
The Countach is based off of a Fiero, not streched.
Both of these cars are two seaters. Both are six cylinders.

Well which way would you go?

Raque Thomas
10/04/2005, 07:20 PM
No question - the Lambo, even if it's a fake (as long as it's a good fake!)

10/04/2005, 09:08 PM
Batmobile for me.

I've seen many Countach kits and they all have sagging sills and doors within a very short time (maybe that's been improved now but I doubt it). They always look real plasticky to me.

-- John

10/04/2005, 10:20 PM
i would say lambo conversion on fiero mainly because i am doing the same thing myself =) i just bought a black fiero that has a trashed exterior but the interior and motor are in really good condition.

10/05/2005, 09:15 AM

10/05/2005, 09:30 AM
Man, I'd trade my Vx for this one anyday:

10/05/2005, 11:36 AM
If it's just a fun car, probably the batmobile. A countach replica will never pass for a countach, after all...

10/05/2005, 02:24 PM
batmobile... may i ask how much they are selling it for? i might be interested in a batmobile myself..

10/05/2005, 08:33 PM
Can't really say, this is one that I have been trying to get for a year. It is well worth the money.

I'm leaning more towards the Batmobile because it is very rare andhard to find. Lambo replicas are on EBay all the time.

I will be able to make a little extra money with the Bat. the more Batman movies that WB puts out the more the replica will be worth.
The 89 Batmobile is the most popular one out there.

10/05/2005, 09:16 PM
There is nothing worse then a poser.

I choose neither. get something else that is distinctive like the VX.

but if I HAD to pick. I would go with the Batmobile. Only if it came with a Batman suit though.

10/05/2005, 09:49 PM
I see Countachs and Diablos all the time, so I'd go with the Batmobile. Offer me something more unique from the house of Ferruccio, like another Miura and I might have go into coin-toss mode. :p Interestingly enough, the total production for ALL models ever produced by Lamborghini in its entire history are fewer than the VX production run. Even more interesting, why are so many in Florida?

10/06/2005, 07:17 AM
There is nothing worse then a poser.Do you consider a Cobra replica to be a poser car?

10/06/2005, 05:45 PM
There is nothing worse then a poser.

Not even a paedophile?

Raque Thomas
10/06/2005, 08:03 PM
There is nothing worse than a poser........

Guess you don't like me then....or the guy that drives the Porsche Touareg, or the Lexus Camry, or the Cadillac Suburban, or the Infinity Maxima, or the Maserati LeBaron, or the Lincoln Expedition, or the Lotus VX220, or the (fill in the blank of the latest poser)....did I get any of the manufacturers wrong? Oooops!