View Full Version : CO people... easy/moderate run Sunday 5/28, care to join?

05/25/2006, 08:44 AM
So, as it seems to me, I just didnt get enough 4LO seat time in Moab as Loco was down for much of the week.

Im hungry for more. I was thinking that I also need to get the canine out and start training him on the trails in the truck and that a short run Saturday would be perfect for that opportunity.

Here is what I am thinking.
WHERE: Slaughterhouse Gulch
WHEN: 5/28/06 @ 9:30A Crow Hill Conoco(Ill probably leave Parker ~8A)
WHAT: 5 rated trail (10 scale) ~ 25 miles south of 470/285 intersection.
WHO: Anyone is welcomed.

Who's in? Need more info, let me know.

05/25/2006, 09:46 AM
AAAARRRRRRRRRRR says I. This is the only weekend I can't go. :mad:

I hope you have fun, and keep us (me) posted on any other planned outings!

05/25/2006, 09:54 AM
nice... Junction is a bit far to come for this run... >;-)~

ALTHOUGH... a few of the group will be in Montrose playing this weekend.

So Biju, and others in the metro area... should be right up your alley.

05/25/2006, 12:30 PM

I would love to go, but I'm bringing the VX to Denver this weekend to have some warranty work done on her. I have a check engine light that won't go away, and the code reader at AutoZone said that it's both of the O2 sensors behind the cats.

Like bimati said, take some pictures and keep me posted on any other outings.

05/25/2006, 12:50 PM
O2s are EASY to replace and those lower two would take all of ~15-20 minutes... hour tops.

So, since this is Sun, seems that you could make it. :p :cool:

05/25/2006, 05:48 PM
i would love to go if it werent for me being absolutely broke from moab, theres no way i could afford the gas of driving for the weekend. gotta drive the acura for a bit to save money and hopefully get back on my feet financially

05/26/2006, 07:40 AM

I could make except that I'll be dropping the baby off on Saturday (when the service department is closed) getting a rental and driving back to Carbondale the same day. Everyone is off Monday, and I want them to do some other work to her while she's staying with them (45,000 mile check up), so I probably won't get her back until next weekend. Anything going on then?

05/26/2006, 08:13 AM
Potentially. Get on the trailseekers list and thats probably the best way to find out about local runs...

05/26/2006, 09:44 AM
Keith, do they have an RSS feed? Maybe I can make a national feed reader that will display the info....

05/26/2006, 10:04 AM
HUH?!?! A RSS what? WTF you talkin about Scott? ENGLISH man, ENGLISH. :p :cool:

Ifn yer talkin bout the trailseekers thing... its just a yahoo groups/email list type thing.

05/26/2006, 10:16 AM
K I'll go find out for myself.... Sorry, sometimes I forget, I speak geek to much.