View Full Version : Brake indicator on Dash

01/28/2006, 11:06 AM
Hi list,

My brake indicator on the dash has been coming on and off as of late (as if the emergency brake was pulled). We don't have a wear indicator that might account for why that light goes off do we? I've got 50K on her now and would be truly impressed if that were the case. My guess is...it has something to do with the cold weather. Ideas?

01/28/2006, 11:10 AM
Brake fluid is low

01/28/2006, 11:12 AM
I had that problem, It turned out to be a sensor for my front pads and rotors going... I ignored the light for a while and when I finally got it checked it was too late at thur my nice set of Powerslot rotors in the font.

01/28/2006, 11:32 AM
Tone, you nailed it. Cyrk, I'm ready for new pads..did you notice any difference between the OEM and what you bought...besides the look? And Tone, how is the Mercedes treating you?