View Full Version : Am I missing something

Francesco Rizzo
02/19/2006, 09:12 PM
Ok, so this is the 4th time I needed to replace my antena for my radio.. do they fall out or something because I know I didn't get ripped off 4 times! As for washing the truck goes, I do that out front myself so no reason to ever take it off.. I mean really, these things aren't more then 10 bucks to replace, so do you think people see the truck go by and say, "Awesome, that vehicross has an antena that fit's my golf".... well, to deter any further possible teft, I got the ugliest, 5 buck peice I could find. doesn't even fit right. I guess they'll be doing me a favor if it happens again. pics to come. Well, anyone else find themselves missing radio antena's?

02/19/2006, 10:02 PM
the VX has an antenna that fits just about 100 newer vehicles. So, it is very likely that someone need yours. I never lost mine, but have noticed other people talking about theirs being stolen and how they are like ours and a bunch of other vehicles. So, you must live in a bad area for theft on these or you didn't screw it in tight enough

02/20/2006, 06:56 AM
LockTite is your friend. ;)

02/20/2006, 08:52 AM
yeah like joe said

put some red loctite on there (hydraulic grade) and you'll be set.

02/25/2006, 06:06 PM
Naah... it's unwed mothers. they make great kid swatters, get's their attention every time. Been spending time in Holly Hill lately?? how bout over by Cookman??? Hmmmmmmmmm

02/25/2006, 08:54 PM
mine was broken in half by some MORON who got jelaous of VX.... some people are pathetic... sigh....