View Full Version : Starter dying?

05/29/2006, 11:48 AM
The starter is acting funny after a night of sitting, turn the key all I will hear is a click. After two or three tries it starts up though. I've also had it happen two or three times that it will start but the solenoid would not retract the gear and you can hear the starter spinning after the engine is running. Some times for 5 second sometimes for a good 30 seconds. It does start with out a problem though if it was driven earlier in the day.

I don't think it's the battery because there's none of that slow starting or whining. Should I just get a new starter?

05/30/2006, 05:00 PM
This sounds more like your ignition switch is sticking to me, try spraying some lubricant/cleaner like a wd40 in the ignition keyway see if that helps. May want to let it air dry a bit before you attept to start afterwards though to let the wd40 evaporate some. You may have to remove the ignition to really get the cleaner where it needs to get. Do you have remote start on your car by chance? If so does it do it then also?

05/30/2006, 05:02 PM
I dont think its the starter though since its only doing what its suppose to do when there is 12volts going to it. The problem is going to be a relay/ignition problem I believe.

EDIT: sorry misunderstood I think, rereading it you mention the starter is not retracting. Now that I read it paying attention this time, if the starter is just free spinning and not retracting then yes its definatey the starter when could probably be cleaned and lubed and be just fine. However if its not disengaging because its getting 12v still then my other suggestions stand.

05/30/2006, 08:46 PM
Cleaning/lubing the starter? I'll look into that. The ignition isn't sticking, sorry for that poor explanation, I really wasn't sure how to pose the question. Couldn't really explain it properly. When the starter failed to retract I turned off the engine and started it back up several times before it actually retracted properly.
But that only happend twice. Now it is mainly that I when I turn the key there's a *click* the solenoid popping the starter out and nothing, try it couple more times and it fires up.

I am kinda confused on why it'will take several tries to start initially, but starts right up later in the day after being driven. I will video tape the shenanigan tomorrow on my cell phone and post it.

I thought maybe the solenoid is on it's way out or maybe something in the circuit is losing it's legs like the ballast(don't even remeber what that does)?

05/30/2006, 09:06 PM
Volume, k, it sounds like the plunger is sticking, probably due to road grime etc. Take some carb aerosol cleaner, spray the plunger, spring, etc down real good after you have taken it apart. Apply a light layer of silicone grease to the inside sleeve, should work good as new again.

06/02/2006, 06:36 PM
Ok , I went ahead and got a "new" to me starter from a salvage place and threw
it in.

I opened up the "bad" starter and I am pretty sure i could've gotten away with just replacing the contacts in the solenoid. But since the plunger did stick, a coat of grease would be necessary too. And now I just found this site http://www.off-road.com/toyota/tech/starter/index.html. The solenoid assembly from that Toyota is almost identcial to the Isuzu one.

So if you're having a problem where starter will click and not turn over until a couple more tries, give this a try first before dropping $$$ on a starter. Mine only cost me $80 but the new one's from isuzu are +$230.

08/20/2013, 02:45 AM
This is exactly what has been happening to me. How can I get at the plunger to clean out without removing the starter?

Scott Larson
08/20/2013, 09:23 AM
Yup, same problem pj and no, you'll have to get the starter out...patience and nimble fingers and you'll have it out, no sweat. OK, maybe a little sweat and some skun knuckles and a few choice curse-words but you'll get it out and on the bench. :_mecker: :_brickwal :smack:

08/20/2013, 01:04 PM
exact same thing happened to mine - it was the starter - brand new bosch starter i got mine for $140 i cant remember where from but this is what it looks like:


08/20/2013, 01:36 PM
Is there any tricks to getting this puppy off. Or am I in for a fun night all together.

08/20/2013, 01:50 PM
Before removing starter...

...try hitting starter casing with a hammer.

Not full on destructive hitting..but more than a tap....:smack:

This often works to free up plunger/bendix etc.


08/20/2013, 06:00 PM
There are no tricks to it. I wish there were. I wasted a bunch of time thinking I could go through a wheel well and no dice. YOu have to drop the exhaust and just dive in. The only helpfull tip I wish someone would have told me is that it was a bit easier to twist the starter upside down to get it out (after disconnecting the wiring of course). This goes for install too. Make sure you order new exhaust gaskets too before you do the replacement because yours will crumble apart once you undo the exhaust....OK, make that 2 hints I wish I had known.

08/21/2013, 07:49 AM
i just paid my exhaust guy $75 to do it all for me (labor and new exhaust gaskets) - if i thought i could have done it myself without ruining something else and driving back and forth to the auto parts store 5 times i would have

08/21/2013, 10:17 AM
Just broke down an took it to the shop next door to mine. Since he couldn't even find the vehicross on his computer he just charged me the labor rate for a trooper since I had the new starter. Almost feel bad for the guy lol

08/21/2013, 02:12 PM
130 and they had it in and out in under 2 hrs. Having a lift must be nice... Lol

08/22/2013, 06:18 AM
130 and they had it in and out in under 2 hrs. Having a lift must be nice... Lol

awesome glad you got it fixed!

10/07/2013, 12:15 PM
Recently developed a similar problem. Occassionally it will click and not start. Then, if I finess the key to just the right spot, I can get it to engage. At first I thought this was the ingnition switch but it has to be the starter since all the electrics function. It's been doing this for a while... anyone know how long before it craters completely or might it just stay this way indefinitely?

Not looking forward to getting under there and having to mess with my half-corroded exhaust first nor do I have a good way to lift it up . Anyone know of a shop in Denver they would trust?

10/07/2013, 01:29 PM
Mine did it for about 2 months before it actually let me down, but that is pot luck and might be an expensive ride home.
Also, when mine did fail, it was stuck engaged, so the starter was cooked by the time I realised there was smoke coming from somewhere.
Lucky it did not catch fire.

Don't leave it too long.


10/07/2013, 04:16 PM
Thanks. Guess I'll have to bite the bullet. Only one remaining ISUZU service center in Denver... clear across town. If I'm going to crawl under there, I should do it before the weather turns.

06/01/2014, 04:24 PM
So, what size exhaust gasket do I need ? part#, something helpful. Turns out I can unbolt the starter and remove the wiring in about 10mins. But, can't seem to get the pos out.