View Full Version : AVIC-N1 Catches Fire!

03/10/2006, 07:10 PM
Well, it smoked, I didn't actually see flames.

I was adjusting the gain on my Tru, CD playing, engine off, and the screen went dead. As I returned to the pilots seat, I smelled burnt electronics. My nose led me to the headunit.

10A fuse blown. I replaced it, and smoke billowed from the fanguard by the output chips. I quickly pulled the fuse.

I'm sending it in for estimate of possible repair. I'm well past any warranty.

John C.

03/10/2006, 08:27 PM
See if they'll let you upgrade to the new N3 that is due out next month - much better mapping and ipod interface. I've got a Z1 on order which has a 30gb drive but it is a double din unit. Sorry to hear of your smoke - we've sold hundreds of them and not had any problems.