View Full Version : VX Community Occupations

03/05/2006, 12:32 PM
I am curious as to what everyone does for a living? Personally I am a fulltime firefighter and partime locksmith.

03/05/2006, 02:26 PM
PL/SQL / Oracle Developer.

03/05/2006, 04:08 PM
I'm an Electrical & Eletronic Engineer but works in a plywood factory looking after the boiler, forklifts and stuff.

03/05/2006, 05:38 PM
Collision repair shop-90% insurance stuff, love doin' paint when time allows

03/05/2006, 06:05 PM
I am a highly paid professional babysitter of adult pre sentenced persons who fail to follow the law working in the capacity of an identification officer :_cop: . And when not doing that I'm an underpaid top amatuer triathlete! Anyone looking to sponsor? :bwgy:

03/05/2006, 06:38 PM
Retired Military, bus driver now. Hey, where else can a guy get paid to drive around all day, bulls@#t with people, look at pretty girls and sharp car's and NOT have to burn his own gas.

03/05/2006, 07:18 PM
I'm a product manager for an internet company.

-- John

03/05/2006, 07:21 PM
im a full time student....

03/05/2006, 07:24 PM
architectural engineer + student

03/05/2006, 07:48 PM
System Administrator for a major financial.

03/05/2006, 08:28 PM
I draw all day using AutoCAD - trying to get away from structural engineering to get back into architecture. Anybody looking to hire a CAD operator in SLC??

03/05/2006, 09:13 PM
Im an Army (Medical Service Corps) Officer that spends way too much time in Iraq. (Back again this Summer with 3-2 Stryker Brigade.) In my limited spare time I buy houses and remodel them just to torture myself. Also getting back into tattooing after a 6 year hiatus.-Doug

03/05/2006, 09:22 PM
I am a full time senior highschool student and I work at best buy, when I am not there, I am doin custom audio work for people

03/05/2006, 10:54 PM
Also working at Best Buy, (trying to train to move up). while bussing/waiting tables at Outback (cuz hours are really sucking at best buy) not the best of jobs but money is money.... and trying to start up an internet buisness thats in the works, all while trying to pay for college....

...i may need to take a few more english classes after reading what i just typed.... ;)

Francesco Rizzo
03/06/2006, 01:06 AM
Airline crew scheduler, taking sick calls and trip trade requested right now.. it's 0412. so who do I have to wake up now...

03/06/2006, 03:51 AM
I coordinate all the apprenticeships regarding car and motorcycle technology for the whole north eastern part of the Netherlands.

03/06/2006, 04:00 AM
Remodeling carpentry. :smack: From concrete to shingles, including light plumbing & electrical...anything for a buck (I am the Larry of Larry, Daryl & Daryl...well, not EXACTLY)

03/06/2006, 04:15 AM
Art Director for our Marketing department.

03/06/2006, 04:29 AM
Latin America & Caribbean BDM/Product Manager for a big Point of Sale and Barcode technology distributor

03/06/2006, 06:08 AM
I'm a Technical Writer for an on-line E-Learning company in the North East. Been with the same company for six years now.

03/06/2006, 06:16 AM
Part time artist and full time gym owner.

03/06/2006, 06:50 AM
Pharmaceutical development manager for a pre-market biotech company (Alexion Pharmaceuticals), although I've been mostly focused on regulatory submission preparation for the last 2-3 years (CMC area, if you're in the industry). 7 1/2 years and counting, almost ready to file for approval, but hoping for a buyout before then!

This is a GREAT thread idea, by the way!

03/06/2006, 07:10 AM
Senior artist for a multimedia entertainment firm.

Basically, I am a 3d character animator for a video game company.

03/06/2006, 08:10 AM
I run 5 full time business that includes a furniture manufacturing plant, a 2D animation studio, a golf course, a CG biz and a conveyor pallet manufacturing factory. ;eeky;

03/06/2006, 08:52 AM
I work for a worldwide heavy machinery manufacturer as their Systems Architect in IT with my focus on engineering technology systems. Think anything technical within engineering including SolidWorks, AutoCAD, document management, PLM, revision control, etc. My company currently uses a PLM vision and toolset I developed called ISCE (hence my name here).

03/06/2006, 11:22 AM
Full time QC Officer for an Environmental Remediation company and PT LAN Admin for the same company.

Moved up to Environmental Health & Safety/Quality Control Supervisor, but got laid off Nov. 13, 07.

So... professional un-employment compensatee.

03/06/2006, 11:44 AM
National support engineer for a major medical imaging systems company...Philips Medical systems

03/06/2006, 11:50 AM
Im a Mechanical Engineer (finishing up my masters) - who designs/develops tires for one of the largest tire manufacturers.

03/06/2006, 11:51 AM
I'm the creative director of a marketing & advertising agency, but my dream is to be a car designer! :D

03/06/2006, 02:30 PM
i swear i have to be the youngest person on this site...

03/06/2006, 02:51 PM
i swear i have to be the youngest person on this site...

Cronologically or physically? ;Dy;

03/06/2006, 03:00 PM
i swear i have to be the youngest person on this site...


I also live in Colorado Springs. Were you driving down HWY 115 yesterday afternoon, and have a full spare on top of your VX? I was in the white Yukon XL slowing down to look at your VX!


Jolly Roger VX'er
03/06/2006, 03:04 PM
Shop-Rat (slang--factory worker) @ GE Transportation Systems in Erie, PA where I assemble AC Off-Shore Drilling Motors and AC Off-Highway (Giant Mining/Dump Truck) Motorized Wheels.

Everytime you guys curse at the gas prices going up I get overtime...lol.

03/06/2006, 04:09 PM
24 yrs as a night shift Houston Police Officer. You call 911- I show up
Landy (http://www.suzuki-tech.com/wiki/Suzuki_Landy)

03/06/2006, 04:26 PM
Clinical Psychologist in private practice on Cape Cod

03/06/2006, 05:09 PM
Currently licensed by the state of Florida to go around in a boat and spray algaecides and aquatic herbicides in lakes and ponds to make it all look nice and purty. They let me keep doing this as long as I pass periodic swim tests (swim 200 yds non-stop, etc.) Some times fish jump in the boat with me. Other times cottonmouths try to. Then there are the alligators. Keeps things interesting, and I like working outdoors, get to work pretty much by myself and can sorta set my own schedule as long as I get all my contracted visits in each month. I do work for golf courses, homeowners associations and area businesses between and Jacksonville and Palm Coast.

03/06/2006, 05:38 PM
OOOOO! Very good thread idea!

Me, I send to Triathlete the yahoos he has to baby sit. I'm a Detective working high tech and Internet crimes like fraud, scams, ID theft, and anything else that involves a computer. My main focus is protecting kids on the internet and nabbing those that choose to take advantage of them.

On the side, I try to keep this place up and running smoothly, design and host websites, do security consultations and am trying to start up a computer forensics company.....

Keep it going over 2000 members so we should have a great POSITIVE thread.

03/06/2006, 05:45 PM
Moncha, that rocks. I love it when some pervert thinks he's about to meet up with a 14 yr old to do God knows what and the whole time he's been trading IM's with a cop.

Here in FL we have a database anyone can go to online and search by their zipcodes for sexual predators. So I did this one time. Damn did that ever open my eyes. Not only were there so friggin' many of them, but it seems like half of them live right by the elementary school, and one of them was an old schoolmate of mine I thought I knew pretty well. Geez. Thanks for cleaning things up a bit.

03/06/2006, 06:23 PM
I'm in Quality & Inventory Control at Reinhart Foodservice in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Been with them for just over 6 yrs and enjoy working with great group of people. I really enjoy reading what you all have to say and feel fortunate to have found this site. You guys "ROCK"!!

Great idea for a thread. Interesting to see all the different backgrounds, very diverse.

03/06/2006, 06:49 PM
Security Contractor,
Airport Screener ( :o ),

Currently a Mechanical Engineer working in a depot level maintenance facility for the Trans-Alaska Pipeline Service company. I spend my days repairing 30+ year old system controls and communications equipment. Much of this stuff was state-of-the-art when I was still in diapers, so every day is kinda like a history lesson in electronics.

03/06/2006, 07:18 PM
mbeach with those credentials you could probably get hired at security aviation in anchorage...wait a second, they may have put hiring on hold. ;)

i'm finishing up school, worked here as a bouncer and personal trainer and hopefully will be working for the NHL next year.

03/06/2006, 08:04 PM
I rollerblade and help run the largest indoor skatepark in the east. www.ryeairfield.com

03/06/2006, 08:43 PM
Ramp Supervisor at the McCarren Airport in Las Vegas, Nevada. Web and Graphics design on the side, Audio installs every once in a while.

03/06/2006, 09:40 PM
mbeach with those credentials you could probably get hired at security aviation in anchorage...wait a second, they may have put hiring on hold. ;)

There was actually a time when I was interested in them. I'm glad that I came to my senses.

03/06/2006, 10:26 PM
Coax Project Manager for Cox Business Services (cable company) in Henderson, NV. Also, part-time Praise Team (band) Leader and head of the Tech Team at my church.

03/06/2006, 10:40 PM
Lead Help Desk Tech
Information Technology Specialist
Computer Security Response Tech
Airborne Ranger

Looking for work in the Seattle, WA area!

03/07/2006, 06:07 AM
chronologically I am the youngest,there is know one else on here that is 17 or younger, and to answer your other question, no that wasnt me you saw on 115 but that was the owner of the ironman that lives on fort carson. I live further down towards the peterson gate....He does have a really sweet rig tho, I cant remember his name for the life of me but we got together once to compare vx's.

03/07/2006, 06:21 AM
Stick to the topic please! :smack:

03/07/2006, 06:50 AM
Wow, what a diverse community we have here. Thx for all the input.

03/07/2006, 12:50 PM
Well, I was a teacher, interpreter, Systems Engineer, QA Manager and now owner of a liquor store in Cambridge, MA. My wife though thinks I should get back into QA - so I've started looking around again.....

03/07/2006, 01:29 PM
I'm a realtor and a sales manager for manufactured homes. I also manage the 96 rental properties we have. Yee Haw :p Other than that I don't have a whole lot of time for anything else.....hmmmmm.....nope no life at all :eek: Thank you....

03/07/2006, 01:48 PM
I am based in Colorado Springs and I work with multinational business owners and help them to develop and grow their e-commerce operations. In my spare time I take my kids to hockey practice and dance lessons!

03/07/2006, 03:03 PM
I work for a northern california major rv dealership as a service advisor. been working in the rv field for 11 years!

03/07/2006, 04:52 PM
Airport Operations Coordinator for Charlotte Douglas International Airport and working on my masters degree in commercial aviation.

03/07/2006, 05:51 PM
Ok my carreers:
1. Full time Firefighter/EMT at Washington Twp Fire in Indianapolis, IN
2. Registered ER Nurse Part time at St. John's Hosp. Anderson, IN
3. Registered ER Nurse Part time at Westview Hosp. Indianapolis, IN
4. Volunteer Firefighter/Emt at Yorktown Fire Dept. Yorktown, IN

Other work experiences are landscaping, lawncare, retail, Some home renovation, and of course student..

03/07/2006, 06:35 PM
Fuul-Time Auto Shop Owner, Part-Time Display Maker.

03/07/2006, 07:32 PM
I'm just an architect.

03/08/2006, 07:13 AM
I a cop in Sumner County Tn. I am stationed at one of our high schools. School Resource Officer

03/08/2006, 07:59 AM
I feel bad that it's my only job (after reading others posts), but it keeps me busy enough.

E-ZooZoo One
03/08/2006, 09:23 AM
OK, this might take a while…

Some of my Previous Employment, in no particular order:
Leather Craftsman - Soda Jerk – Usher at the Barter Theater - Laborer in a Recap Tire Shop (for one day only!) – Mime/Event Performer - English Tutor - Dishwasher (more than once) - Pizza Delivery Driver (way more than once) - One-Man Beachfront Ice Cream Shop – Screen-printer – Construction/Roofing - Antiques Purchaser/Appraiser – Custom Audio Enclosure Designer/Installer - Soundman - Doorman/Bouncer – Bartender (more than once) - Waiter - Prep Chef – Kitchen Manager – Pizza Store Manager - On-Call Driver for a Railroad Employee Taxi Service – Salesman and/or Sales Management, including: kites, cars, water coolers, office supplies, computers, handcrafted birdhouses, etc. - Marketing Director of a Mom & Pop Pizza Chain – Inventory Control Supervisor – Arborist/Nurseryman…

There’s more, but I forget. :rolly:

Right now, in addition to being the Owner/Moderator of E-ZooZoo, a Forum Moderator at Planet Isuzoo, and the 18th most prolific poster at 4x4Wire – I’m presently masquerading as a Database & Network Systems Administrator…

However, when I grow-up, I’d like to be a (successful) published Author/Novelist. :bwgy:

03/08/2006, 10:20 AM
I work with monkeys.


03/08/2006, 10:45 AM
– Mime/Event Performer -
Mimes! Get' em! Silent bastards!

:laughg: :laughy: :laughg: :laughy:

E-ZooZoo One
03/08/2006, 11:30 AM
Joe – Having actually met me, I figured you would have said something more like
“I can't picture you ever staying quiet long enough to be a Mime!”

;eeky; :laughy: :bwgy:

03/08/2006, 12:13 PM
I was a teacher (4th/5th/6th grades), but now I'm a Print Consultant (I sell printing)

Wow, so many diverse people here.

03/08/2006, 12:18 PM

I also live in Colorado Springs. Were you driving down HWY 115 yesterday afternoon, and have a full spare on top of your VX? I was in the white Yukon XL slowing down to look at your VX!


That would have been me... I live off Cheyenne Meadows, just off of 115.. Ironman with the fullsize spare.. most of the time my snowboard rack on the side...

03/08/2006, 01:12 PM
Machine Maintenance at Bunn-O-Matic

03/08/2006, 01:45 PM
ID Admin / Network Security for Toyota

03/08/2006, 03:33 PM
Mimes! Get' em! Silent bastards!

:laughg: :laughy: :laughg: :laughy:

Learn to SPEAK!!! :-)

E-ZooZoo One - Joe is quoting one of the greatest comedies of our time - Shakes the Clown.

As am I...

"You only hate us because we're artists!" "F- you! Get out of THIS box!"

03/08/2006, 04:25 PM
Machine Maintenance at Bunn-O-Matic

Hey Vcrossfan, is there anyway u cant get them guys to come out with a residential coffee maker that has the water line piped? :)

Ironman pilot
03/08/2006, 04:32 PM
I am a Captain for an airline and fly 767's... "I understand your pain Francesco and try not to call in sick but use vac time instead". Nice to see other Airline people that own vx's ;)

vx spouse
03/08/2006, 04:39 PM
Both the wife and I are registered nurses woking in geriatrics ( old people ), myself specializing in wounds, being wound care certified.

Offroad vx
03/08/2006, 04:48 PM
I am a quality inspector for the 6th largest optical lab in the country.

03/08/2006, 05:52 PM
I'm just an architect.

I feel bad that it's my only job (after reading others posts), but it keeps me busy enough.

LOL I am a wanna-be architect drafter, went to school for it... but have been doing Civil and Mechanical drafting ever since. I know my AutoCAD.

03/08/2006, 08:32 PM
I'm a field service technician for Hill-Rom. Hill-Rom is a medical specialty equipment company. Most people outside the medical industry have never heard of us but next time you go inside a hospital take a look around at the beds, IV pumps, fixtures, ect. Hill-Rom makes a huge percentage of the equipment there.

03/08/2006, 10:48 PM
Geek Squad supervisor.
No, I do not drive funny looking Bug, but I have five Agents who do :smilewink


03/08/2006, 10:57 PM
Geek Squad supervisor.
No, I do not drive funny looking Bug, but I have five Agents who do


geeksquad piss me off....lost my camera may 05 and still wont gimme insurance money.....sorry...had to rant

03/09/2006, 06:15 AM
Architect, here! Mostly residential and some light commercial design work...

03/09/2006, 07:22 AM
MZ-N10 pm if you want, I could look into the notes and see if I can help somehow.

03/09/2006, 08:32 AM
I'm just an architect.
Why the long face? Architects rock! I used to be an architect! :D

03/09/2006, 12:30 PM
Mike Brady was an architect too.

I find it interesting that all 3 people who actually saw "Shakes the Clown" are members of this board.

03/09/2006, 01:37 PM
Mike Brady was an architect too.

I find it interesting that all 3 people who actually saw "Shakes the Clown" are members of this board.

:p Ummm...make that four. :yesr: :laughing:

03/10/2006, 12:18 AM
I run track professionally. Recent stuff:


but when I am not at the track working out I do do other things like.....coach kids around the community, I am also one of the "volunteer" coaches of the Rice U. men's track team and I sometimes help others stay in shape (personal train) and speak/teach at Christian organizations, but all that is very secondary to training and competing.

In Christ,
Ryan H
USA Decathlon Team

03/10/2006, 06:03 AM
I find it interesting that all 3 people who actually saw "Shakes the Clown" are members of this board.

We are a peculiar breed here, that's for sure...

mbeach, I've never met you, but for some reason I am not at all surprised that you are a Shakes fan. Am I correct to assume that you have Buckaroo Bonzai somewhere at the bottom of the stack of video tapes?

03/10/2006, 06:42 AM
I don't have Shakes, but I do have Buckaroo Banzai plus a mess of other obscure films.

-- John

03/10/2006, 07:06 AM
I work with monkeys.


So what exactly is it that you do for George Bush's cabinet? :p

03/10/2006, 11:24 AM
Obscure, huh? How 'bout Yellowbeard?

03/10/2006, 11:59 AM
Wow - I just read 6 pages of career postings and not an accountant among them (unless I misread). I guess let me be the first - project cost accountant for a company that sells electronic voting machines.

E-ZooZoo One
03/10/2006, 12:07 PM
I hope no one minds, but in the spirit of keeping this excellent thread on-topic, I've created a place for our movie conversation to continue...

The Obscure, Unusual, or just plain BAD Movie Thread (http://www.vehicross.info/forums/showthread.php?p=73482#post73482)

03/10/2006, 03:13 PM
We are a peculiar breed here, that's for sure...

Am I correct to assume that you have Buckaroo Bonzai somewhere at the bottom of the stack of video tapes?
Strange how some things work out. Getting the BB DVD was a personal high-point, especially after inflicting that movie (and it's separated-at-birth twin, Big Trouble in Little China) upon so many unsuspecting minds. :p

Of course there are probably many, many here that are also big Godzilla and anime fans.

03/10/2006, 03:38 PM
I am a flight engineer for the army parachute team "golden knights" I will be getting out of the army in 1 week!!!!!! and going into real estate development in southern indiana. If you need anything hit me up!!

03/10/2006, 06:07 PM
rally cars preparation company /owner/ ecu enginer/motec,gems,autronic,aem/

03/10/2006, 07:01 PM
rally cars preparation company /owner/ ecu enginer/motec,gems,autronic,aem/
Cool! If you need a good mechanic I know one that may be looking for a new shop. And I think he even went to Motec school! ;)

03/11/2006, 03:53 AM
Really, I actually am a newsman -- a writer/producer at an all news radio station in NYC.

03/12/2006, 09:07 AM
Marketing person for dealership that sells modified vehicles for the handicap. www.BrunswickMobility.com . I don't know if we can put a ramp in a VX if anyone needs one, but I'm sure we'd try. ;)

03/12/2006, 11:20 AM
20 years in the rotogravure printing industry. Currently a Prinitng Supervisor for a paperboard converting company.

03/12/2006, 11:24 AM
I am a professional butthead, been one for darn near 30 years...

03/12/2006, 11:45 AM
I_W_R...How does one aquire a job in your field and how well does it pay? Inquiring minds wanna know! :_thinking

03/21/2006, 04:19 PM
I'm a licensed architect by profession but working as a VP of higher education institution. ;boreg;

03/21/2006, 06:27 PM
Currently a Sr. Tech Consultant for a company producing HR/Applicant and Job Tracking software. Working with our clients to integrate our product with SAP, Oracle, PeopleSoft and other HR products. Graduated with a degree in Molecualr and Cell Biology... donno how the hell did I get into computers :_confused getting kinda sick of my job at the moment so hope for some other opportunities to come along.

great thread by the way!

03/21/2006, 07:52 PM
Well, i got my degree in arch. drafting, but instead started and still operate my own business. I design, and construct custom furniture. also build custom staircases, bookcases, and what-not in high end custom homes.
i am also working on developing 120 acres to build a 22 room resort and spa, a small wedding chaple, and thinking about a toboggin run where a person would reach about 45 mph!!
I got alot going on. Im only getting about 8 miles to the gal in my land barge (chevy g20 full size extended van) looking for the vcross to zip around in..
have also restored several older cars
on the side, I grow and train bonsai trees, and am active in my church.
God is good
God bless you all.........

03/21/2006, 09:08 PM
I grew up wanting to be a singer.. loved jazz, but my first voice teacher carefully taught me to love classical music and opera, where my talent really was. Though I studied Business in university I sang and studied music right alongside. I studied a couple summers in Austria and then did the competition thing winning the Metropolitan Opera Audtions. I studied and sang with some of the greatest singers and conductors since then. Now in Los Angeles, I do studio work for film and television, teach voice and coordinate a community concert series, am an office IT, and newletter editor in the Los Angeles area. I travel a good deal around the country singing in recital when I can. Right now I am doing whatever I can to help my fiancee who lives in Austin find a job here in L.A. so he can move back and we finally get married. :)

Paul UK
03/22/2006, 12:10 AM
ex- british army (airborne + cav)
ex- explosives engineer
currently project manager working with IR imaging for military customers

nice to confirm you can't stereotype by looking at the car!

03/22/2006, 04:51 AM
I grew up wanting to be a singer.. loved jazz, but my first voice teacher carefully taught me to love classical music and opera, where my talent really was. Though I studied Business in university I sang and studied music right alongside. I studied a couple summers in Austria and then did the competition thing winning the Metropolitan Opera Audtions. I studied and sang with some of the greatest singers and conductors since then. Now in Los Angeles, I do studio work for film and television, teach voice and coordinate a community concert series, am an office IT, and newletter editor in the Los Angeles area. I travel a good deal around the country singing in recital when I can. Right now I am doing whatever I can to help my fiancee who lives in Austin find a job here in L.A. so he can move back and we finally get married. :)


If that falls through, i'll marry ya <wink>

Telecom Engineer for Bellsouth. I write instruction books telling people how to place fiber optic equipment into telephone collection sites.

04/04/2006, 08:03 PM
Wow, great stuff in this thread, people.

I just joined the forums and don't have a VX (yet). Thought I'd say hello anyways since I didn't see anybody else from Michigan. I'm gonna go hunting for one to test drive in the next week or so ;) I'm super busy though, working a full-time job and doing some side work (programming/sysadmin) to build startup capital. (Un)fortunately, my 1993 GMC Jimmy is starting to get in the way of profitable work so it's time for it to go. My wife drives a 1997 Subaru Impreza Outback, which I like but it's too small for my taste.

Hi, my name is Tobert and I'm a ...
Software Infrastructure Development Architect (say that 5 times quickly)
Linux & Unix Administrator
trombone player (http://www.beltlinebigband.com)
aspiring entrepeneur
computer programmer (perl, C, etc.)
car geek (been working on cars since I could walk)


04/04/2006, 09:31 PM
Great thread! I'm a chef / restaurant owner -- a private fine dining club in a 1912 mansion in Shreveport's historic Highland District. Also, husband, father, and co-shuttle driver for soccer, dance, football, lacrosse, gymnastics, etc...

btw, I've noticed quite a few references to HST and other similarly twisted bits...the VX attracts the best of us! We are, after all, trained professionals.

Yellow Patriot
04/05/2006, 08:29 AM
I am a support Engineer for the Patriot Missile system. I have worked on the Patriot missile system since it was put into the Army's inventory!

04/06/2006, 12:40 PM
Velvis, that wouldnt happen to be a bed and breakfast would it? Might have to take the wife for a weekend trip sometime :)

04/06/2006, 05:35 PM
It's not, but there is an excellent B&B (Fairfield Place) one block away with dining privileges at the Cambridge Club. Call or email me if you are coming, I'll hook you up. Maybe I can round up Thickness for a Shreveport mini meet!

04/06/2006, 08:23 PM
sounds good, will probably have to be after school gets out, so we wont have to be here to get the kids up early and stuff lol

04/07/2006, 05:37 AM
NDT / NDE (Non-Destructive Testing / Evaluation) Technician & Lab Manager - I do mostly industrial x-ray inspections (RT-II), but we also do magnetic particle (MT), liquid penetrant (PT), ultrasonic testing (UT) etc... Basically I'm a professional crack finder! That's what my wife says anyway!

04/07/2006, 11:37 AM
:confused: Am I the only Teamster with a VX? I have been driving trucks and cars for about 30 years.My best job was a shuttler(transporter) for Avis in the 70's ,High speed all day and getting paid for it ;) Tony B

05/16/2006, 07:16 AM
Teach modeling & simulation at the Air Force Academy.

05/16/2006, 09:05 AM
I'm a Marine Officer, and have been in the Marines since '92. I commute in my VX 85 miles a day and use it as my range truck on the weekend. And I OWN "Shakes". Enjoying and understanding it was criteria for my wife and me to continue dating after our second date. "Body of Binky"

05/16/2006, 09:20 AM
PC Support and desktop engineering, Very boring, but it pays the billz.

05/16/2006, 06:38 PM
Need I say more? Though, I do see a particular trend amongst the "mindset" of VX owners. Don't we have a shrink here? Maybe he might shrink us all and figure out our mindset.

05/16/2006, 07:45 PM
I'm into footwear design....not what I dreamed about in 3rd grade (the Bears always seem stocked at safety) , but I'm considered quite skilled at it....maybe a fun thread would be "What did you want to be?"

05/16/2006, 08:19 PM
I'm a corrections officer in a max prison for women. My secondary interest is Child Protection Services.


05/16/2006, 08:56 PM
I'm a Network Security Specialist, I perform penetration tests and security compliance audits on computer networks.

Literally, Hacking for fun and profit.

05/16/2006, 09:29 PM
Currently work for a very large defense contractor doing mostly IT related "stuff" by managing people who REALLY know what they are doing. :rolleyes:

Retired Marine Corps officer:
4002 - Data Systems
7588 - EA-6B Airborne Electronic Countermeasures

In my "voluminous spare time" I am working on a PhD, trying to write the next great American novel, and keeping an old house from falling down around us. :cooly:

07/25/2006, 06:09 PM
lil bump for our new members.

07/25/2006, 10:07 PM
Business sales Rep for Compusa. Computer IT and Graphic artist on the side. As you can tell Im in to computers.

07/26/2006, 02:59 AM
... And when not doing that I'm an underpaid top amatuer triathlete! Anyone looking to sponsor? :bwgy:

Call Isuzu :wave:

07/26/2006, 03:01 AM
I'm IT support for a small financial firm that owns check cashing and payday lending stores throughout the US, CA and UK.

Jack of all trades, master of none...

07/26/2006, 12:10 PM
i have a associates in science for auto body but i currently work for pricerite as a reciever soon to be assistant manager.

07/26/2006, 04:10 PM
i'm just beginning my career as a field chemical engineer in oil and gas technology.

07/26/2006, 07:30 PM
During the day, I am the parts manager at Cal Coast Motorsports, a motorcyle dealership that sells Honda, Kawasaki,Yamaha, and Suzuki motorcycles and ATVs. We also carry Bombardier watercraft. At night, I am the project bike editor at Free2Wheel Magazine, a regional publication dedicated to the SoCal motorcyclist.

07/26/2006, 07:49 PM
Retired airline pilot and a volunteer firefighter. I have a red bar light installed on the roof as I respond to emergency calls in the Vehicross.

Bob Seidman, Captain
Piperton Volunteer Fire Department

07/26/2006, 07:55 PM
Man! Can you post a photo of your VX with the lights rolling? Are they mounted across the roof rack?

I would like to see that.


Retired airline pilot and a volunteer firefighter. I have a red bar light installed on the roof as I respond to emergency calls in the Vehicross.

Bob Seidman, Captain
Piperton Volunteer Fire Department

07/26/2006, 08:17 PM
I have a picture with the bar light posted in the gallery. The lights are not mounted on the roof rack, they are a mag mount just behind the front rack rail.

07/26/2006, 09:39 PM
[QUOTE=curiouswords]Retired Marine Corps officer:
4002 - Data Systems
7588 - EA-6B Airborne Electronic Countermeasures

You wouldn't have happened to be stationed at Cherry Point with Q2 in the 80's would you?
I was an aircraft electrician-6333 (EA6B's) with VMA 202 (for a short time) and then VMA 224 until I got out in '86.

07/27/2006, 08:21 AM
I'm a Systems Manager for Starwood Hotel's (3 years) and currently manage a Westin and 2 Sheraton's in Dallas. That's Property Management System, Banquet's system, reservation system, point of sale, lock's, Internet, phones,... you get the idea. Oh yeah, I also get call's for everything else that plugs into a wall or takes batteries 24x7.

I too work with monkey's. "Duh, what's number lock?"

I did contract It work in Dallas the 15 years prior.

07/27/2006, 11:28 AM
DGA (Director Guild of America) Filmmaker, who currently manages the Riptide Show at SeaWorld San Diego. Part-time soccer coach (college, High School and Club)

07/27/2006, 06:37 PM
I'm an Optometrist. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, an the Vx hit me square in the eye!

07/28/2006, 02:32 PM
Dental Hygenist, but working on getting my commercial pilots license. I want to fly for Frontier.

07/28/2006, 07:52 PM
Congrats on finally getting your Vehicross. As for getting your commericial pilot's license, that is a wonderful dream, but avoid airlines that carry people. Fedex or UPS pay the best and have better propects for growth.

08/01/2006, 09:34 AM
Army Counterintelligence Agent looking to get out in the next few months. Currently stationed at Ft Meade. Anybody got any jobs for me? :eek:

08/02/2006, 12:38 PM
Thanks! I've heard some bad things about flying freight so I don't know about that, but definitely appreciate the input. I know plenty whom fly for frontier and I hear good things; but as for some airlines, I'll agree and will not fly with them.

08/03/2006, 10:40 AM
Mainframe Programmer Analyst
COBOL, DB2, SQL, VM, VSE, MVS, REXX, EXEC2, JCL, CICS, APS, C, C++, BASIC / VB / VB .Net, oh and Turbo Pascal. Would like to get into C#.

08/03/2006, 10:56 AM
Law School Studen/Full-time adjudicator

Mark B
08/03/2006, 11:56 AM
Vice President/Resort Manager, resorts on the beach, west coast of Florida.

08/03/2006, 11:56 AM

08/03/2006, 12:17 PM
Staff Accountant for one of the top two razor manufacturers.

08/03/2006, 07:36 PM
Water treatment engineer.
I make it so you all can drink it, then make it safe for nature when you're done with it. (yes, that is treated water in your beer :_beer: ).

08/03/2006, 09:31 PM
Water treatment engineer.
I make it so you all can drink it, then make it safe for nature when you're done with it. (yes, that is treated water in your beer :_beer: ).

So your the "real" WATERBOY..."but mama said"! :laughing:

08/03/2006, 10:40 PM
Update on my occupation: quit my job and starting an Internet biz. :)

08/04/2006, 08:29 AM
OK then, I'll give my update too! ;Db;

Out of the Army, now a software engineer for Intel and a part time project manager for Washington Mutual Bank on the weekends.

Next move will definitely be to quit my job and start an Internet biz though! :D

Mark Miller
08/04/2006, 09:40 PM
I own a restaurant in Tallahassee FL called Samurai Express, Fast Food Japanese.
http://www.markalexandermiller.com/SamuraiD22aR03aP01ZL_mdm.jpg (http://www.samuraiexpress.com/)

My previous job was working in a shop that would do almost anything that deals with vehicles. Motorcycles/4 wheelers, Autos, Water Crafts. Electrical, Stereo, Upholstery, Mechanical, Engine Rebuilds, Paint and body, Water Transfer Printing. And the list goes on and on and on.

03/26/2007, 05:46 PM
This thread was dead so I think it is ok to post this here. I just started working at a large architectural firm doing more drafting. I am on my 3rd week and all... well, most is well! Working with hot chicks kind of sucks sometimes... I need to watch out for that sexual harrassment thing! :rolleyes:

Our firm has done some awesome projects. http://www.ffkr.com/

I am working on a project in Scottsdale, Arizona right now and will be flying in for site visits from time to time. Are there any VXer's in that area that would like to get together when I am in Scottsdale? :_steering or :_beer: (Please drink responsibly.:))

03/26/2007, 06:05 PM
I go for Boot Camp for the Coast Guard this May 29, thats where my life is going for the next 20 years, cuz i'm making it a carreer, and after 20 years i'll be retiared and start my own surf shops and vacations bongalos for rich people and poor surfers that want a good time in Costa Rica, my fiancee is in hospetality menagment, so we both will start our business over there after im done. I'll only be 42 years old when i retier :), and surf world class surf back at my birth home till i die. :) for now i'm a securty officer at UCF <-----other words a rent-a-cop, lol.

03/26/2007, 06:42 PM
I am an Architect by trainning, working as a international marketing developer for Latinamerica for the wood working machinery industry. I am also a professional singer and guitar player on week-ends.

03/26/2007, 06:57 PM
I was a helicopter crewchief for the last 3 years and just left that to go back to UPS fulltime to drive(been there 7 years).

Jim Hanzak
03/26/2007, 07:07 PM
I am a custom cabinet builder and also a finisher. I have been for the past 6 years. Previous to that, I was in the retail business, starting at Giant Eagle as a produce clerk(9 years) then moving on up to a produce supervisor for BJ's wholesale club. Not quite the engineer, tech, pilot and all the other significant titles as listed above. Someday.......... maybe. lol

03/26/2007, 07:30 PM
I go for Boot Camp for the Coast Guard this May 29, thats where my life is going for the next 20 years, cuz i'm making it a carreer, and after 20 years i'll be retiared and start my own surf shops and vacations bongalos for rich people and poor surfers that want a good time in Costa Rica, my fiancee is in hospetality menagment, so we both will start our business over there after im done. I'll only be 42 years old when i retier :), and surf world class surf back at my birth home till i die. :) for now i'm a securty officer at UCF <-----other words a rent-a-cop, lol.
Careful, coastie... Opinions tend to change during and after basic training. And while I'm sure you've done your homework, by anecdotal evidence, a lot of coast guard enlistees, by even larger margins than the other military branches, are surprised at what they thought they were getting into, and what they end up doing. Again, not saying you're in this group...but some don't realize that the Coast Guard is an armed service. For a fresh enlistee, there's a lot of "how high?" when being told to jump. And there are lots and lots of folks joining the USCG with that very same surfshop plan.

Jimmy BUffet was a coastie once too... when he was much younger...he did not find being a lower enlisted man anything like margaritaville :)

Either way, great luck to you. I honestly hope it turns out how you want it. At the end of the day, situations are how you make it. The vast majority of coasties I know love it.

03/26/2007, 08:37 PM
Well ZEUS, it looks like you restarted it.

I am an Electronic Technician at a contract manufacturer. We build stuff for IGT (http://www.igt.com), Bally gamming (http://ballytech.com/) and a few other gaming companies. We are currently working on our ISO certification for automotive. We are working with TYCO (http://www.tycoelectronics.com/) industries on a contract for a circuit board that goes in a fuse box. Also we are looking at making some seat position sensors for Crysler. We (http://www.eetechinc.com/) are a very small company but it is growing like crazy.

03/26/2007, 08:41 PM
I am a claims risk management adjudicator full time. I own a small ebay business. And am a law-school student.

03/26/2007, 08:58 PM
custom woodworker/furniture builder/ trim man. own my own business for last 15 yrs. buld alot of librarys, and fireplace mantels, custom staircases, etc....I Love my work, clients love my work, and that makes life pretty cool.:)

03/26/2007, 10:04 PM
Well ZEUS, it looks like you restarted it.

Yeah, I kind of hoped too! :) I like these types of threads.

03/26/2007, 10:16 PM
Safety & Quality Coordinator | Trainer | IT for Swissport North America

Soon to be business owner! (fingers crossed)

03/26/2007, 10:50 PM
I am a retired cargo pilot and a Vol firefighter. The VX has responded to many calls and it even has a lightbar installed.

03/26/2007, 10:53 PM
Project Coordinator for a general contractor company that specializes in emergency relief/restoration.

03/27/2007, 05:58 AM
Geophysicist and system admin for a small geophysical company.

03/27/2007, 06:29 AM
Paint technician at a locally owned hardware store (pays the bills). But in my spare time I provide over watch to a bunch of guys with assualt rifles that look after spacific important items :fyi:

03/27/2007, 09:48 AM

03/27/2007, 10:00 AM
Careful, coastie... Opinions tend to change during and after basic training. And while I'm sure you've done your homework, by anecdotal evidence, a lot of coast guard enlistees, by even larger margins than the other military branches, are surprised at what they thought they were getting into, and what they end up doing. Again, not saying you're in this group...but some don't realize that the Coast Guard is an armed service. For a fresh enlistee, there's a lot of "how high?" when being told to jump. And there are lots and lots of folks joining the USCG with that very same surfshop plan.

Jimmy BUffet was a coastie once too... when he was much younger...he did not find being a lower enlisted man anything like margaritaville :)

Either way, great luck to you. I honestly hope it turns out how you want it. At the end of the day, situations are how you make it. The vast majority of coasties I know love it.

Oh i know spaceCADET, thank you though, i know what u mean, but i also know the danger behind it and the sacrifice. Not saying that i wont like it or will, the main reason i'm doing it is for my future life but more important the future of the familyI will have, and if i end up not liking it, then oh well, cuz i'm gonna have to bring food and a roof to my family and thats the way my parants raise me, thats what will motivate me. but's only a 20 year sacrifice, after that i'll have half my life left to enjoy. but i'm sure i'll end up likeing it, cuz i love the water, love military stuff, and traveling and a new change in life :). but again, thank you for ur concern :).

03/27/2007, 02:48 PM
I'm an Animator and Storyboard artist working in the games industry.
Up until two years ago when I returned to the Old Sod I was working in feature films. That's Cartoons to you. :bwgr:

03/27/2007, 03:48 PM
Instrument Tech., Electrician, Programmer (Wrap that into "Industrial Automation Specialist") Currently at a Water Plant where they don't let me show off my skills much. I do Video projects on the side when I find the time, along with many other side hobbies (work with the Youth at Church,...).

03/27/2007, 04:11 PM
I rebuild and rewind industrial electric motors from 10 HP to 2500 HP, large generators, and locomotive traction motors.

03/27/2007, 04:36 PM
I work for the county as a Rally Driver and Conflict Mitigator.

aka. Rural Law Enforcement; Deputy Sheriff.

03/27/2007, 08:41 PM
Executive with Target

03/28/2007, 02:57 PM
I own professional tile installation company.

03/29/2007, 05:59 PM
I do e-commerce for an huge office supply company. When your post-it notes don't arrive, it's probably something I broke.

04/16/2007, 10:52 AM
I design electronic toys and games for Mattel.

V-Twin hiCROSS
04/16/2007, 01:43 PM
I am currently the Accounting Manager for a large apparel company. I enjoy the work, but not a lot of excitement. I save that for the weekends.

In my previous life, I was a professional chef for about 12 year.

04/17/2007, 10:23 PM
I am the Support Manager for Friendly Robotics, manufacturer of home robotics such as RoboMower (lawnmower), vacuums and pool cleaners for N. America however am currently exploring a possible opportunity at iRobot.

04/17/2007, 11:38 PM
I am a server at Denny's, a temp, a promotional model and once i receive my NV state residence i will be a part time student.

04/18/2007, 07:49 AM
I am a server at Denny's, a temp, a promotional model and once i receive my NV state residence i will be a part time student.

That makes a LOT of sense. ;)


04/18/2007, 01:14 PM
I'm a cop

04/18/2007, 06:05 PM
I have been a Computer Hardware Technician at a law firm for the last um... 10+ years. Wow, has it really been that long? :rolleyes:

04/18/2007, 11:55 PM
I guess i need to update this thread - I'll be starting a new job next week as a Level II Project Manager for a hardware and software testing company that supports big names like Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, HP, etc. Woohoo! ;Db;

04/19/2007, 08:14 AM
Full time R.V. sales manager, volunteer firefighter, part-time locksmith and landlord.

04/19/2007, 08:28 AM
I need to update mine as well:

Pharmaceutical development manager for a POST-market biotech company (Whoo-hoooooo!!!! Go Alexion!!!!). We got approval for our first drug last month, and hopefully someone's selling some of it. :-)

8 1/2 years and counting, and still hoping for a buyout!

04/19/2007, 10:48 AM
Im an unemployed wanna-be student hoping to get a job at Stetson University so I can go back to school. I only live across the street. Im a veteran, former state employee, worked with missile systems, worked on the Shuttle's Return to Flight Initiative, administrated an electronics company, but cant get a job? what gives? Anybody need their car washed? I recently had to abandon my classes at DBCC with a 100 average in college algebra to go work a one week assignment in Athens, GA that paid 24 bucks an hour. Eat or school? At least it was a fun camping/ working trip. :) Hopefully not here much longer at this rate. The hilarious part is chicken processing plants in Alabama pay more than the median income in Volusia County. :_confused People hate it when I say that. lolololololololol

05/12/2007, 08:45 PM
I'm a photographer. Hence the vehicross.info handle "PHO2GR4", which is also my license plate (on my Z, not my VX). I've been taking pictures since I was 7 years old, and I went professional around 23 years ago. Talk about a dream job...I get paid to do what I love. Don't tell my clients, but I'd probably shoot for free! :p

And it gives me a very flexible schedule, which is why I can take impractical, expensive road trips whenever I want.

05/13/2007, 06:54 PM
Systems engineer for a defense contractor. In my spare time (yeah, right), I rework my old house (she hits the big 4-0 this year). The house is a labor of love and, at times, frustration. Did I mention that plumbing is from hell! :_wrench:

12/21/2007, 10:26 AM
wow its been a while since somebody posted so i thought id add in, currently active coast guard wrench turner

12/21/2007, 11:03 AM
Started a home inspection business this year AND put the VX to work!

12/21/2007, 11:21 AM
im a salvage diver and a bouncer at a local bar(not for the pay):naughty:

12/21/2007, 01:37 PM
Time for another update ... :P Well, I moved across the country. And now I am a flight attendant flying across most of the Midwest and East Coast! Maybe when I overnight in PA or NC or anyother state fellow VXer's are located we can get together. I am spending New Years in Charlotte, NC... Anyone out there??? And I will be in Pittsburg tomorrow? Anyone? Or how about Manchester, NY on the 23rd??? Anyone...? I will be rather bored??

12/21/2007, 01:41 PM
How does that occupation pay? I have always wondered. Crazy sched...

12/21/2007, 01:53 PM
parts runner for a honda dealership in southern california... where i got ahold of my baby... delivering from Ventura to Goleta and Los Angeles:cool:

Scott Harness
12/21/2007, 05:46 PM
Time for another update ... :P Well, I moved across the country. And now I am a flight attendant flying across most of the Midwest and East Coast! Maybe when I overnight in PA or NC or anyother state fellow VXer's are located we can get together. I am spending New Years in Charlotte, NC... Anyone out there??? And I will be in Pittsburg tomorrow? Anyone? Or how about Manchester, NY on the 23rd??? Anyone...? I will be rather bored??

Hey CeCe, My wife flys for American,she loves it. Who are you flying for?

Scott Harness
12/21/2007, 05:58 PM
Massage Therapist--mostly humans,but more and more animals all the time

12/21/2007, 06:18 PM
How does that occupation pay? I have always wondered. Crazy sched...

The pay sucks! about $15 per flight hour and $1.26 for every hour I am on the ground. I am the lower man on the todem pole so I got paid about $700 last month... Sucks! But I have a more steady schedule now and that should double this month. But it still sucks! I am used to much more working as a server. But it has great benefits! And I love my job!

Hey CeCe, My wife flys for American,she loves it. Who are you flying for?

I work for Mesa Airlines. They are a codeshare with Delta, United and US Airways. We fly all of their express flights. I fly out of O'Hare, so I fly all the United Express flights. I am looking to go mainline, but it will be hard to get a line. I will be sitting reserve for so long. But if the pay is better, it might be worth it. I am looking at going to Southwest!

12/21/2007, 07:58 PM
I have heard some crazy things about flight attendants and married pilots away from home... watch out for those guys! But have you noticed yet, party-scene pilots with party pads hosting port to port parties? I know you don't drink, but it still sounds like some good times... ENJOY! :cool:

12/21/2007, 08:19 PM
I'm a career Creative Director (Graphic Designer) and remodeler of houses (mostly my own right now) in the spare time I don't have.

12/21/2007, 08:50 PM
I am a car hauler.. hauling mostly test vehicles for GM between Az and Mi.. lotsa down time (2-4 days a week in mi.) but the best truckin job I have ever had.


12/22/2007, 09:05 PM
I'm an automation design engineer. I design and build sport hovercraft as a hobby. Now my hovercraft has to share my spare time with my VX!

12/23/2007, 09:16 PM
huh...I don't think I ever posted on this thread. I'm a commissioned officer in the US Army. I am a tank platoon leader...I own 16 of your soldiers and 4 your tanks, Mr. Joe Taxpayer...

People think Robert Duvall was merely a crazy character in Apocalypse Now...we actually ARE like that...its more tongue in cheek than nutty, I swear. Honest. I'd wear my stetson more than I do now, if it didn't get in the way.

12/23/2007, 10:15 PM
I have heard some crazy things about flight attendants and married pilots away from home... watch out for those guys! But have you noticed yet, party-scene pilots with party pads hosting port to port parties? I know you don't drink, but it still sounds like some good times... ENJOY! :cool:

Most of the pilots are really boring! They don't want to socialize at all!!! So I am usually in my hotel room all alone...missing my VX that has to sit outside in this aweful weather in the Midwest! But stereotypes exist for a reason...so I am sure there are a few out there...

Joe Izusu
12/24/2007, 05:56 AM
Full Time Pastor and Full time Auto Body Tech with GM dealership

don moore
12/24/2007, 09:31 AM
Well I have been off work for about 2 years (the car crash).:mad:
I will be soon going back to work for Symantec(Technical Accounts Manager).:p

12/27/2007, 08:02 AM
Electronics Engineer for the Army for the past 24 1/2 years (now there's job security). Most of that was Night Vision equipment (AN/PAS-13 to Green Suits or Thermal Weapon Sight to CNN watchers). Now I'm working Ground Penetrating Radar for detection of landmines.

Hats off to all VX owners who are military, ex-military or DOD civilians.

12/29/2007, 12:42 AM
I'm a product designer now, but from 21st Jan I'll be a business consultant. Don't worry, I'm not sure how to explain it either... :-)


01/07/2008, 09:46 AM
Well......its my turn for an update. Im still in college, still working on the law juris doctorate. But...

Now instead of being in Risk Management at a large customer service call center sort of place. I am now a banker/loan advisor/mortgage broker.....Which in the end is going to about triple my income and triple my travel distance to work... This comes right in time for me consideirng I have a lot on my plate in the next few months (getting married to say the least)

So this means a few mods are to come in the future.
1. New tire rim set up.
2. Sunroof ?
3. Real tint - hate that mirror crap it came with
4. Dual muff.
5. Supercharger if avail

01/07/2008, 12:00 PM
i'm in the Air Force, I am a C-130 jet engine mechanic

01/07/2008, 09:34 PM
When did c130's get jet engines?:p

01/07/2008, 10:13 PM
When did c130's get jet engines?:p




01/08/2008, 02:33 AM
C-130's are turboprops, they have jets turning shafts, geared down to turn the props. Notice that even with the JATO's firing the tips of the blades were causing vorticies to form in spirals around the engines. I'd take that ride!!

01/09/2008, 06:49 PM
Wow - I just went back and read through pages 8-14 (sorry about all you in 1-7 :bgwo: )

My god we are an eclectic group!

Also there seems to be a fair amount of folks from or in the military (don't know where those damn smilies are with the flags when I need 'em but ... :clap:). (Also, please don't interpret this as any kind of political slant. I very much appreciate all our folks have to do, but hate that they have to do it.)

As for me, I'm just and investment banker in the western US.


01/21/2008, 07:09 PM
I live in NYC working as a security supervisor,but certified as electronic tech

I bought my 1999 astral silver VX on november & looking to begin few customs works on my big toy.

This is a nice site,love it all :p:yeso: