View Full Version : transponder security system?

12/31/2005, 10:18 AM

I'm finishing up the Hella DE Micro fog light install from Moncha's "how-to". In the process of cleaning up the wires I found an after market black box wired up to my Proton under the knee panel. It just says "Transponder Security System".

I did a search on this site, but found nothing. I'm going to Google next. If anybody here could tell me what the heck this thing is and what it does, I'd appreciate it!



12/31/2005, 11:08 AM
Could it be a LoJack?

12/31/2005, 12:50 PM
Found this online:

The system consists of a transmitter and a receiver. The ignition key acts as the transmitter and is equipped with a pellet in the head of the key. When the ignition is turned on, the pellet sends a radio frequency to the receiver. If the correct frequency is not received, the vehicle becomes disabled.

There are over a trillion transponder keys, making each pellet unique. Some systems use rolling code changes, which changes the code every time the vehicle is turned off. This makes obtaining a duplicate key with the code impossible.

Well. That answers that, I guess.

But now I have a new problem, and I'm pretty sure it has something to do with this Transponder Security System.

Background: When proton was purchased in California I was provided with an OEM key/security FOB. Plain and simple. No issues starting.

Today: Finished up the wiring of the foglight install, where I had disconnected the neg. battery terminal to do the wiring work. Upon reconnecting the battery, and attempting to start her up - she'd 'dead' - as if disabled. Lights come on, I have electricity, etc., but she won't turn over (not even a 'click').

Is it possible that by disconnecting/reconnecting the battery that I've 'reset' this system, where the car is now disabled and won't start unless I have the above mentioned 'pellet' key?

The dealership in California that I purchased her from can't help. They won't give me the info of the seller, and all they were given upon trade in was the OEM key.

Crap. :(


12/31/2005, 09:19 PM
Maybe a dumb question but...

Is it possible to remove the transponder & reconnect the wires?

Hope you get it figured out.

12/31/2005, 09:36 PM
Indeed. However, now that I'm reading more on this product, I'm wondering if I couldn't get a 'transponder' key off ebay (just search 'transponder') and find a way to make it communicate to the receiver?....

all else, yeah, I'll just have to tear into the wiring and see if I can put everything back together the way it was...


12/31/2005, 09:37 PM
Man that sucks.

I say tear it out.

I have my electronic troubleshooting manual standing by -just start pulling it down so we can get an idea of where it's tapped in to the VX's harness.

Make a note of colors and connectors that you run in to. We'll figure it out.

Oh, happy New Year.

01/02/2006, 12:01 AM
yeah you should be able to by pass it just like nething else

01/02/2006, 06:06 AM
VXes do not use transponders so there is probably no key in the box and there is no reason for it to have been installed. Be careful removing the alarm if you have done so before as you can easily disable the vehicle.

01/02/2006, 07:12 AM
I plan on tearing into it today, and see if I can figure out how to remove it and put everything back the way it was.

I'll take notes on wires, colors, etc. Thanks everybody! Wish me luck....


01/04/2006, 08:25 AM
Dug in and was able to reattach all back to original wiring, etc. I was a bit hesitant about digging into the wires under the steering column, however, it wasn't hard at all... In the end, it turned out fine.

Just strange that I was able to start/restart the vehicle time and time again with no issues (not having the chipped key). However, once I disconnected the battery then reconnected it things went nuts...? oh well, doesn't matter now.

Here's a picture of the culprit:


