E-ZooZoo One
04/17/2006, 10:55 AM
This post will probably contain more information than anyone really needs (or wants) to know - but that’s just how I roll… long-winded to a fault. :sleepgray :yesgray: :razzgray:
A couple of winters ago, while driving the Rodeo in some absurdly slick conditions, I had myself a little encounter with the back of a Ford Explorer… This resulted in some minor body damage, including a nicely cracked front fascia/grill insert.
Last April, Andre (Starchild) was kind enough to supply me with a replacement, which happened to include one of the larger Isuzu emblems ever to grace the nose of a Rodeo (almost the size of the big one that they used on the 1st Gen Troopers). --- This grill has been on honorable display, sitting on a shelf in the back of my garage, awaiting its eventual installation… But since I have to repaint it before it goes on the Rodeo, I’ve kept putting it off. --- Something more important always seems to come along. --- You know how it is.
More recently, since this had already become one of my back-burner projects, I decided to wait a bit longer - pick-up a few more pieces - and do the re-badge ‘Euro-conversion’… turning it into an Opel Fronterra.
Rusty Davis hooked me up with the Opel grill and hood badges, and threw-in a North Carolina “FRONTERRA” license plate to-boot… Now all I need are the ‘Fronterra’ emblems for the fenders and tailgate. --- Sooner or later I’ll Git-er-done.
So what the heck does all of this have to do with my VX?
Well, yesterday evening I was thinking about the Rodeo’s Euro-Conversion, and it occurred to me that I have that nice-big Isuzu emblem sitting in the garage, just going to waste… So I decided to see how much trouble it would be to install it in-place of the not-so-pretty (rock-chipped and worn) miniature OEM Isuzu emblem on the front of the VX.
(* Yeah, I can just hear some of you De-badgers now! :smilewink )
Anyway, because of the molded-in section for the original badge, this isn’t going to be quite as easy as I thought… *If* I end-up doing it, I’ll have to cut a couple of notches into that flat section for the mounting posts on the back of the larger badge to fit… Not too much really, but enough to give me second thoughts about the whole idea - because once it’s done, there’s no going back – and I’m a bit concerned about the overall proportioning with the fangs.
Has anyone ever tried this before – and if so, are there any photos floating around?
A couple of winters ago, while driving the Rodeo in some absurdly slick conditions, I had myself a little encounter with the back of a Ford Explorer… This resulted in some minor body damage, including a nicely cracked front fascia/grill insert.
Last April, Andre (Starchild) was kind enough to supply me with a replacement, which happened to include one of the larger Isuzu emblems ever to grace the nose of a Rodeo (almost the size of the big one that they used on the 1st Gen Troopers). --- This grill has been on honorable display, sitting on a shelf in the back of my garage, awaiting its eventual installation… But since I have to repaint it before it goes on the Rodeo, I’ve kept putting it off. --- Something more important always seems to come along. --- You know how it is.
More recently, since this had already become one of my back-burner projects, I decided to wait a bit longer - pick-up a few more pieces - and do the re-badge ‘Euro-conversion’… turning it into an Opel Fronterra.
Rusty Davis hooked me up with the Opel grill and hood badges, and threw-in a North Carolina “FRONTERRA” license plate to-boot… Now all I need are the ‘Fronterra’ emblems for the fenders and tailgate. --- Sooner or later I’ll Git-er-done.
So what the heck does all of this have to do with my VX?
Well, yesterday evening I was thinking about the Rodeo’s Euro-Conversion, and it occurred to me that I have that nice-big Isuzu emblem sitting in the garage, just going to waste… So I decided to see how much trouble it would be to install it in-place of the not-so-pretty (rock-chipped and worn) miniature OEM Isuzu emblem on the front of the VX.
(* Yeah, I can just hear some of you De-badgers now! :smilewink )
Anyway, because of the molded-in section for the original badge, this isn’t going to be quite as easy as I thought… *If* I end-up doing it, I’ll have to cut a couple of notches into that flat section for the mounting posts on the back of the larger badge to fit… Not too much really, but enough to give me second thoughts about the whole idea - because once it’s done, there’s no going back – and I’m a bit concerned about the overall proportioning with the fangs.
Has anyone ever tried this before – and if so, are there any photos floating around?