View Full Version : As some of you may have noticed...

01/03/2006, 08:56 AM
I am back from Madeira. With me I bring good tidings, news about me and pictures. I got to do all kinds of fun things while I was there. It was a wonderful adventure. The arrangement I had with the owner of the farm was that he would bring me food, and I would stay on the farm and work. However he took off to India after I got there, and I was left with no food, and very little money. Fortunatley there was apples, chickens, eggs, and chestnuts on the farm so I did not starve, but lost a hell of a lot of weight. Oh yeah, no electricity either, so I hacked one of those solar walkway lights to charge my phone when it was sunny. The nearest business was a bar that took 2 hours to hike to, and 2 hours to hike back.

I did however get the chance from time to time to make my way down the mountain and catch a bus to Funchal. Funchal is the capitol and largest "city" on the island. One day I decided to walk. I walked the entire distance, it took the entire day. Something told me to walk it that day. On my walk I became thirsty so I stopped into a cafe', it was there that I met my future wife and mother of my child!

I am home now until January 25th, on the 20th my girlfriend will be coming to America. I plan to take her to the top of the Empire State building and propose to her in true cliche' American style. Wish me luck, and enjoy these images.

These images have been shrunk and optimized so admins don't hate me.

To start this is the view of the hut I stayed in.

The view to the ocean (which is hard to see in this pic) from the farm I stayed on.

This is a pic I took on one of my many walks through the mountains

A different view of where I stayed.

This is my beautiful gilfriend Ana Paula Caleia dos Santos (girl from the cafe').

She even stayed on the farm with me for 3 days. This is a pic from inside the bar I mentioned earlier.

This is me showing off how much weight I lost living off of nuts and apples.

My girl at the Hairdressers.

Yep. We started a family. This was the second test that said positive.

I have about 900 pictures thanks to my Sony Ericsson w800i, too bad I can't show them all.

Though sometimes things were tough, I LOVED IT. I gained so much from going, the love of my life, a child, and a home on a beautiful tropical island. Oh yeah I forgot to mention that. Ana's parents like me so much they gave us their home there (they live in london) and they said I am the man of the house and anything I say goes. They are even paying for a major addition to the house that will double the total home size so there is plenty of room for us and the baby. Isn't life wonderful.

01/03/2006, 09:17 AM
Happy New Year to you and congratulations on your good news! Madeira looks like a fantastic place to visit. With my luck, a long walk through the jungle would probably end up finding myself a tiger's lunch. LOL!
Hope all the suggestions on storing your Vx worked out well.

01/03/2006, 09:37 AM
Thank you very much. The suggestions worked great. It looks like I won't be storing her any longer though. I am still trying to ship it, but one guy says to call another and that guy says write to this guy, and this guy doesnt write back. Why is this so difficult? Does any one know an exporter in NY that can give me a straight answer? I just want to bring my baby with me to Portugal. In the year 2006 is that really so hard?

01/03/2006, 09:42 AM
Yo Kevin............
Glad you are back man and that you found some good stuff over there.
Wow, you did drop a few pounds while on the Island ;)
Hope everything works out with Ana and the "new family".
Have you unpacked the VX yet from it's tomb? I can relate to your adventure story very well...been there done that, only on the Isalnd of Curacao for five years.
Hope you pop up once in a while when everything settles down

01/03/2006, 10:28 AM
I can hear the infomercial now:

The Madeira Diet...
Get Ripped...
Get Scenic...
Get Laid...
Even Get a House!
You won't believe how this diet will change your life!!!!

Don't delay, the Madeira Diet is a limited time offer!

01/03/2006, 10:53 AM
LOL, ... .. The Madeira Diet!

01/03/2006, 02:11 PM
Hey Kevin! Welcome back to the states and back to the board! I'm really glad that your travels brought you such great things (well, such great people, really!). You are a lucky man indeed! Congratulations!

Wish I could help you try to export the VX, but I don't know nuthin' about that. Good luck with it!


01/03/2006, 05:00 PM
Congrats LiquidVX on your new life! :) I plan on doing something like that in less than 2yrs. I plan on selling everything and travel the world in the next two years. Perhaps we can find each other in Portugal. I dont plan on selling my VX either! Once again HAPPY NEW YEAR and Congrats in finding the love of your life.