View Full Version : VX @ TX Renaissance Festival

10/10/2005, 04:37 PM
For your consideration-
I thought I'd see if there is any interest in a VX trek to the Texas Renaissance Festival on the 13th (Sunday) of November.


I believe the Austin Bunch might be heading this way and perhaps Tone will be bringing his new ride. The festival closes down the following weekend so this is kind of a last opportunity. If you have never attended it defies description (as do the serving wenches). Figure on meeting here in Katy then caravaning north to arrive for the parade at 11:00am. Drop a post if this sounds of interest.
VAPORIZOR REVIEWS (http://vaporizerinfo.com/)

10/10/2005, 09:16 PM
I might be able to come for a while on Sunday. Let me know what the plans are.
In Christ,
Ryan H

VX crazy
10/20/2005, 07:06 PM
I might be able to come for a while on Sunday. Let me know what the plans are.
In Christ,
Ryan H
:clap: :clap: :clap:

10/20/2005, 11:00 PM
sounds intresting. chalk me up for a maybe as well.

10/21/2005, 08:38 AM

Count me in.

10/31/2005, 04:22 PM
Thought I'd bring this back around as we're less than 2 weeks out. I know Tone, Lisa, & Larry will be in attendance but still waiting on word from others who might have an interest. We can meet somewhere on the north side of town to cut out some of the driving for those of you that don't want to make the run out to Katy. I'm open to suggestions as to a central spot. Ohterwise we can simply meet at my place & start the caravan (if there is to be a caravan) from here.

The current plan is to leave for the festival late Sunday morning.
VOLCANO VAPORIZER (http://twitter.com/vaporizer)

10/31/2005, 06:19 PM
Hey George,

Now that I'm done scary the #$%^ out of all the kids at our H-party :) I'm thinking about hooking up with Lisa & Tone down there.

11/01/2005, 12:41 PM
Glad to hear you might make it Julian- friends are always welcome. By the way I got the washer you sent a while back to extend the nerf bar..thanks. I have yet to track down a place in town that sells them that big though-no excuse, just lazy I guess. I really need to follow up on that & get on with the project. Yours looks great with the adjustment
Pissing toilet (http://www.****tube.com/categories/837/toilet/videos/1)

11/01/2005, 01:51 PM

I can pick the washers for you if you like, just let me know. QTY = 36 (9 each side) is what you need, unless you want the whole box of 50. BTW, I've got Tone's SC kit coming next week :dance:

11/01/2005, 05:39 PM
If you get the time that would be great but don't go out of your way. It would probably be easier getting the box instead of 36 I guess.
Granny Tubes (http://www.****tube.com/categories/23/granny/videos/1)

11/05/2005, 09:00 PM
If anyone is interested in any mods please let me know ASAP so I can coordinate. Thinking we should meet in Magnolia at 11am......

Also post who for sure will be attending.....

Looking forward to it!

11/06/2005, 12:48 AM
Alright!! i FINALLY get to go to a meet! lol jsut need specifics of where we will be meeting and when. (not too familiar with the houston area) any input would be greatly appreciated.

11/06/2005, 01:46 PM
OK..here are the specifics for next Sunday. Let's plan on arriving at the Ren Fest at 11:30. If no one will be needings mods done then we can bypass gathering at my place and meet for breakfast before making the final run to Plantersville. There is a IHOP just west of I-45 on FM 1960 (about a block to the west). Arrival time at the restaurant should be as close to 10am as folks can make it.
For those who would rather head straight to the festival here are the directions:

Mr Quackers- I apoligize for the early start but it helps avoid crowds (and, on a selfish note, gets me back home in time for work that night). The easiest way to meet us (at the restaurant) is I-10 to 610 Loop N. Take I-45 north and about 20 miles northbound you'll see the exit for FM 1960. Exit then turn west (under the freeway) and there will be ab IHOP about 2 blocks down the street. My cell is 281-924-3007 if you get hung up.

If someone needs something from Tone then we can alter these plans accordingly or simply go back to my house (or anyone else who might be closer) after the festivities.
Amateur anal (http://www.****tube.com/categories/44/anal/videos/1)

11/07/2005, 02:54 AM
I will definitely meet you all at the IHOP, as far as how long I could stay at the Ren. Fest. I don't know. I will at least need to be back inside the 6-10 loop at around 3pm. Isn't Magnolia about an hour outside of town? Looking forward to it. Hopefully I will have all the LED's and DVD player in by then.
In Christ,
Ryan H
USA Decathlon Team

11/07/2005, 09:47 PM
hmmmm.....what wouldnt I like to order from tone? i would definatly get everythign if i could afford it.. lol as far as mods go. the only think i wouldnt mind doing is lifitng hte front a lil. (read about the torsion bar tightening and ball joint flip) but i believe that will take too long. probably just a rundown on "how to" and i could look into it later.... maybe... haha. it usually jsut takes about a 4 hour drive from here to huston but how far away is plantersville from there? oh! on a sidenote, i have theo origional shocks still from when the previous owner installed the ranceros. all 3 are fine, but i believe that 1 is leaking or something.... at least that is what i was told. so i dunno if i should sell them or bring them if anyone is intrested. ha ha. and i am sure i will have a LOT more questions when i get there. looking forward to meeting everyone. im sure i will post again when time gets closer

11/08/2005, 08:28 PM
Oops, I got my weekends all screwed up and realized that I'm busy this coming weekend :(

VX crazy
11/10/2005, 07:33 AM
Ursula, are you going......here is the post

11/10/2005, 08:02 AM
I think I'll meet you guys for breakfast at the IHop. Don't think I'll be able to make the Ren Fest . See y'all then...

11/10/2005, 12:26 PM
For those of you that will be using mapquest to find the IHOP- plug in 1414 Cypresss Station Dr. You'll see it's at the corner of that street and FM 1960.

Early weather forecast for Sunday is a 40% chance of thunderstorms. Keep my cell # handy (281-924-3007) and give me a call if things look alarming from the heavens. A last minute decision might be in order so keep thy fingers crossed.

Looking forward to seeing old friends & maybe some new ones.
Ffm Sex (http://www.****tube.com/categories/19/ffm/videos/1)