View Full Version : CD player not working

10/08/2005, 07:11 AM
i have never had any problems with my CD player before. then i used ony my tape player (listening to book on tape) for four days and when i tried to go back to my CD player it doesnt recognize that there are any CD in there (all slots are full) so it wont play the CDs in there and it wont eject them either. can anyone help im really confused here.
email me @ afspiglet04@aol.com

10/08/2005, 11:31 AM
theres alot of problems with the changer.....u just gotta get lucky and have it spit them back out. if u get them all out i would recommend replacing the headunit with an aftermarket one.

Jolly Roger VX'er
10/08/2005, 01:37 PM

10/08/2005, 08:46 PM
Never put a CD in the 6th slot of the factory CD changer. This has saved me from problems with the changer for two years.

I had my changer replaced twice under warranty, so it took me a while to figure it out.

Without a disc in the 6th slot the changer works flawlessly, two years for me now. Your mileage may vary.

10/08/2005, 10:49 PM
Things to try.. if you havent already.

While turning on and off ignition, press eject button as well as each individual CD buttons. Since everything is stuck you got nothing to lose -- a few of us have had luck hitting the left side of the changer while pressing buttons and turning ignition off and on.

And I dont know if this could help but some owners have said they had luck disconnecting and reconnecting the battery.

The one time I had a stuck CD several years ago, I worked on it for at least 30 minutes before it coughed up the CD. Good luck

10/09/2005, 12:03 AM
Answer...BFS(Big F$#%^N SLEDGE HAMMER)

10/10/2005, 01:45 PM
Spazz has the best answer!! my CD's are still stuck /have been for a over 6 months..i beat, bang left side /right side..turn on off and still nothing!..finally got a pioneer system to replace my main unit with a single CD, of course all my best cd's are still stuck in the changer...plan is to take out 1 sat and use the HAMMER!!!" any ideas on what to use the cd changer space for??

10/10/2005, 03:04 PM
I would beat mine on plastic just to the side of changer on the driver side. Just hit eject then ( green light starts blinking? been a while) start banging harder and harder (with outside of right handed fist) until it pops out, once you get one out it seemed to work for me. You will find you will need to hit harder and harder until one day it just won't work. Time for an aftermarket stereo. :cool:

10/10/2005, 06:17 PM
I thought I had been quite lucky. Today however after trying to load a new disc in slot 4 it failed and I can't get any out. JAFO thanks for the tutorial to retrieve the CDs, will do that this weekend.

10/10/2005, 10:04 PM
This is the only thing that has consistently worked for me when my CDs get stuck: Use a CD to slightly push the CD that always seems to be sitting just before the opening of the changer, then push the eject button. Sometimes, CDs come out one after another. I don't know how dangerous this is for the changer or if it will work for you but it's been a winner for me.