View Full Version : Ethanol question

05/16/2006, 01:57 PM
Does anyone have any experience running an ethanol mix in these engines? Not talking about a commercially added ethanol from the pumps(if it is even ethanol some states add), I mean adding it manually.

05/16/2006, 02:34 PM
Are you talking about adding Ethanol into your gas tank or have it sprayed(mist) into your Intake?

If sprayed into your intake check this site out:

Ethanal+Water Injection System (http://www.snowperformance.net/proddetail.asp?prod=auto023)

I used a system like this on my '93 Eclipse NA 4G63 and loved the extra HP I had gained from it.

As for Adding to Pump Gas, Dont know, never tried. But did some research before about it, that it will affect your AFR. but ya, I really dont know much about it.

05/16/2006, 02:48 PM
You shouldn't try blending ethanol into your own fuel as they're not miscible under normal circumstances. What you can get at the pump is manufactured under specific processes and making your own could lead to catastrophic results.

05/16/2006, 06:47 PM
Ya, was mainly looking at adding it to the pump. I have just been reading alot of stories in the news lately about cutting fuel costs by making your own ethanol and using it. Hell they even sell the stills commercially now.

05/16/2006, 07:19 PM
You can build your own 190-proof still that'll produce about 7 - 8 gallons per hour for less than $500. You'll need a federal permit for making alternative fuel, which is around $40 to make up to 10,000 gallons per year. The big thing is that you need to convert your fuel system for ethanol, and that's PURE ethanol. With the VX, you'll need to make some plumbing changes to ensure that there are no materials in contact with the ethanol that can be degraded or corroded. Like replacing the seals and such, like injector o-rings, with parts made from Viton. You'll also need to replace the injectors with ones that can flow about 30% more volume than stock.

The OEM ECU should be able to figure the rest out, but then you're limited to traveling no further than you can either return to your fuel source or what you can carry.

You could make similar changes to run on E85, but you can't make that at home. Unless, of course, you're a chemist with a backyard refinery. ;)

05/16/2006, 07:26 PM
Someone I know swears that adding acetone to your gas tank will increase MPG by 20-30%....anyone have any real experience actually using finger nail polish remover? Seriously. :rolleyes:

05/16/2006, 09:30 PM
They just did a Mythbusters episode last week on fuel myths, acetone being one of them. Apparently it manages to help the fuel burn faster and decreased mileage about 10%.

If there really were such secrets out there you can bet an auto or engine manufacturer would be making a mint selling it on a production unit. No conspiracy is that big!