View Full Version : CRAWL magazine

03/26/2006, 02:15 PM
While thumbing through my newest issue of CRAWL (http://www.crawlmag.com/) magazine I happened to notice a small advetisement in the rear for Indipendant4x4! Maybe the Zu business will start to pick up! :thumbup:

03/26/2006, 04:18 PM
I just ran out and got the MotorTrend Classic magazine and thumbed through several 4x4 mags while I was at it, including Crawl. I thought you were going to say the VX was in CRAWL too, meaning I missed it and might have to go back out and get that too. LOL!

03/26/2006, 07:47 PM
I just ran out and got the MotorTrend Classic magazine and thumbed through several 4x4 mags while I was at it, including Crawl. I thought you were going to say the VX was in CRAWL too, meaning I missed it and might have to go back out and get that too. LOL!

Not yet but we'll work on it! :naughty:
Someone should invite those guys out to ZuZoo!