View Full Version : 4WD shifter kicks into neutral

10/13/2005, 06:57 AM
When I get on the gas and have the shifter in anything other than D. , I let off the gas using the decel from the engine to slow me down and it kicked out of 4 hi into a neutral position. It only happens when I am at high rpm and slow down. So i had to pull over, put the gear selector in N, pull the emergency brake and put the 4WD back in high. Any ideas why this would happen???

10/13/2005, 07:37 AM
Maybe it wasn't fully engaged?

10/13/2005, 09:33 AM
It has happened 3 times now and i've made sure that it was fully enguaged. I even made sure and went out and tested it and it still popped out.

10/13/2005, 01:39 PM
Ahhh... a member from the 'nam.

How are your engine/trans mounts?
Can you crawl under the truck and see if any excessive movement of the engine/trans/t-case would cause the shift linkages to shift themselves?

This sounds pretty serious, I'd get on a solution quickly before it pops into neutral at 80mph on the All American Exressway....