View Full Version : Thanks Gil!!!

VX crazy
12/28/2005, 10:54 AM
For showing us some of Chicago, (over and over again ;)) It was fun, sorry if I could not seem to keep my eyes open! Nice to see Rich again also! You guys come down to Texas and you will get the same treatment we got visiting you guys! VERY much appreciated!

12/29/2005, 02:04 PM
It was nice to see you guys again too! Glad to see you got home OK. Gil had me going in a circle at the end of the night as well... ;)
Have a great New Year's and stay safe.

VX crazy
12/29/2005, 02:07 PM
Yes, I almost forgot to thank Rich too, we each had our own driver in their own VX! Thanks again!

12/30/2005, 11:49 AM
I'm glad we got to hang out while you two were in town! It was great seeing you again. Sorry all the snow melted & you guys didn't get a white Christmas. Driving 2 VXes to get pizza after hanging out at a punk rock club, and then going to a different punk rock club... the holidays with Gill T.

Let the record show that we went over 4 DIFFERENT bridges... not the same bridge 4 times! I also submit that I did a great job of leading Rich to the expressway, and he only missed the on ramp and had to circle back because of HIS sudden need to jam the skinny peddal to the floor & zoom past us (I think he was possessed by Throttle Jockey for a momment).

Lastly, and this is most important... the Jager was NOT my idea!!!
Happy new year!!! :dance:

12/30/2005, 09:28 PM
mmmm...Jager :homer: :deado: :deado: