View Full Version : soot like stuff on the underside

05/10/2006, 07:09 PM
i crawled under the vx today, and was looking around and i noticed a greasy soot like substance on the lowest part of the tranny. upper parrt of case looked brand new, but where the factory "skidplate" for the tranny caused this soot to only get on the lowest part...which made me look closer to the front, and noticed it on the a arms, and it looks to me to start at the cooling fins on what i am thinking is the oil pan.
SO, this is what it looks like full speed.
(i know this isnt the happening, just trying to paint a picture....hang in there)
it looks like a greasy smoke, or very fine greasy mist comes out of these fins, and as you drive the mist gets wider the further back from the fins it gets (are you still with me??) < the point being the fins, the wide part is the back of the truck.

there is not an oil leak that i can tell, and i looked pretty good. and there isnt alot of the substance, it looks like a light fogging from a spray can. parts are only covered on the front part of themselves. lower front of tranny, heaviest on front, lighter on sides, deffinate line from aerodynamics of air around factory skid plate.
I hope this makes sense. i could have just hit something that has this substance in/on it, but i dont think so. its kinda like the exahust is comming out of the fins, and you can imagine how the black would spread back as you drove.
Ill shut up now, i hope you got the idea. and im not real worried, runs and drives incredibly. let me hear something please, maybe i should be worried. someone ease my mind, one way or the other.
Thanks in advance for making it thru this post

05/10/2006, 07:31 PM
Pictures of what you are talking about would be extremely helpful - same for your paint post. Or we could just WAG!

05/10/2006, 07:42 PM
i will try to get pics of all 3 issues tone, but i am glad that you didnt come right out and tell me that the soot meant my engine was gonna drop out on the road!!! lol
will try to get pics
what does WAG mean....i cant figure that one out