View Full Version : Football Logic

10/28/2005, 06:40 AM
An elimination tournament in football was held between four colleges - Trinity, Tufts, Temple, and Tulane. The winners of the first two games met in the third and final game to decide the championship. The colors of the teams were brown, blue, red, and purple. The competing captains were named Albie, Barry, Bill, and Ben.

1. In the final game, Albie's team made its only score by a touchdown on the first play, but missed the point after the touchdown.
2. The red team lost to the Tufts in the first game.
3. Ben's team defeated Tulane 12 to 0.
4. The captain of the purple team saved his team from being scoreless in the third game by completing a 40 yard field goal.
5. Ben's team did not play Trinity.
6. Barry's team lost to the undefeated team.
7. Albie did not see his former friend, the captain of the brown team.

Who defeated whom in the championship game?

What was the score of the final game?

Who was the captain of each team?

What was the color of each team?

10/28/2005, 08:50 AM
Who defeated whom in the championship game?

Tufts beat Temple

What was the score of the final game?

6 to 3

Who was the captain of each team?

Tufts -Albie
Trinity -Barry
Temple -Ben
Tulane -Bill

What was the color of each team?
Tufts -Blue
Trinity -Red
Temple -Purple
Tulane -Brown

I haven't even had my morning coffee yet -I hope that this is correct :o

10/28/2005, 10:04 AM
Correct! I must choose between this puzzle and another to print in a publication for middle school kids and their parents. Just for fun, here is the other one. It is a bit easier, though I would still prefer to have my coffee before solving it.

What Color Hat am I Wearing?

The wise teacher offered three rowdy students a deal. He showed them that he had two red hats and three blue hats. The deal worked like this:

The three students would close their eyes, and while their eyes were closed, the teacher would put a hat on each of their heads (and hide the other two hats).

Then, one at a time, the students would open their eyes, look at the other two students' heads, and try to guess which color hat was on their own head.

Any students that guessed correctly would have no homework to do the rest of the semester. But any students that guessed wrong would not only have to do their own homework, but they would have to help grade everyone else's work also.

The students drew numbers to see who would guess first. Then they closed their eyes and the wise teacher put a hat on each one's head. Arturo, who was to go first, opened his eyes, looked at the others' heads, and said he didn't really want to play. He couldn't tell for sure and he didn't want to guess in case he was wrong. Next, Belicia opened her eyes and looked at the others' heads. She thought about the fact that Arturo had said he couldn't tell. Then she said she didn't want to risk it either. She couldn't tell for sure.

Carletta was third. She just stood there with her eyes still closed tightly and a big grin on her face. "I know what color hat I have on," she said.

And she gave the right answer.

Your problem is to figure out what color hat Carletta had on and how she knew for sure. Remember: Carletta didn't even look!

10/28/2005, 11:20 AM
This is like the Dogsmead puzzle! :)

10/28/2005, 01:13 PM
I must choose between this puzzle and another to print in a publication for middle school kids...

...And the wind is let out of my sails... :(

It's like sitting at home and winning at teen Jeopardy -it just doesn't feel as good.

10/28/2005, 03:00 PM
Go Jumbos...that's my university. We lost 7-0 in our homecoming mudbowl a couple weeks ago to trinity. I played briefly last year...oh, and our color is actually brown (and baby blue).