View Full Version : has my hood been repainted

05/10/2006, 07:24 PM
ok, not meaning to take up all the space, and different question, different thread....am i doing this right??
i noticed a sanding mark on my hood, and also saw that the maroon paint didnt go all the way under the hood insert. it looked like either isuzu was in a hurry when they painted the hood, or there has been some touch up. the paint looks great, its just in that space where the hood dips down to allow the insert to sit flush, there is a combo of black "primer lookin" paint, and mica red. i am wondering, would the whole hood be painted, and then the insert installed, meaning mica red being solid in color completly under the insert.
hope this one makes sense too.
you guys, and gals are the best.
thank you for all your help

05/10/2006, 07:43 PM
look beneath the internal noise dumper. When I had to replace the hood original was not even painted beneath the noise dumper - there was just grey base coat from the factory - when incert was removed I think there was not much of actual paint also - grey base coat. I think Isuzu was cutting corners on paint..... Look at the original stickers with part number beneath the hood (present ? some pant oversprey ?)

05/10/2006, 07:53 PM
that sounds like what im thinking. the black color isnt even the color of the insert. it is like you say, a grey/black base coat. i was just wondering if we all had this issue.or if it was just me.
even so, I have never been so happy with a vehicle as i have been with this vx.

05/11/2006, 06:41 AM
Isuzu thought if nobody can see there.... why should we bother painting there ??? Can you imagine how much money they will save on paint this way ?

Good luck !

05/11/2006, 09:55 AM
If your hood had been replaced completely, you would more than likely not have the emissions sticker on the underside of the hood, just to the left of where the latch is (unless the person who replaced the hood is anal about stickers, like me, and re-ordered and reapplied the stickers). If you have the emissions sticker, then it's probably Isuzu just cutting corners.

05/11/2006, 06:35 PM
All new parts are coated with a black, satin finish,protective layer. It should be primed then painted. You have a replacement hood, hastily shot by the dealer, or prior owner.OEM and good shops paint ALL surfaces before assembly. Dealerships do not have to disclose any repair under 500 dollars.That would cover a hood damaged in transit or whatever, with the work done in house, and they don't have to say a word- unless you catch them. Wayne

05/12/2006, 05:49 PM
well, i am thinking it was just Isuzu trying to get my vx down the assembly line. i have all the factory sticker on underside of hood, right in the middle. i will still try to post a pic or two. i am probably the only one who will ever notice, but im used to that in my woodworking.
i am just too picky........maybe
when the rain stops , ill post a pic

05/12/2006, 06:15 PM
Rain will never stop :) we had 2 weeks of rain in Boston already !

05/12/2006, 06:30 PM
Its been raining in Chicago for like 3 days now, and it supposed to keep coming until at least Thursday, which sucks, cause I wanted to get my VX washed, waxed and cleaned up....looks like I gotta wait. :(


05/12/2006, 07:54 PM
mine is soooooooooo dirty right now, i can hardly stand it, and yeahh,its upposed to rain like for a week, maybe stop by june.. indy 500 is going to be interesting ....practice, and qualifications are going to be all screwed up.

Raque Thomas
05/13/2006, 08:03 AM
I've had my hood insert off and the noise mat underneath - the hood is completely painted in all of these areas. Me thinks yours may have been repainted......

05/14/2006, 07:33 AM
I've had my hood insert off and the noise mat underneath - the hood is completely painted in all of these areas. Me thinks yours may have been repainted......

When mine was replaced by bodyshop they painted it completely (beneth incert, internal side everything. The original hood from manufacturer was NOT painted benith the insert or noise mat at all. Maybe Isuzu changed prosess from year to year not sure but on my 99 it was like I described and I know for sure it was not painted befor me or damaged in any way I took delivery at 77 miles on odometer.

05/15/2006, 08:18 PM
ok here is what im talkin about,the first pic is of the passenger side, towards front.....second pic is of passenger side front where curve starts to straigten out going towards windshield...........third pic is of same area, edge running parallel to the windshield, running along closesest to windshield,which looks good, nice shine, etc.
the grey spots are not wax....its just that primer looking paint, looks like the red was "fogged over" down passenger side, and front edge, then looks good running up driverside, and along windshield