View Full Version : Car Shopping

05/01/2006, 11:51 PM
Been checking out the new cars and I've found out they are starting to look more and more the same. I think rather than buying something else I will sell my 99 Ironman and upgrade to a 2001 low milage Ebony VX.
I still get the looks when I drive by people, a lot more than most of the so called new cars are getting.
Man we got the car when not stay with this breed.

05/02/2006, 04:53 AM
I've got an exceptional '01 Dragon up for grabs, under 39K miles and factory warranty remaining. :)

05/02/2006, 06:54 AM
I am in the same boat. Been window shopping for about 6 months now and am finding that everything is the SAME. I am a big fan of the WRX for it's decent fuel economy and performance, but damn do I hate the new body style. Going shopping this weekend to see if I can find a previous year since I like the older body style better. I might even look into the STi since my funds totally allow mr to spend a bit more. ;)

Were I not able to maintain 2 vehicles, I would consider selling my '01 Ebony, but I am in a position where I can hold onto her. The day I get the second car, the VX is going in the garage where she will await transfer to the shop where she can get overhauled. The blower is itching to get installed as well as a few other little treats.

Good luck with your search.

05/02/2006, 06:07 PM
I too have the itch, have for some time. Was feelin' German,but a S2000 would make for a great track day partner. Leaning that way strongly.You have to spend 100g more to get a better handling machine. Someone talk me out of it....Transio? You've been sporting one for some time now. Shove me over the edge.

05/02/2006, 07:02 PM
I doubt he'll recommend an S2000, he's rockin an Elise. Grab one!

05/03/2006, 06:07 AM
Although it sounds like it might be in the wrong vein from this thread (you're only discussing serious sports cars), the wife and I have been ecstatic with the Audi A3 we picked up late last year. It's really good looking, a hoot to drive, and has a phenomenal interior. It zips through and around highway traffic better than my Prelude SH did (and that's saying something!). Just my 2 cents...

05/03/2006, 05:55 PM
Before the Elise, a S2000 was parked in its place for quite a while, I think. The Audi is certainly a fine car, but it would never do for what I want... anyone shopping for a commuter, in that price realm, could do worse for sure. Check the Legacy GT Spec B ...for sure do not miss the new GTI. Two more get to work machines that define fun to drive.Got a GTI in the shop now- pretty special car.

05/03/2006, 09:43 PM
I always heard that the S2000 had handling problems. I never saw many at the track or autocrosses either. I've never driven one, so I dunno.
I wish that I were a foot shorter. My winter project would be a supercharged Miata.

I've been eyeballing a Cosmos Black '98 M3 coupe lately. It deserves some turbo-charged lovin'.

Still keeping the remaining VX though. I've driven it in some sketchy areas, and I never once got the feeling that it would strand me.

05/04/2006, 07:20 AM
Yep, think the big day will be this Saturday. Got a good lump of $$ I can play with so I am ready to roll. May have to end up ordering an STI since few dealers even carry them on the lot around here. There is one on the floor at a dealer here but I dont want that color. Too many blues out there. Thinking maybe white or the charcoal grey.

Gonna start hunting for a dealer who will install the S/C in the VX too. Blow the dust off of that box and get this damned thing done finally.

Ah, and trailers.... need to find something that will work well with the VX and can drag a waverunner on its back.

Yes my friends, it is time to spend money. So nice being single and out of debt.... only to get yourself back into debt without a woman hollaring down your back. ;)

05/04/2006, 08:31 AM
Yes, buy those toys now -because when a wife comes along, there'll be no more.

Go for the Grystal Gray Metallic (If that's what they are still calling it) STI. Definately stay away from Me Too Blue.

05/04/2006, 08:48 AM
Bah, the STI is hot, but Im not feeling the pig nose on the new models. Good choice though.

05/05/2006, 06:59 AM
Been calling dealers to see if they would search their database to see if they could find a NEVER sold '05 cause I dont care so much for the newer front end either, but they arent finding anything. Doesnt surprise me really. I could go used as there are quite a few '05 STi's around that have low mileage, but I have the money available to go ahead and drop 50% down on something new, the scales tip in that favor. I checked on a local place here in Kensington that has 5 STi's on the lot so I think I am gonna drop by tomorrow and check them out.

Oh, check this out. Talked with my insurance company this week about the possible purchase of one and insurance cost. WOW! Let's just say my agent said I may as well be getting a Vette. For a 4banger on roids, the little bugger is considered a weapon, hahaha. ;)

05/05/2006, 07:24 AM
Yes, buy those toys now -because when a wife comes along, there'll be no more.

No offense to anyone but.....screw that! :_wtf:

Reason number 5,601 why I'm never getting married. Unless of course I can find a nice woman who will actually let me live my life instead of dictating it!

You only get one shot while you're here folks. Do what YOU want within reason and have fun doing it!

You don't want to to be 80 years wondering what you shoulda, coulda woulda done :noy:

So, if you have a nice new car in mind that you want to buy and it's in your budget....GO GET IT!!! :yesy:

Sorry for the rant.

05/05/2006, 08:10 AM
I guess that I wasn't being truly fair -if it weren't for my wife, I'd be eating Ramen in a 6 car garage. She keeps my/our priorities straight.

If I were looking back into the Subaru line, I'd go for a Forrester XT or a Legacy GT. Build it up like an STI for a lot less insurance -plus you'd have the cool sleeper effect.
Just a thought in case you can't stomach the new look of the Impreza.

05/05/2006, 08:14 AM
Worm check this... Much nicer that the boy racer STI looks. I think.

05/05/2006, 05:28 PM
That STI carries just a twenty four month Factory warranty. I don't know what "used" does to that. The new one is less attractive, maybe, but it is a better machine in many ways. Do yourself a favor,a big one Drive the Subie, and a new Evo MR. This is important! Call ahead,make an appointment, drive both back to back, then make the move. The Mitsi is sharper, edgier, harder... to the point of being nearly abusive-and for the couple of months it was around the FUNNEST car I've ever driven. The Subie is much more compliant and for most, more livable day to day but somehow just not as engaging IMO. HAVE A BLAST Wayne

05/05/2006, 05:40 PM
Cyrk, would love to wait for fall, but that aint gonna happen. I need a car NOW, unfortunately. :(

Chopper, I have driven both. Mutliple times. IMO, the Scooby was quite easily the winner of the 2 for me. I felt pretty cramped in the Evo and it felt.... unsafe for some reason. I just felt insecure in it. I dont even like sitting in the passenger seat (2 friends have them). That alone didnt allow me to really enjoy the ride at all. I do remember the engine whining like an SOB on acceleration. The one I dove was a buddy's though, and he has put about $10k into it.

The Scooby actually felt more like an everyday ride. The only things that threw me off a bit here the lightness of the car, because I am so used to the VX.... and the constant need to shift, shift, shift, etc. Things I am sure I could get used to.

Anyways, hell, I hijacked this thread. My apologies. *sigh*

05/06/2006, 04:34 PM
Any little four will keep you shifting.Gotta stay on the cam. Yes, the Subaru has quite a bit more suspension travel. Enjoy your Subaru, welcome to the one tenth club. Drive it like you have no sense. Love,Wayne

05/07/2006, 08:13 PM
Proud new owner of an '06 WRX Limited. The Limited package was far more than enough to make me pass up the STi. Leather interior, heated seats/mirrors, etc.... and with the power the WRX already has, I seriously am not gonna miss 300hp and less mpg. ;)

The shifting isnt actually so bad. The VX is the only automatic I ever owned since having my license (1/2 of my life ago), so it was very pleasing getting getting back into the 5speed motion. I am quite in love with the Scooby. The VX is still my #1 though. There is a reason the Scooby is sitting in the rain in the driveway and the VX is nice and dry in the garage right now. ;)

05/08/2006, 06:21 AM
Pics with the VX by it's side please... Congrats and enjoy!

05/08/2006, 07:16 AM
Pics with the VX by it's side please... Congrats and enjoy!

As soon as this lovely wet bucket of weather decides to leave the area, I sure will. Black and blue vehicles.... I think I will call myself, "Team Bruise". :p

05/08/2006, 08:33 AM
Hey Chopper,

Yeah, I had an S2000 for 3 years. I had the old 2.0 liter model. Little higher compression, little less grunt, but a better track car than the 2.2 if you ask me. It was very similar to the Elise in terms of performance, only more subdued. Same VTEC acceleration curve (basically, you have to keep it over 6k rpm at all times), same twitchy handling - pretty significantly less responsive, but you won't ever notice the difference until you drive an Elise. :)

The S2000 is a great car overall. I love the looks - probably one of the most beautiful cars produced in recent years, imo. A future classic design. It's the perfect track car for someone who wants to also get some comfortable road-use in.

The Lotus is not for the faint-of-heart or soft-of-arss. It requires a significant investment of commensurate commodity (literal and figurative) due to difficult (expensive) maintenance, perpetual discomfort, poor visibility, a literal headache on ingress (when you bang your head), and many other quirks that make it what it is.

If you're not sure of your other options, though, you may want to consider the Mini Cooper S, Pontiac Solstice, a used Porsche Boxster S, a used C5 Corvette Z06, or a used '05 Elise. All can be had in the 25-35k range, and all are decent-to-great track cars.

05/09/2006, 06:51 PM
Transio- no front drivers, nix the GTI and Mini. The GM engine in the Solistice/Sky is underwhelming, to say the least. Love the German but the "drop the engine for everything" imperative is a bit much. Yeah, I know it's easy...still. I'm 6' 3" and 185, the Lotus (or even Miata) won't really work, I tried...I really did. Hate you little guys-you get all the good stuff. Back to the Honda. Not so much a compromise as a conclusion. Oh, yeah the Vette. Everyone, really, everyone at our shop has a Vette! The shop itself has one. I began tearing it down two years ago, to do a re-do... lost interest, And it's been eating up a good spot inside ever since. :p Wayne

05/09/2006, 09:19 PM
I'm 6' 3" and 185, the Lotus (or even Miata) won't really work, I tried...I really did. Hate you little guys-you get all the good stuff.Little guys? :D I'm 6'2½ and 220 lbs and I drive my Elise almost every day (with a hardtop on!) - size is not an issue unless you make it one.

You may also want to consider a used Z3 M Coupe (get the 2001 or 2002 with the 315hp S54 engine) - freakin amazing car and you can get a steal on one these days with the Z4 M Coupe being introduced. Oh, and it's styling would really complement the VX well... would make a great stablemate (go black and black!)

05/10/2006, 07:15 AM
I dunno about little, but average? 5'11 and I tend to fit in just about everything. Luck of the draw, as it seems most car designers design around themselevs and most of them must be my height. ;)

I heard that the Elise is actually a VERY roomy car. I have seen them up close and even seen guys taller than me getting in and out of them, so they either deal with the small space or the car will conform to their height. I know that my WRX is slightly on the tight side, even for me, but I also think I prefer to feel a little bit packed into a car cause it makes me feel a little more secure and in control. Too much room and I feel like a hot dog thrown down a hallway (don't think too hard about that one ;) ).

05/10/2006, 08:28 AM
The WRX's seat has mad adjustability -at 6'2", I could put on a helmet and have room to spare.

Which was a nice change from my S14, which forced me to do "the gangster lean" whenever I donned a skid lid.

05/10/2006, 12:16 PM
Ya, the seat is quite adjustable. My only complaint is arm room. I have arms like an ape.... lots of reach. I feel a little impacted on the sides because of that, but I will adapt. Everything else the WRX has to offer more than makes up for that though. It's a little dream. :)

05/10/2006, 04:07 PM
Steve- you must be "gifted'' I've been e-baying 01-02 M coupes for two weeks now. There's a nice one just outside Philly. 30 or so... sounds good. Seems we think alike. Wayne

05/10/2006, 06:51 PM
Seems we think alike.Well DUH!!! People us are one in a million! (VX owners / world population)

05/11/2006, 06:41 PM
There are other colors???? Oh, yeah ... flat black ;Do; ;Do; ;Do;