View Full Version : Tone this is for you

Todd Adams
06/02/2006, 07:39 AM
This clip is for Tone but I thought everyone else would enjoy it as well. You should be rolling on the floor by the time it is over. ;)

06/02/2006, 08:08 AM
OMG!!! Can I say wimp!!!!!! Only 10 bucks to die?? It wasn't that bad was it Tone?.. I wanna do it next year!

06/02/2006, 08:14 AM
you do it I'll do it.



06/02/2006, 08:52 AM
Wow! Great video. I heard there was a lot of room on top to turn around. Did that guy not go all the way to the top? How are we going tom get 7 VXs up there? Think about what a great picture thayt would make!

Biju,you do it, I'll do it.:winky:

06/02/2006, 08:53 AM
Oh! so, this is all based on me... Huh? Bring a change of shorts if you need them.. Cuz we gonna do it!!

06/02/2006, 09:38 AM
For those who don't have the time to watch the entire 18 minutes of video here is the summary...
Starts to drive, begins whinning before he even gets to the start...starts to climb..."I'm so scared"..."I'm so scared"..."I'm so scared" 100 more times...breath as if you are running beside the jeep not driving it...add in a few "i'm insane's"...turn around...I'm so scared"..."I'm so scared" 100 more times..."I have balls of steel" (editors note: Yeah right)...I'm so scared"...pray to god..."I'm so scared"...get out, change underwear! :laughy: :laughy:
Wonder if he had one of those "you wouldn't understand" stickers?

06/02/2006, 09:40 AM
The big challenge.. Dare him to do it with a stocker!

06/02/2006, 10:05 AM
I seriously gave consideration to it this year, but backed out when Mark and I helped Tone up and down...

why? it's a confidence issue... I have a (chickenlittle) *need* to see another VX do it first to gain confidence in my team (The Dragon & myself). Remember - I'm still relatively new to off road adventures!...

It's TOTALLY doable, but tapping into a *wee bit* of insanity is a must! :eek: :eek: :eek:


06/02/2006, 10:15 AM
You know I'm CRAZY!!!! :disturbed
We'll warm up this summer

06/02/2006, 10:28 AM
While watching, I kept waiting & waiting for the "hand of doom" to reach down from on high & "thin out the herd"...but alas, no such luck.
His constant sniveling made the vid. more scary to watch than the actual experience probably was. :rolleyes:
Favorite quote has gotta be: "I'm not showing this video to my insurance company." No S#!+ !

06/02/2006, 11:07 AM
WOW - that was intense!!

Yeah, he was whining a little, but when he was pointing straight up at the sky on the way up and then straight down at the ground... HOLY FASHIZZLE!!!

So Tone made it up there in his MB? Have any VXs tried it yet?

06/02/2006, 11:14 AM
Watching it now. What's cracking me up is how the camera's shaking when he's out of the Jeep showing the landscape.

LMAO: "I still have all my bodily fluids in me..."

"I'm gonna have nightmares for the rest of my life. I'm gonna want to sell my jeep..."

"Get me the HELL off this thing..."

"I'm locking the rear axle. Because someone on the forum said to do that when you came down this."

Like his own common sense couldn't tell him to do it?

"You can do this. You can do this Micah. Because you have balls of steel! And you're stupid."

"Okay. Another few hundred feet to go, you can get out and cry like a baby..."

Thanks for the entertainment!

06/02/2006, 11:20 AM
I'll bring my camcorder next year... we should do a spoof of this vid! It'll help ease that feeling of CERTAIN DEATH!... and make for even more good times.



Todd Adams
06/02/2006, 11:29 AM
[QUOTE=VehiGAZ]WOW - that was intense!!

Yeah, he was whining a little, but when he was pointing straight up at the sky on the way up and then straight down at the ground... HOLY FASHIZZLE!!!

When in Moab much of your time is looking straight up to the sky or at the ground. We do much steeper stuff than this on most of our trails. The only thing that makes Lionsback scary is the drop off on either side of the fin.
The word is, Lionsback and Dump Bump have been sold to a housing developer and this year may be the last that they are accessible.
I did try to talk Linda into it this year. Because it goes nowhere and accessing it from the backside is really life threatening since there have been fatalities, we have never done it, but for various reasons she refused even knowing it may be closed for good. Just for the record we have never ever done something just to say we did it and this is part of the reason she refused not because she is scared of it. We have never done Potato Salad Hill for the same reason.

06/02/2006, 06:18 PM
I usually don't watch this crap, but that was worth every second of the 18 mins.. I don't want any of that time back. Thanx

06/02/2006, 07:12 PM
Looks pretty scary, but man...

I used to throw people out of airplanes and they didn't cry like that...

06/02/2006, 07:38 PM
So, what grade is Lions Back, and if you say its a 3.5 I'M NOT COMING!!!!

06/02/2006, 07:49 PM
They should use this video in a Jeep commercial. One of those only in a Jeep commercials. Because if your gonna wine and cry like that it should be ONLY IN A JEEP ! ;) ;) ;) shawn

06/03/2006, 01:48 PM
Didn't look that bad except right at the end. I'm sure it's worse actually doing it, but why couldn't a stocker do that? And it's not THAT narrow. It's a good thing he didn't die doing that. Imagine them recovering the tape somehow and he's left behind that whimpering legacy. LOL!

06/03/2006, 08:55 PM
Now this guy would have had a keepsake in his pants.
I would have...


(hope the link works for a while)

06/04/2006, 08:21 PM
Todd, the link doesn't work.... temporarily?

06/05/2006, 07:24 AM
... but why couldn't a stocker do that? ...

I'm sure a stock Jeep or a VX could do Lion's Back with no problems.. It's a confidence thing more than anything. A modified vehicle almost always give more confidence.

06/05/2006, 08:27 AM
Wow.... I want to punch that guy just for his whining. Do it and shut up. Next time you go out for some adventures, pick up a 6 pack of SELF CONFIDENCE!!!!

06/05/2006, 10:09 AM
I don't believe I uttered a word up or down the fin as I was too busy focusing on the task at hand. My chest and arms were sore from hanging onto the wheel. It is not a technical trail but video or pictures will never do justice to the difficulty.

Biju was ok with me doing it while we stood at the bottom but once we started just walking it, he quickly changed to 'I don't think you should do this....". The VX would do fine on this with aired down tires and a calm driver as evidenced by a stock Merecedes with street tires and open diffs.


06/05/2006, 10:33 AM
Biju was ok with me doing it while we stood at the bottom but once we started just walking it, he quickly changed to 'I don't think you should do this....".

Pictures and vids will NEVER do this obtacle justice. I highly suggest to anybody who wants to attempt this to walk it first... You'll see exactly what I was thinking... It's totally disorientating and messes with your mind!!

Alas, it's doable. I've got just under 12 months to psych myself up for it...


p.s. Tone, I still have pictures that Chris took - I'll get you them as soon as I can....

06/05/2006, 10:41 AM
isn't that obstacle the same one that the bronco took a plunge down when its brakes gave out?

06/05/2006, 10:46 AM
Yup, and there are pictures at the office of other who have not made it and the remenants of a blue Toyota fatality can still be seen in the crevasse. Lisa wanted me to look at them BEFORE I made the ascent - I chose not to....

06/05/2006, 10:50 AM
Certainly seems like something not to tackle if you're not experienced or afraid of heights.

06/05/2006, 10:52 AM
1. With a good spotter to keep you on the line this would not be to tough. :smack:
2. Tone, your camera person needs a tripod! :laughy:
3. Propper music selection is vital! :bwgy:

06/05/2006, 12:48 PM
...There was also that old video ('91 I think) of a full size Blazer/Suburban that lost its brakes on the way down. It went off the opposite side of the back as the Toyota -pretty nasty.

Everyone lived.

06/05/2006, 01:29 PM
Man I watched all 18 minutes of it and I thought for sure the climax was gonna be him rolling his jeep...damn.


06/05/2006, 04:09 PM
Well I'm sure the vid doesn't do it justice. After all, there are some off-roading things I've done in my VX that I was kinda proud of that looked positively benign in the photos of it. These weren't dangerous things, but difficult things. Pics just can't say it all some times.

Todd Adams
06/05/2006, 06:20 PM
Yup, and there are pictures at the office of other who have not made it and the remenants of a blue Toyota fatality can still be seen in the crevasse. Lisa wanted me to look at them BEFORE I made the ascent - I chose not to....
There was not a fatality involved with the toy still in the crack. Some broken bones and it took a major effort from the search and rescue squad to get them out. I am sure I could find the photos of the extraction. The only fatality that I know of on Lionsback was a number of years ago a couple of kids from West Valley City took a plunge off the north end (also in a Toyota). They were trying to come down the backside. No one saw it happen but they ended up in the alley next to Lionsbask that I often use to come off of Hell’s Revenge. Some folks found them long after they had taken the plunge. People do the backside all the time but you wont get me to do it. Rick Russell has a video out called Moab Extreme that you can purchase on line from his web site where they do the backside. In fact it starts to snow while they are on top.

06/05/2006, 06:54 PM
Nice website Todd, looks like a blast. Unless I misread it, I believe Tone was talking about the toyota being the fatality.

06/08/2006, 05:49 PM
I never heard a bigger wuss in my life. That guy should have jumped off at the top! At least he got out there and did the "obstacle" though. I don't think Lion's Back is that bad at all. I have seen a guy do Lion's Back in a stock Wrangler in reverse - YEAH! He revved up it faster than this guy broke a sweat. He didn't have to turn around at the top though he just put it in 1st and drove back down. I have even seen three 19 y.o. girls in a Defender 90 do it without a second thought. I didn't own a VX when I did it - I was in a nice CJ but then I rode up with my buddy in his nearly stock Cherokee without trouble.

I was there when that Toyota went into the crevasse - you could hear the passengers screams echoing out of it from where I was on Hell's Revenge. At the time, rumor had it the guy who was spotting the driver... was nicknamed "Stoopid". Would you let him spot you?

07/25/2007, 06:03 AM
I made it about 7 minutes into this video. Could benefit by cutting the getting out of the vehicle time. Also doing the commentary after the video shoot because by the time I finally turned it off I was rooting for gravity

07/25/2007, 09:13 AM
Now this guy would have had a keepsake in his pants.
I would have...


(hope the link works for a while)

Wow... that is some quick thinkin....

02/28/2008, 05:35 PM

With Moab on the near horizon, what better time to review this homage' to whimpering...:razzgray:


What a legacy...

02/28/2008, 07:07 PM
it says 404 not found dubster:(

02/28/2008, 07:12 PM
it says 404 not found dubster:(

Sorry etl, I think it's fixed now.


02/28/2008, 10:22 PM
Thanks! I saw this AFTER I did LB and he was full of himself for sure. It was intense and it didn't help when Biju, Jay and Lisa who had said they'd at least ride with me up there, backed out, told me repeatedly I shouldn't do it. Lisa even wanted me to go look at the list of people who had crashed/died there! Go to Google Video and search for ML55 and you can see it from inside the ML and hear the chatter on the radio when Lisa is sure I'm gonna crash. There is also a video that 4x4 TV shot (and aired on the Outdoor Channel) of the ML on a trail - and Todd, you're in it too!

My chest was sore from holding onto the wheel so tight and I was covered with sweat when I got down (which was the worst part) even though I had the AC on full. The guys were great spotters and they made it much easier to stay calm - almost like having Todd talk you through an obstacle!

I would have thought the Toy was a fatality by the looks of it but then again the Bronco going off the other side didn't kill those people either and I'm not sure it was new enough to have airbags. Todd certainly knows the history of the area and that only one of the great things when you have him as a trail leader - make sure you are on a run with him if you go! If you ask Todd, he'll tell you it isn't that hard and was is just another trail. But then again he spots and wrenches for Giggling Granny and that may be scarier - ask him to post a link to wherever that video lives.

02/29/2008, 05:16 AM
Too bad you're not gonna make it to Moab this year Tone, that'll be a black mark on your attendance record.

No soup for you.:razzgray:

http://video.google.com/url?docid=-4756782752190132979&esrc=sr7&ev=v&len=68&q=ml55%2B%2Bvideo&srcurl=http%3A%2F%2Fvideo.google.com%2Fvideoplay%3 Fdocid%3D-4756782752190132979&vidurl=%2Fvideoplay%3Fdocid%3D-4756782752190132979%26q%3Dml55%2B%2Bvideo%26total% 3D72%26start%3D0%26num%3D10%26so%3D0%26type%3Dsear ch%26plindex%3D6&usg=AL29H22nScqqx9DCEft6lVc7o2BxrTZVuQ